[xxxvi] Epilogue

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On the phone

Y/n: Taehyungah can you come early today please ... Have something to discuss

V: sure my princess . Anything urgent ? Want me to come right now??

Y/n: nono .. take your time , finish your work and come . Will be waiting.

V: okk .. had your lunch ?

Time skip (evening)

V: Y/nieee I'm here!!
He called out , voice filled with excitement

Y/n: welcome backkk!

V: so what's that you wanted to discuss?
He asked sitting next to her .

Y/n: umm .. shall we adopt a child ?

Her question put him in deep thoughts for a while and then he spoke, breaking the silence

V: you want to ?

Y/n: umm yes . I feel that would fill the void . Like we're perfect right now , don't get me wrong but I feel a child would make a complete family.. it's a blessing to have a child ...
She gave a pause , reminded of the thought that she cannot give birth ..
So... Shall we adopt ? I know you love kids a lot .

V: ... but you don't have to do it just for me . I'm fine without that . You are more than enough for me.

Y/n: it's your biggest wish , I've seen how much you love playing with young and innocent ones . You really adore kids and wanted to raise a wonderful being one day . I've heard so many scenarios you made of we being parents . And at one point it became my wish too. Seeing you happy makes me much more happy . That spark in your eyes while playing with kids ... that's really something I'll never want to miss looking at .
I wanted to give birth to your child ...
But I couldn't... I'm very sorry

Tears rolled down her eyes , again recalling the incident which once separated them .

Taehyung hugged her tightly , not wanting to lose her again.

V: no no Y/n . We will adopt a child . It'll be our child . I'd love to have him or her . And never again doubt yourself , never think you're not enough , you are everything I need .
Please hold this hand forever , that's the only thing I need to survive ..

She held his hand , still being in his embrace .

Y/n: I promise I'll never leave again . Now thinking of it , I feel that was an unfit and unnecessary decision . Sorry for the past .. we suffered a lot . Now it's time to be happy .

V: yess , time for another tiny hand to hold ours .. uwu I can't wait to see our child .

Y/n: haha you're already so excited . Let's go!

2 months later ..

Y/n: Ahh .... Don't run around , you many get hurt.

Kimchi: No mom I won't get hurt .

Y/n: Taehyungah look at her . She's so stubborn .

V: You were the one who chose her . Don't complain to me
He whispered .

Y/n : Aishhh don't remind me of that . Such a troublesome kid ..
She started to fake cry

Kimchi: Mom...

Y/n: Yes ?

Kimchi: Sorry . I won't trouble you again

Y/n: Aww my baby . You're not troubling me . I'm just worried you might get hurt . You've already hurt your knees last week and it's healing . You should take care of yourself right?

Kimchi: Yes....

Y/n: Come let's play monopoly instead.

Kimchi: Really ?? Yayyy!!

Taehyung was smiling , listening to the sweet conversation between her wife and daughter . While he was drowned in happiness , he received a call from his brother, Jin .

On the call

V: hello hyungg

Jin: yahhh Kimchi is going to be an elder sister!!!!

V: omggg what?

Jin: yess you heard it right

V: Congratulations to you both !!!
Such a pure love each of them had .. they did anything to see their partner's smile . They sacrificed even their lives without a second thought .
It was when Y/n risked her life and went to bring Taehyung back to life . She decided it's either both of them living or dead , wherever it was , she wanted to be together.

It was then that Y/n chose the leaf which said "sacrifice the most beautiful and awaited moment of future life with your love" .She sacrificed her ability to give birth .. She chose this one over other leaves which would harm or hurt others .

Now that all of them had gotten together , married and happy , let's wish for their long and healthy life with eachother. The kind of long is not always in length , but is the amount of quality moments we spend. Hoping they'll fight any kind of problems that might trouble them..But smile wide at the end of the day with their first person!♡
Wishing all my unexpected souls and loves have a long , happy and healthy life...Love you all 💜

Officially signing off..

With abundant love,

The Unexpected Love - Book 2 [A BTS OT7 Fanfiction] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now