[xxiv] Make it right

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The next day..

Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes , waking up again in the same dark underground chamber . I'd now lost all my hopes of light to my life .. but ironically I live with the kindest lady , Jung Hwan .. she's treats me like her grand daughter as she has no one of her family and lives alone . I became so close and comfortable with her that I started calling her halmeoni (granny) ..

I met her on the day I left my love , my home , my everything behind and carried just my physical self .. I was on a random street in the outskirts of Seoul , sitting alone on a bench and sobbing softly . It was almost 11 p.m. and she saw me , spoke to me and took me along with her to a small house. I told her there will be people in search of me and I don't want them to know that I live here , so I'm gonna live in a secret chamber nearby . But she knew I was in a very bad condition .. she didn't want to leave me alone . She told me to stay with her for few days and then leave .

Then I got to know that she too lives alone , I asked her to come with me to my place .. it's just like a normal house from outside but inside there is a huge underground world itself .

When I was in the mafia I'd made many secret spots as this in case of emergencies

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When I was in the mafia I'd made many secret spots as this in case of emergencies .. no one except me knows about these places . Now this is my home .. Granny lives on the top . It's been many months since we've been living together . She takes care of me, makes sure I have my meals ,etc etc .. I'm thankful to meet her , keeping me physically alive for no reason . It somewhat makes me feel satisfied to see her happy , live with her when she was all alone by herself . I haven't told her my past completely ... Just traces . She also doesn't ask .. she knows that I'll tell her when I feel like .

I actually started writing a novel .. it was my childhood passion to be a writer . I'd learnt few things about writing at that time and now I'm writing my own book , reflecting events of my life here and there .
I was almost in the climax .. but I wasn't able to end it .. I'm trying from a week , but I'm not even able to write a word further .. because I myself don't know what's gonna happen in my life . How do I end it ? Can I end it the way I want ?

I was lost in my thoughts as usual and granny came in with the breakfast with a warm smile.

Hwan: I'm glad you're awake today

Y/n: Haha I'd fallen asleep early yesterday so..
I greeted her with a small smile

Hwan: Ohh that's great! Or else you'd sleep when I wake up .

Her efforts for making me smile never fade . She's a bright and fun person to be with .. just that my soul is dead and can't find true happiness in anything .

Hwan: Let me turn on the TV .. lets watch a movie while we have our breakfast .

It was our daily thing to do so , again it's to keep my mind away from getting lost . But sadly I see myself in every person who's in pain .

Y/n: As you wish

She turned on the TV and kept changing many channels . One of them was a news channel and she stopped when we heard "breaking news"

News reporter: South Korea's most successful businessman Kim Taehyung has met with a major accident. It's seems that a surgery has to be done as soon as possible , so it's scheduled for today at 3 p.m. at xxxxx hospital . Top doctors have been consulted but unfortunately they tell there's only 10% of his survival . It's been told that he wants to meet the love of his life before the surgery . His last wish is to speak with her and clear all the things , live or leave peacefully there after ........

Whatttt? I felt like my heart just stopped beating for a moment . Ta-taehyung .. no it can't be . He's not gonna die . I too want to meet him so badly .. Am I really punishing him so bad? Am I heartless?

I started crying loudly , forgetting that granny is just next to me.
She was startled by my sudden reaction . She doesn't know that Taehyung is my love .. she only knows that I've left him behind . She doesn't even know the reason yet.

Hwan: Y/n what's wrong ? Why are you crying ?

I couldn't control myself anymore ..

Y/n: Taeh- Taehyung Taehyung's life is in danger? ..

Hwan: yaa .. but why are yo- By any chance is he the one you'd once told me about?

Y/n: Y-yes .. he wants to see me , he wants to meet me . He always wanted to .. but I'm just a devil .. n-now they're telling that's his l-last wish.

Hwan: Y/n I don't know why you've left him . But all I know is you both love eachother truly . There's only suffering and pain at both the ends . At this point of time , you've to take a decision ... Do you want this love story of yours to have a sad ending ? Is there a possibility to make it right? Is there a way you both can still be together , cease eachother's pain , heal together can live happily ?

There may be a big reason why you decided to leave him .. but is it greater than his life? Should you punish him even when he's at this state ?

Just think about it Y/n .. I really hope you come to a positive decision. Think and take an action before it's too late .. 3 p.m... that's the time of the surgery . I'll upto yourself now .

She walked upstairs and left me with a big question mark .. I felt so guilty right now . I'd to take a decision? ...
Time skip
At the hospital ,

I've decided .. I want to meet him too .. I want to hold his hands and hear his voice , feel his love again . I can't make him suffer anymore , especially when he's in the worst state... I don't want to lose him once more . As granny said , I don't want a sad ending for our love .. I thought it's all over , I've already got my sad ending but maybe I can alter it . Maybe we can still be together... Maybe Taehyung will still be happy without having his own children . I want him to be alive , us to be alive and cherish our love .

With the hope to light for our future , I asked the receptionist where Taehyung was and I quickly ran in search of the room number she mentioned.

I can't explain the rate at which my heart is beating .. I'm happy ? Nervous ? Guilty ? Sad ? Ashamed ??
I don't know it's a mix of emotions .. but I could feel the guilt is in greater amount than others .. maybe others couldn't beat this strong emotion .. my heart ached with every step I took towards room no. 312 . With the shivering hand of mine , I opened the door , praying to see a fine and healthy Taehyung .. I might seem stupid but that's all I wish for , I want him all healthy and happy .

As I clicked open door , I saw the three unexpected men ......

~To be continued...

Heyy peeps! Here's this week's update . Hope you enjoyed :)))
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See you next week!

Borahae 💜

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