[xxv]Who are you?

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Y/n's POV

What ? Who are they ? I feel I've met one of the them before .. but I can't remember when and where ...but I've surely met . And the other two .. I don't know .. but they all look creepy , smirking ..but why are they here? where's Taehyung .. did they harm him?

Omg nooooo...

Tears were already rolling down my eyes , guilt was replaced by extreme fear. It's almost time for his surgery .. where's he ? How's his condition ? What have these men done to him?

The familiar one stopped smirking and spoke .

??: Hey why are you crying ? I haven't even done anything to you yet ..

To me ? What does he mean ?

Y/n: Where's Taehyung?!

??: Ohh so that's the matter .. don't worry sweety. We've done nothing to him . The security around him is intense . I kept trying for years and could do nothing . That Daniel has appointed the topmost skilled bodyguards around him all the time . So now we've come up with a wonderful plan .. guess what ?

Y/n: W-what ? What are you talking ? Who are you? Why are you trying to harm us

At first I thought they're some business enemies but after he revealed his identity I was stunned .

??: Don't remember me ? I'm Seon Geon Wu .. we met in Dr. Lee's place remember ? Seems like you've won the competition and got your love back .. but I don't think that's fair isn't it ?

Y/n: What do you mean ? Why are you behaving like this?

Seon: I've lost my brother , the dearest person in my life, the one who gave me whatever I wished for , who always kept me happy , even at the cost of sacrificing his own happiness .. and YOU

The way he started to raise his voice startled me and made me flinch

Seon: YOU .. YOU KILLED HIM . You killed my brother , my only family . At first I thought I would just find you and kill to take my revenge and you've also lost your love , I wanted to show some mercy on you . But no , you've got him , your happiness ... That's not fair . You should suffer too , you should experience the long lasting pain of mine . So I'm gonna get that Taehyung and kill him again in front of you eyes , this time no one can stop him from dying in my hands , he's gonna come for you.

Those dagger like words of his kept piercing my heart even more .
As he was speaking , some other person dressed in all black entered the room panting

Man: B-bosss boss

Seon: What the hell is wrong with you . Why are you interrupting me ?

Man: Boss .. Ki-Kim Taehyung isn't here. Seems like what we heard was all fake news . We all tried to take a glance at them .. Me and Junseok just peeked into the actual room where Kim had to be , but we saw Jeon Jungkook , Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok .. they were all speaking to eachother . We heard few of their words .. They were like..

(Jh: I just hope Y/n doesn't find out that this is all fake news before she comes here ..

Jk: yes hyung .. i think she should have come by now .. it's already 2:30 . I'm losing hope now .

Jin: it's ok guys , don't panic . Let's think positive .. she's gonna come . Let's wait )

That's it .. just after that Junseok was caught by their bodyguard . He was trying to manage there and I just escaped from there to inform you

Seon : Omg .. what the hell ? We all got fooled ? Why the hell have they even done this .. I don't understand what shit had happened between this woman and that Kim . Anyways I think they're gonna make Junseok spill the truth about our plan . Let's just escape from here to that place asap . Get this woman with us . Executive Plan B

Even before I could try to save myself , one of them covered my nose with napkin sprayed with chloroform which made me unconscious within seconds due it is high concentration .

Jungkook's POV

I was getting impatient and wanted to get out of this room and search for Y/n . But I stayed on Jin hyung's compulsion. In the midst of our waiting , one of our gaurds came dragging someone who's brutally injured .. or maybe punished.

Jk : who's he ?

Guard: sir I caught him peaking into this room . He doesn't answer any of my questions properly .

Jk: you better tell who you are
I asked staring at his eyes .

Junseok: I- I was just passing by . I'm being falsely accused .

Jk: nonsense . You think my men are fools ? You still have time . Spill it out.
This time I held his throat , threatening to choke him if he didn't speak the truth .

Junseok: I *cough* I telling the *cough* truth .. I don't know who *cough* you all are

Guard: sir I've tried all ways .. he isn't telling anything .

Jk: He's of no use.

Jh: guys I think he and the reason for Y/n's delay are related .

Jin: Ya .. I was thinking the same .

Hearing their words , I couldn't stop but worry about her. I ran out of the room and went towards the receptionist . But the woman there wasn't the one we spoke to earlier .

Jk: who the hell are you ? Where's the other one who was here an hour ago?
I asked furiously

Woman: A- ah sirr her shift is over . So I- I'm here .

Jk: what bullshit .. anyways show me the cctv footage .

Woman : umm ... a- actually the power is gone .. the generator is not connected to cctv cameras

Jk: you are getting on my nerves . I don't believe you . Show me the footage .

She showed it and I could see was blank screen .

They bloody turned the cameras off !

Jin: Jungkook wait .
Do you have your ID card ?

Woman: -uh sir actually I lost it on my way today .. I'll have to get a new one .

Jk: YOU-

Before I would get my anger out , hobi hyung dragged me away from her .

Jh : wait .

Jk: hyung she's a fraud ..

Jin : yes .. and I think this is all planned . She , that guy and Y/n .. everything's connected ....
There's some plan on top of our plan . I feel someone has trapped her . She would probably have come to meet Taehyung .

~To be continued...

Heyy readers!! Where's Y/n? Any idea?
Comment and let me know what you think .
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See you next week :))


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