[xxvii] Pretty eyes

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Jungkook's POV

With my unstable steps , I ran in search of  them in the terrace as the hyungs were searching other possible places where they could be .

What sins have we done to be struck in such a situation .. their lives are at stake . I've to save both of them , no matter what .

Jk: Ohh jimin hyungggg
I let a deep sigh as I found Jimin hyung on the terrace . I'm sure Tae hyung is with him . Now I've to rush ..

Jm: Jungkook? What happened ?? Look at your state . You're gasping so much .

Jk: hyungg .. I have no time to explain . Talk to Jin hyung , he's probably in the ground floor .

As I was talking , Tae hyung approached us

Tae: Jungkookah when did you come here?

Jk: h-hyung .. how are you ? Is everything alright ??

Tae: umm yeah .. but I should be the one asking you that .

Jk: hyung we've to go to a place urgently . Please don't ask any questions. Just come with me ..

He just nodded his head and followed me .

Jin hyung had called one of the driver and he was already there , waiting for us .

Hobi hyung , Tae hyung and me quickly sat in it and the driver drove in the max. speed .

Tae: omg .. tell him to slow down . Why are you people in such a hurry .

Hobi: that shouldn't be a trouble to you .. Taehyungah .. do you remember how fast you were driving in the past ? When we were mafias

Tae: m- mafias ? I don't understand what you're trying to tell hyung ..

Hobi: don't you remember your first love ? The one you were working under ? She was technically your leader .. but you were the one who taught her everything .. from using weapons to deal with enemies ...A to Z.. everything . In that process you both fell in love and-

Tae: Y/n
He mumbled in a low tone .

Jk: what ?? Yes yes .. you remember her ?

Tae: what ? Who ? Whom do I remember?

Hobi: shush it . Don't disturb us Jungkook . His subconscious mind is being activated .. he may even get unconscious .. Be calm .

Jk: ok ok .. sorry hyung .

I just realised Hobi hyung was drawing circles and other weird things on hyung's hands.

Hobi: ok .. so Taehyung ..

He continued revealing events of his past and I was sweating in fear thinking about what condition he could end up in .

Tae: ahhh

He held his head and groaned in pain .

Jk: hyungg

Hobi hyung just covered my mouth , signalling me to keep quiet .

Hobi: try to remember Tae .. she's the one you've been loving and living for . You write your diary in the sense of conversation with her isn't it ?

Tae: she .. Y/n .. ahh hyung my head aches .. I can't tolerate..

Hobi: yes Y/n .. do you remember how she looks?

Tae: who's she ? I don't remember ..
Pretty eyes ..

I just turned aside not able to see hyung in pain .
Hobi hyung tapped my shoulder and whispered

Hobi: show a picture of Y/n .. quickly

I did as he said .

Hobi: Taehyungah .. look here .. she's the love of your life .. your Y/n

Tae: ahhh ..

He slowly tried to open his eyes which he shut tightly due to pain .

Tae: Y/n??
My love ?
My Unexpected love
Where's she ?
Y/n ??


He screamed louder than ever . We both were hella worried .. Hobi hyung stopped speaking further and massaged his head .

Tae: where are we hyung ??
He asked forgetting about the topic .

Hobi: umm .. we're just going to meet one of our clients .

Tae: hyung my head hurts . I'm just get some sleep . Wake me up when we reach .

Hobi : yeah sure .

He fell asleep in no time .

45/60 mins

Jk: hyung what the hell just happened ? Did he get his memory back or not ?

Hobi : I have no idea .. let's see when he wakes up .

55 / 60 mins

The driver stopped the car near some dark building .

Driver: sir we've reached .

Jk: ok .. take hyung back home . I think the other driver is already on his way . Make sure he reached this place .

Hobi: what whyy? Let me come with you . I can't just leave you both alone .

Jk: hyung that Seon has told us to come alone . I don't wanna take risk.
So don't worry about us . I'll take care . Trust me .

Hobi: I trust you Jungkookah .. but we don't even know how many people are in there .

Jk: hyung I can take care of it . Just go home safely .

Hobi: mm.. keep us updated .

Jk: okay

I woke Tae hyung up and he seemed to remember nothing about Hobi hyung's words.
I just hope everything will be alright when he sees Y/n .

With his countless questions , we entered that building . There were many gaurds and one of them quickly called someone . Maybe Seon , to inform him that we're here .

They guided us to the place were Seon was .

Tae: why are our clients in such a place ? Nasty .. we're not gonna accept they're proposal isn't it . Lets just go back . I hate it here . It's creepy
He whispered

Jk: hyung first impression is not true always . Let's give them a chance .

Tae: I'm sure their boss is as nasty as this place itself .

Jk: True ..
I thought in my mind

Guard: go in .

As we were entering the massive hall with a huge door , another gaurd from afar shouted .

Gaurd 2 : hey idiot did you check if he has any weapons ??

Gaurd: ah shit .

By the time he could get hold of us , I quickly grabbed hyung's hands and locked the door from inside .

We ran inside , it was completely dark in there . I saw a lit room a few steps ahead . We walked towards it .

Tae: are we on a mission ? Who are we fighting against ?

I was shook by his question . So his memory pertaining to mafia was back . His voice was as dark as before which just freaked me for a second . His deep tone could scare anyone .

Jk: yes hyung . He has taken something which is very valuable and dear to you .

Tae : how dare he ? I'm not gonna spare him .
By the way what has he taken ?? I don't seem to remember anything .. something's weird with me .

~To be continued...

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