[xxi] Fairy like you

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Namjoon's POV

I turned back towards him . He was literally brave to throw that thing back at me just when I left him alive without killing?? Even after he got to know that my gun wasn't fake ? It's surely not me who's gonna regret .


Another shot .. peirced straight through his skull . I gave him way too many chances yet he succeeded to piss me off and loose control . I don't regret it though.. these kind of bastards don't deserve to live . Now he's just one of the idiots I've killed .

I've walked towards the car to meet the super shocked Mijee . It's probably her first time seeing someone being killed . I sensed that she's extremely startled by my action .. well she didn't believe me when I told I'll be killing him .

Rm: Mijee .. calm down . He's no more now . He didn't deserve to live .

She didn't reply to me and kept staring at his dead body .


Mijee: uh .. ya

Rm: let's go ?

Mijee: yes?

I started the car and drove towards the place I wanted to take her. But she didn't even realise that we aren't going back to office . She just kept staring at random things and I understood that there will be thousands of thoughts running in her mind .

It took almost an hour to reach the place and she still didn't ask me any questions nor got down the car when I already parked . I myself opened her door and she now glanced at me with a questioning look .

Rm: come .

She followed me with tiny steps unaware of where we're going . We both entered the lift.

Mijee: um what place is this ?

Rm : it's my private hotel .

Mijee: ohh..
Why are we here ?

Rm: you'll get to know .

We reached the seventh floor in which the huge party hall was beautifully decorated . Now she was more confused than before . She just walked behind me towards the hall . It was just two of us now .

Rm: Mijee did you catch up why were here atleast now ?

Mijee: uh? What ?

Rm: I asked do you have any idea why we are here.

Mijee: no .

Rm: uff .. Mijee relax . Stop thinking about him . He's dead . I killed him . You're completely safe now . And don't you dare think I should have left him alive .. do you think he should still live after torturing you for years ? Not at all . Your problem is solved today .. you're released from his hold .

As I finished speaking , giving her a pause to reply she immediately hugged me tightly , crying and letting out all the tears she'd been holding in . I didn't stop her , instead let her cry in my arms . After consoling herself slowly she started speaking without breaking the hug .

Mijee: thank you so much for saving me . I thought there's no way for me to live a peaceful life anymore . I thought he's gonna come find me no matter where I hide . I thought he's gonna trap me in his hands again . But you saved my life . I'm no longer scared . I feel so free now . No more worries . Thanks a lot .

Rm: you don't have to thank me ok? It's my duty to help you . Just do me a favour .. forget about what happened till now and remember You are the owner of your life got it ?

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