[xxii] Happy together, Forever after...

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Mijee's POV

Rm : ya go ahead . I'm all ears .

Mijee: waaaaat????
Did he just say I'm all yours? What the hell ??? How did he read my mind ? Like what just happened??!

Rm: I said continue I'm all ears .

Mijee: oh ..
Shit what the hell is wrong with my ears? I just over reacted

Rm: why ? What did you hear ?

Mijee: Nothing just leave it . What I wanted to say is ... first of all thank you so much for being my dear one , always helping me through all my highs and lows . I know I've thanked you so many times and you don't like it ... But still . I'm really grateful to find an amazing person like you . Spending time with you was always the favourite part of my day . Working or having casual conversations .. everything seems special . Even though these many days I've been filled with fear and kept hiding it , whenever I'm with you I just forget about all my worries and that's all because of the magic within you .
Anytime , anything happens you're the first one that pops up on my mind and I can't wait to share it with you. With all these sweet feelings I'd been having .. I keep wondering why am I so connected to you ? Me being an introvert, why am I so comfortable around you but not with anyone else .. my heart answers because..

I'm in love with you.

I gave a small pause because I was so nervous and maybe waiting for his response but he didn't speak . He would have been shocked by my sudden confession. Without looking into his eyes , I continued speaking just to cut the awkwardness.

I haven't had this heavenly feeling before . Maybe I just thought I was in love with A- Aidan .. but no . That wasn't love at all . I can now interpret my feelings correctly . This is love .. and I love you so much.

I took another break just to breath as I spoke everything in one stretch . I gathered all my courage and I glanced at him . I could only see his side profile and seemed like he was smiling maybe?

 I could only see his side profile and seemed like he was smiling maybe?

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I don't actually know .. my eyes may even fool me too and I'd end up being a joker today . But why isn't he answering anything? Will he reject me? Doesn't he love me back ? Does he just treat me as a friend ??? No please ...

Ugh!! I just cut all my thoughts and asked him directly .

Mijee: will you be my Mr. Right .. my only one .. Will you continue walking together with me?

Rm: hell ye-  No heaven! yes!!!! You're my only girl .. you're the best for me .. the weather is just perfect as us . Shall we take a walk together , my miss right ?!

Oh my gosh!! This all seems like a dream . Finally I confessed my feelings and he just accepted my love . I hugged him tightly even before he could complete his sentence . He hugged me back giggling softly at my sudden response to this words .
I feel so happy and safe in his arms right now . Feeling like this is the moment I've been waiting for through out my life. This extreme happiness had to flow out in form of tears and he broke the hug immediately to wipe my tears.

Rm: Hey why are you crying ? I thought you'd be happy but seems like you are not .

Mijee: N-N- No .. I'm very v-very happyyyy.
I spoke up fighting with my tears and I don't know why they kept streaming more and more as I kept trying to restrict them .

Rm: Aish I was just kidding .
He hugged me again and kept consoling and caressing my hair until I stopped crying .
We went on a walk at the streets as there was no park nearby and we didn't wanted to drive by car again . We both loved walking so the place didn't matter to us ..

 We both loved walking so the place didn't matter to us

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we were together and that's all mattered. This is what we wanted .. happy together , forever after .

Jungkook's POV

Jk:Hyung !!! Open the door .. please .

V: no I won't .

Jk: hyung please . Not even for me ?

V: this is exactly what I hear from you people everyday . Why are you all doing this to me ? What's so wrong with me that hobi hyung- no a psychiatrist has to examine me each and every day ? Am I not normal ? Am I different from others ??

I couldn't stop my tears listening to hyung's painful words . He himself was crying loudly while screaming . But I had no solution . Hobi hyung has told we need to keep a check on his brain stability frequently until he's willing to remember his past . But all of us failed to do so . Hobi hyung , his own brothers , his parents , and even me too couldn't make him remember .

Jk: h-hyung you're completely normal Ok? Listen to me . I'm sending hobi hyung back . He's leaving .

Jh: yes . Bye Taehyungah

Jk: see now he's gone . Will you come out of your room now . Atleast eat something

V: seriously? I'm not falling for your tricks .. I'm not a kid . Just because he makes sound of fake footsteps I'm not ready to believe he's gone . Please leave me alone . I feel like being in hell .. recieving punishments for the crime that I've never done .

Jk: hobi hyung let's go . I can't do this anymore .
I whispered to hobi hyung and dragged him to the hall .

Jh: jungkookah we can't skip the tests like that .

Jk: but what can we do ? We're mentally torturing him . If you examine or no , we're making him experience pain either ways . Is there no other go ? Why should he undergo all of these .

Jh: I don't have any answers to your questions . You , me , literally everyone knows that Y/n is the only person who can cure him now . But she isn't here . So I'll have to do something or the other and try to keep his memory stable or else no one can help him if it goes to the next stage .

Jk: hyung I'd made him a promise that I'll get Y/n back to him ... Then what am I doing here ? Sitting like a loser , like an idiot ....

Jh: don't blame yourself Jungkookah . It's not your mistake .

Jk: I've to do something hyung .. it's high time now . I can't just sit like an idle watching hyung in so much pain . Whatever it takes , I'll bring Y/n back to him .

Jh: but how ? What are you gonna do??

Jk: you'll get to know hyung.

With that I left , not to my office but towards THOE with a plan in my mind. It may not be a good idea , people may accuse me for it , but I don't care anymore . I've to take an action .
Legal or illegal doesn't matter more than hyung's life .

~To be continued...

Hello angel! Thank you for reading and supporting until now . I can tell that the climax of the book is approaching .. like maybe the next chapter . Hope you'll enjoy that too . Please vote , share and comment about your views . And stay tuned for the next part 😁

Borahae 💜

The Unexpected Love - Book 2 [A BTS OT7 Fanfiction] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now