[xv] Your well wisher

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Jimin's POV

I was looking through few documents which Namjoon hyung needed for the further meeting with Ms. Jeong. Just when I closed the file and thought about informing hyung , he himself came into my cabin.

Rm: Hey Jimin . Are you done?

Jimin: hmm ..

Rm: everything's proper?

Jimin: hmm ..

Rm: ok then transfer it to my PC . I'll get going . Byeee

I waved at him , gave a thumbs up and smiled faintly . He patted my shoulder and left .

All I could do was communicate in sign language or just give the driest reply hmm from a couple of days .. It's been two days since I haven't attended my music classes . It's not like I'm taking an off by my will . It was due to my condition .. sore throat . A bit severe . I'm under medication . Mrs. Anne tells that I've been giving too much stress to my vocal cord and without any break which is the main cause  . But what else could I do ?...
I'm not able to succeed . In that case I should be practicing more and more right ?

These two days I've been like a person with no voice . Couldn't talk properly so hyungs advised me to not speak at all until I'm recovered completely.
But my dream .. singing is mainly vocals . Like if I'm not able to talk itself , how could I sing ? I know this pain is not permanent but that's what I'm gonna end up with again if I practice more . My batchmates who joined along with me have already gone to advanced level, almost the end of their vocal training. And me ? Still not able to pass the beginner's level. Am I even born capable to be singer? Am I capable of fulfilling my goal ??

Only negative thoughts .. nothing could motivate me right now when my throat is not able to utter a word . How would it give me voice to sing ?

I took the medicine but my throat feels so dry . I thought coffee would help . I connected to our secretary and he came into my cabin immediately . I asked him to get him my coffee .. again through the sign language .

God it's so hard not to speak !!

Around 5 minutes later ,I went to the common meeting place where we usually drink coffee together . But at this time it was only me because its not the break time . I saw the hot fuming coffee on the table . I instantly picked it up and moved to the corner of the room which had the glass walls through which I could view the busy city . I slowly sipped and sipped looking at the cityscape until I realised the cup was empty . I got back to the table to place the cup on the saucer and leave but I realised there was something ..
      Asmall paper on the saucer . I didn't notice it earlier maybe because it was in the same hue as the cutlery or I was distracted by the coffee but now I could clearly make out.  I unfolded and it turned out to be handwritten message ?

"To : the most hard-working and passionate being ..

No one is born an achiever . It needs lot of efforts and time . Be patient.  You're giving your best and life will gift you the best !! "

I was hella surprised looking at the note .. what ? How? Who ? When ?? So many questions popping up in my mind . But that is not what's making me curious .. it's like someone read my mind , and giving me a advice , providing me motivation . I stared at the note for a moment if I could find out any clue about who would have sent this . It's not obviously my secretary . He isn't a person who involves into my personal life . But just how ? Just a moment ago I kept questioning myself if I'm capable of not ? And now here's like a reply from an angel .

Wait .. this handwriting seems somewhat familiar .

Yes!! The message I found in the coffee shop the other day . I grabbed my purse and pulled out the previous message which I'd kept safely . The handwritings match . I thought that was from the café but today's coffee isn't from that place.  I turned the first message to ensure and yes it was mentioned "the Beanery" . I turned the new one too to check if it's from Beanery .. just in case.  but no.  It was written  "From: Your well wisher"  ?? My well wisher ? Who ?? Seems like this person knows me well . First in the café I visit and now right in my office .. who could it even be .

I looked at the messages again , read them twice and thrice . Another thing which is hitting my head is , how could they read my mind ? like literally .. and correct timing too , whenever I'm demotivated I recieved these messages . It actually lifts my mood . It's so well written . I feel I was wrong earlier . Yes .. no one is born a singer , even though they have the talent , it requires practice to be a perfect one . And it takes time . I'm being impatient . I should wait , let my condition get better and then I'll train my vocal cord gradually .

This makes me so curious to find out who's behind these . Giving me the right solutions under covers ..
Who are you... my well wisher ??
Thank you so much
Author's POV

At Taehyung's residence ,

Here's the strongest person , who was once the mafia leader of the gang BTS.. sitting vulnerable , communicating with his only reason of living , Y/n - his diary . He trusts their love , he knew she'd come back to his life again . All safe , to keep him safe in her embrace.  It's just the matter of time ... She'll surely come back .

He started his day as usual , writing.. more like how he'd speak to her if she was present in front of his eyes. 

Hey Y/n , another new day , new page . Happy to see you again . You know there's this feeling which is lingering in my heart , that I'm gonna meet you soon . I feel really happy and excited . But I don't know how long that 'soon' would be. I don't care though, I'm gonna see you again . That is all that matters .

Life gave me my first chance already , so will I get another one ?

Atleast if not for me , come back for Jin hyung's brownies . He'll make them specially for you , with hazelnuts and hot chocolate as you like . And remember , now you've to share with Ara noona also ok ? She's gonna be hyung's wife soon . I'm sure her parents would agree for their marriage . And yeah you don't wanna miss their marriage , do you ?
I'm warning you , hyung would never bake you anything in his whole life if you miss . I know his anger , not really easy to convince him. 

Ok .. anyways I'll be looking for the day we'll meet. Now let me give you a hug

He gently hugged the diary with all the love as if he's actually hugging Y/n . Maybe he's not able to feel the warmth , but he started pretending . Maybe that's the only thing he could do ... atleast until his instincts become true

~To be continued...

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Borahae 💜

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