[vii] JKayy, The poor little creature

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Jimin's POV

It's already been more than 4 hours and I kept practicing hard . The vocal classes are only for 3 hours but I stay back for another hour and practice hoping I could catch up my other classmates . My throat started aching badly and I couldn't sing anymore . My teacher is a really kind person . She always stays with me and teaches until we both are exhausted . Analysing my condition , she advised me not to push myself too much , it's okay to fail .. but I don't feel okay because it's my dream from when I was a teenager . I wanted to hold my mic , sing my heart out , full of passion and emotions .

Ms. Anne (teacher) : Jimin-ah you're not in the condition to sing anymore . Please listen to me . Take rest . You can practice some other time . If you keep singing even when you're throat hurts , then the pain may become worst . You don't want to end up in a situation that you can't even speak for days right?

I know I keep pushing myself to practice more and more but obviously I didn't wanted to face such a situation . I smiled at her and replied.

Jimin: thank you so much Miss. Anne . I'll meet you tomorrow .

Ms. Anne : oh finally . Take lot of rest so that the pain disappears okay ? And I suggest you to drink something warm . That would relieve your pain .

Jimin: sure !! See you tomorrow .

She smiled back and waved her hand .

I left the class and walked into the café nearby .

I don't even have to order because the waiter , Soomi is already my friend

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I don't even have to order because the waiter , Soomi is already my friend . I visit this café almost everyday so she knew what I'd order and she'd bring it by herself. She just have to glance at me and everything would be ready within seconds . I was happy that I didn't have to speak with my sore throat .

I sighed and looked for my usual table . I was shocked to see there was already my caramel macchiato ready

 I was shocked to see there was already my caramel macchiato ready

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and that too with a note.

I searched for Soomi but I couldn't find her . Maybe she already saw me approaching so she prepared my coffee in advance . But the note .. it was new.
I picked it up and read

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