[xxix] Bang!!!

26 2 8

Author's POV




He pulled the trigger back .
Fortunately or unfortunately no bullet came out .

Seon : aww .. unlucky .

Let's go to the next one .

This whole time they both stood still , they had given up on thinking about how to escape . They were ready to accept their unfair fate . Maybe life never planned to give them a happy ending . They were meant to live without eachother .

But on the other hand , there was Jungkook who was continuously trying to get out of the gaurd's hold and not let his dear ones get hurt.

Seon: now Yung's turn .




And again there was no bullet as he pulled the trigger .

Seon : both survived at the first round .
He clapped sarcastically .

Let's move onto the second round .

He pointed the gun towards Taehyung again .




No bullet ..




No bullet .

Seon : wow you both survived through the second round too . Congratulations . But I hope you know there's only one who's survive the third one . Say goodbye to eachother .

Y/n closed her eyes tightly , not ready to look at the scene in front of her .. the memories of Tae's death in the Mafia war flashed in her mind . She was traumatised by that memory . She began shivering. All she could do was just prayed that it's not him again who's gonna die .

Seon now pointed the gun towards Taehyung for the last time . He started the countdown, but very slowly this time , increasing their anxieties.

The bullet shot echoed the whole building ..

Did Taehyung really die again ? Was he the one who's fated to die first among him and Y/n?.. even after he's come alive when he died once in the past .

Y/n eyes were still closed so tightly . She wasn't brave enough to open her eyes . She felt so weak that she fell upon her knees .

As she wanted to scream aloud , like she did in the past but now no voice came out of her throat . She felt her breath struck , her whole body weak .
Just before she could pass out , she heard an unusual groan ...

Seon's groan ??

She shot opened her red eyes immediately to look at what actually happened .. there was Jungkook who had his shoes on Seon's neck . Seon whimpered in pain .

What?? How did this happen?
Well , at the moment when Seon had started his countdown , Jungkook who'd been trying to escape from the very beginning , now relaxed himself , closed his eyes and no more pulled himself apart which made the guards confused . They began to think he eventually gave up so they took it easy .

The Unexpected Love - Book 2 [A BTS OT7 Fanfiction] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now