[xxvi] Return of Seon

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Jk's POV

I was fuming with anger and at the same time hella worried about Y/n .
Who's involved in all of this ?

I asked few people who were in the corridor if they've seen Y/n by showing her photo . But no one has seen .
I didn't give up , I kept asking everyone ,our gaurds were also trying all the ways until we met an old man who told

Man: I've been here from a few hours now , waiting for my grandson's operation to complete . An hour ago or so , I've seen a lady . She was very tensed and spoke to the receptionist . But I don't know if she's the one you're looking for as she was fully masked , so I couldn't look at her face properly .. but it seemed like her.

Jin : where did she go after that conversation?

Man: Aa.. i think she'd gone to that room ..
He pointed towards room number 312.

Jin: thank you so much sir .

Man: no problem . Hope everything's fine with her .

We three quickly ran to the room he mentioned but it was empty . Emergency exit was open and the room was fully messed up.

Jh: oh my god . Seems like someone kidnapped her .

Jin: but who ? She doesn't have any enemies right now .. does she ?

Jh: I don't know hyung .

I couldn't understand what's happening ..why would anyone kidnap her ? She'd disappeared for a long time now and she come after so long . Yet we couldn't make her meet V hyung . Who are these new people messing with us again .

Our gaurds somehow managed to track the car number . It was seen in the cameras of the neighbouring hotel . We tried to extract details of the car owner .. and it turned out to be ..

Seon Geon Wu ???
He's Seon Hyun Wu's younger brother ... Shit .. so he's the one who kidnapped Y/n .. but why ?? What does he want from her ?

Jh : what happened Jungkook who's car is it ?

Jk: Seon ..

Jin, Jh : what????

Jk: yess .. Seon's younger sibling..

Without wasting any second , I called up Daniel and asked him to track down the location of Seon's number . It was a peice of cake for us to do that .. we just need the number and we could find out the whole biography of a person in seconds .

Around 30 minutes later , just when I was about to lose my patience , I got a call from Daniel .

On the call

Daniel: boss .. we got his location . I'll share it to your number , it'll guide you to his location

Jk: finally ! What took so long ??

Daniel: boss actually his details were so much protected that we couldn't easily hack it .. we tried a lot of ways and research and finally we tracked him . By the way any emergency? Whose number is it ? His personal details are still not disclosed here .

Jk: It's Seon Geon Wu .. send our people to that location . I'll be going there ...

Undoubtedly he was shocked .. but he didn't ask any further questions . He just followed my orders .

Jk: hyung you both stay back .. I'll go and bring Y/n ..

Jin: what ?? You wanna go alone ? Are you insane ? We don't even know what he's upto , how many gaurds he's got etc etc..

Jk: hyung .. as if it's my first time .

Jin: but still .. it's dangerou-

Jk: unknown number
I mumbled as I received a call while he was speaking .

Jin: must be Seon ..

I picked it up without thinking much .

On the call

??: Ohh hiii~ Jungkoook
He greeted in a provoking way which made my already heated blood, boil

Jk: tf Seon .. what's your problem ? Why have you kidnapped Y/n ??? What has she done to you .

Seon: woah calm down Jeon .. why do you wanna speak everything on a mere phone call ? Let's meet . I think I don't have to share my location right ? See you in an hour with your hyung.

Jk: wait what ? hyung ??

Seon: That Kim... Taehyung guy


Jk: w-what .. why do you want me to bring him ? I'll come alone .

Seon: na na na .. the main character is him . Even if you don't come I don't mind . I want him and only him , in an hour .. no guards ,no other funny characters . Or else I don't know what I'm gonna do to this sleeping beauty here .

I was fuming with anger now .. at the same time hella worried . Tae hyung's mind is already not stable .. Jimin hyung is somehow trying to keep him fine and unaware of the fake news .. but why does this bastard want me to bring him ? What's gonna happen to hyung if he sees Y/n .. what'll be his state ?

Jh: Jungkookah what happened? What did he tell?

Jk: he wants to meet V hyung ..

Jh: whattt??? Why ?? No way he can see Y/n all of a sudden like that . His mind and memories aren't stable .. we've to first make him remember her and then gradually show her pictures , and maybe then he can meet her . But he meets her directly , his memories may just flush at once .. I can't tell what'll follow later on

Jk: but hyung .. that Seon wants him mainly .. please do something .. we have only an hour .. Y/n's in danger .
Try to tell him something about Y/n so he's ready to meet her . We can't risk her life, hyung's too .. please do something hyung .

Jh: shit .. what situation they're stuck in . Why is fate making them suffer so much ...
I'll give my best .

With that we three rushed to Tae hyung's home , hoping he's doing fine with Jimin hyung's company ..

15/60 mins later ..

We literally had no time to waste . I hurried in search of those both . We just have another 10 to 15 mins and in that time hobi hyung has to talk to him .

We were searching for Tae hyung and Jimin hyung . They weren't in his room , in the hall nor in the garden .. I tried calling Jimin hyung but he's not answering ..

Where are they both right now ????

Jk: Hyunggg!!!!!!!

I was screaming on top of my lungs , worried and terrified of what may follow..

~To be continued...

Heyy amajin ! Thanks for reading.. Hope you enjoyed reading this part .. if yes , don't forgot to vote , share and comment . Let me know what could be improved if not .
See you again , next week!

Borahae 💜

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