[xi] Lives would bloom

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Time skip (2 weeks later)


Rm: hyung please go back. It's already 12. I can finish it . You have migrane so take rest ... And by the way I'm gonna meet Taehyung today . So don't worry about him too.

Suga: thank you so much Namjoonah

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Suga: thank you so much Namjoonah .. I swear if my head wasn't aching I'd even stay up till morning and help you . I'm really sorry

Rm: no no you don't have to be sorry . You've already done more than what you're supposed to do . I'm grateful for that .. around 2 more weeks left . Jin hyung would be back

Suga: ohh yeah .. I really wonder how he handles so much of pressure .

Rm: I really pity him . I thought we've been sharing equal work from the start but he was doing much more ...

He packed up and left after some time . I was tired but pushed myself for some more time so that I could finish today's work .

Uff .. finally I'm done . Let's go and have a drink with Taehyungie now .

I checked the time and it was already 2:13 a.m. It was too late but I'm sure he wouldn't be sleeping yet . We've been taking care of him everyday and all of us kept worrying that he rarely sleeps . I took the car keys and hopped out.

It just took around 15 minutes to reach home because the roads were deserted at this time .

I was gonna click the bell but found the door to be open

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I was gonna click the bell but found the door to be open.

Why the hell is the door open ? What are the gaurds doing ??

Rm: Taehyungahhhh Tae Tae Taehyungahh

I jumped upstairs , screaming with joy like a kid who's come to meet his uncle.. hoping it would cheer him up atleast a bit .

I saw him sitting on the same corner of his room , he's only on the floor nowadays . He's writing his diary . He started this habit only since Y/n's gone . He would assume the diary to be Y/n and he'd share all his thoughts.

The Unexpected Love - Book 2 [A BTS OT7 Fanfiction] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now