[xvi] The best day

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Jin's POV

Ara and me came back from office with a bright smile on our faces . One month has passed . It was a whole new sweet experience for us . Even though we weren't married yet , I feel like I'm already her husband . Always staying beside her , supporting , protecting and loving . I'm gonna be her husband officially too . Her parents are going to visit us tomorrow .

Last month , on the same day they gave her whole responsibility to me , but temporarily . We're sure they're gonna make it permanent too because her mom kept visiting us like every now and then to check upon us , or rather me . Aunty has already built a mountain of trust on me . She even feels guilty to talk to me rudely earlier. But all I need is not their apology but their trust ... and their daughter . The problem is with uncle , he hasn't visited even once . Aunty told me there's nothing to worry , she's been telling a lot about us and he seems satisfied , he'd be coming tomorrow anyways.

I looked into Ara's moist eyes , full of emotions . I couldn't measure the amount of happiness it held . I hugged her and she hugged me back tightly . We won !! I kept caressing her back so that she wouldn't cry , but she's already sobbing silently. I withdrew the hug after a while and cupped her face .

Jin: we made it . Nothing is impossible when we're together.

Ara: y-yes Jinnie. I'm overwhelmed ...
Finally I'll be able to marry you . I've been waiting for this from such a long time . There's no waiting anymore .

Jin: I'm happy to see you happy . But Ara , I've a request ...

Ara: what's that ? Tell me don't hesitate.

Jin: it's .. it's about Taehyung . I spoke to Jungkook today . He told Tae isn't fine yet . Y/n's missing .. everyone's sad about it . So I think this is not the correct time for our wedding. Shall we like delay it until everything gets sorted ?

Ara: oh yeah . I feel too sad to think about Tae . And yes , we're gonna get married only when all of us are mentally happy . Such a blissful ceremony can't be held when we're miserable . Hope Y/n comes back as soon as possible . She should end his sufferings .
And shall we go and meet Tae tomorrow to cheer him up ? Like after my parents' visit ?

Jin: sure , that would be great .

Time skip (The next day)

I would be underestimating if I tell today is the best day of my life .. it's the day I finally felt complete , gained the purpose of my life . Uncle and Aunty visited us in the morning to accept me as their son in law . Ara spoke to her parents about Tae and they had no objections for our marriage to be held later . They also told we both should continue living together . I never thought they'd be this understanding because I kind of had a negative thought about them when they rejected me for no reason . Maybe they had a reason , but the one which only a parent would understand .

I thought we should probably go somewhere and celebrate but Ara told me that we should go and meet Tae according to our plan , which could make him happy listening to his brother's good news . I invited others too , I could sense them literally jumping out of joy when I only told them to come to Tae's place . They would have caught the happiness in my voice . I'm sure this would cheer up Taehyung too , having a blast with all his dear brothers . We can't just let him be gloomy all the time , it'll affect his mental health .

We both got ready and left to the neighbouring house . As we were the 'host' of this 'get together' , I'd planned to go there early and organise things .

The environment of his house turned cold as never . I asked Ara to stay in the hall as I would look for Tae . On my way upstairs , one of the maid stopped me and told .

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