[xx] Demon's arrival

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Namjoon's POV

(Messages from Aidan)
Hey my girl! How you doing there in Seoul? Missed me enough ? Good news for you .. guess what ?

Hmm .. why don't you reply ? I know you're reading .... Anyways the good news is , I'm coming to Seoul ! I've waited enough for you . But you're not obeying me so I'm coming to you!! Don't run away from me again .. you know you'll be caught right? So behave like a good girl and come to see me at the airport . I don't have any friends there at present so I have only you to welcome me to your home land . Note down: tomorrow , 4 a.m. at the national airport . I'm sooooo exited !! See ya~ wait for your demon's arrival .

Rm: wh- what the hell ? This person has been texting you daily? Why did you keep this all to yourself? Why didn't you inform the police back in US ?

Mijee: yess .. he'll keep sending pictures that we took together and ask me to come back to US . But recently it got very serious . Like he kept telling me there's a surprise from a week.. countdown for my birthday and shit . It made me very uncomfortable and scared too as if what he's gonna do . And then here it is , he's coming to SK ..tomorrow is finally the day I was born and..
probably gonna die too ...
I'm helpless you know ? I once decided to inform the police too .. but he followed me again , before even I could spill a word about him, he blackmailed me with the pictures , videos and stuff which we took for memories back then . He told 'why would some police officer even interfere in our relationship . I'll convince them that it's just a small fight and you're mad at me . Simple ! The pictures I have will prove how much you love me .. don't you? Haha'

this is driving me crazy ..

Rm: see here . I'm here ok? Don't worry . I haven't told you the story of Tae's death right? I think I've just told you it's an accident . But that's not the truth . Anyways you might be wondering why I'm talking about him all of a sudden . Don't worry about it . I'll tell you the whole story some other time .. because it's just the unwanted past . So that's when we all , I mean we all seven of us , including Y/n left our mafia selves .

Mijee: w-what did you j-ust say? Ma-mafia ?! Did I hear it right??

Rm: yes . I'm not gonna explain our whole past right now . The thing you need to know is , I was in the mafia . So count on me , I'm gonna take care of this animal ok? Stop worrying . Leave it on your friend and calm down . I'm gonna welcome him and his death to SK tomorrow . You stay here and take care .

Mijee: lemme come along with you .

Rm: you really want to ? No Mijee . You won't be able to take in what's going on in front of your eyes?

Mijee: hm. But.. I'll come along with you please . I just can't stay here alone leaving you near him . I die out of anxiety .

Rm: but dude . Are you like worried about me? Don't even imagine about him hurting me . That's not possible even in parallel world . It's just that you haven't seen that other side of me who was dead . But it's gonna come alive for now . Don't worry nothing's gonna happen to me .

Mijee: but please . I'll come along . Don't deny .

Rm: um . Fine . Don't get too scared ok? I mean scared of me.

Mijee: aah- yes .

It was already 10 p.m. so I told her to take rest . I left for picking up few necessities for tomorrow . I thought I'm never gonna touch any weapons in future but I'm gonna do it for good , for helping my friend .

I was on my way to the THOE , to get my disowned revolver . This place feels so new yet familiar . Sad old memories , I repeat .

I entered the room where all of our guns , rifles , etc were placed as if it was some museum . As I was searching for mine , I found Jin hyung's and hobi hyung's shotguns first , then Suga hyung's , Jimin's , Tae's and finally mine .

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