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Jk's POV

Tae : by the way .. what has he taken away from me ? I don't seem to remember anything.. something's weird with me .

Jk: he's taken away your love .. Y-

Tae: Y/n

Jk: yess . Omgg you remember her ?

Tae: I .. I can't remember who she is .. but I just happen to remember her name .

Jk: that's great . You'll remember gradually . Let's go and kill that bastard who has taken away your Y/n from you .

Tae: umm ...ok

We both entered the room and there was Seon , sitting on the couch , crossing his legs and surrounded by many gaurds .

Jk: what a coward
I whispered and Tae hyung heard it .

Tae: he surely is .

Seon : ohh welcome my dear friends . How have you been doing .

Jk: where's Y/n

Seon: first drop your weapons .

Tae: shit seems like he got to know we escaped from his gaurds .

Jk: yes..

Seon: you think I wouldn't . Stop whispering to eachother like gooses and take out your weapons .

I dropped my revolver which was in my back pocket and the knife I had.

Seon : that's it ? Haha .. too confident about your physical strength is it ? Lol
What about you Mr.Kim ? Drop yours too .

Jk: hyung take out the pistol which is in your right pocket .

He looked at me in disbelief as he himself didn't know he had weapons with him .

Tae: this is a handgun , silly .

Jk: ohh umm sorry .
So he remembers every single thing related to mafia .. now he just have to remember Y/n.

Seon : Kim come here .

Tae hyung looked at me and I nodded .
He understood that he could trust me and go forward . We don't know what's gonna happen next but we've to wait for the right time to attack on them .

As he went , Seon immediately held hyung by his neck and one of the guards handcuffed hyung's both hands together .

As I was gonna run towards them , few of the other guards held me tightly from behind.

Seon : get that woman .

Within a few seconds , there was Y/n , blindfolded and hands tied together . She looked so weak and she was trembling and nauseous .. as if they've given high dosage of drugs to make her unconscious .

Seon: remove her blindfold . Let Juliet look at her Romeo .
Author's POV

The guard untied the cloth around her eyes and she opened her eyes slowly , adjusting to the light.

Her eyes fell on Taehyung .
At that moment , she felt like the whole misery vanished . Maybe she was happy ? Just because she could see him again . He seemed healthy and fine . Yes , it was really a fake news . He hasn't met with an accident . He's totally fine .. he's fine .. he's fine .. I'm fine .. we're fine
She began mumbling to herself .

She just wanted to run upto to him and hug him tightly . She could no more keep herself away from him . She was tired of herself being stubborn .
But she eventually failed as the guards held her back tightly .

The Unexpected Love - Book 2 [A BTS OT7 Fanfiction] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now