[xviii] A big responsibility

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Author's POV

Taehyung isn't at home ? Then where's he ?
He's searching for his home . His Y/n . His instincts kept telling him that he's gonna meet Y/n very soon . How excited he could be ? He just ran to meet Daniel . Hoping he would find some clue about where Y/n is . All he did was text Daniel that he'd be coming to meet him today to which Daniel agreed without any thought about why he wanted to meet him all of a sudden .

As soon as he entered THOE- 'the hell on earth' for many people , he straight went towards the computer room where they usually track , hack , etc. assuming Daniel would be there trying to find Y/n.

But on his way , a gaurd obstructed him from entering , suggesting him to wait until their boss would be ready to meet him . Taehyung forgetting the fact that there's someone else as their boss right now , told the gaurd that he's already informed their boss assuming it to be Daniel. The gaurd was still not satisfied and didn't agree to let him in when their boss is busy because he was very well informed that he doesn't like anyone interrupting him .

V: please let me in . He has told me I can meet him now . When he himself has agreed , why do you worry ?

Gaurd : ohh .. Ok then you can go .

The gaurd probably thought it wouldn't make their boss furious if he meets his 'friend' at the midst of his work . So , he let him in without a second thought .

Taehyung entered the room , expecting Daniel to be working on tracing Y/n . As he imagined , the first thing he saw was Y/n's photo , a hell lot of details about her and something else in the process of loading on the huge screen . But he felt something unusual .. the person who was using the system didn't seem like Daniel , it was probably that black man he had glance the other day . It now became clear to him , the boss they meant isn't actually Daniel .

Taehyung took slow steps towards the man dressed in jet black , in order to see his face . With every step he took , he felt this person familiar . He also knew that the black man could probably sense someone approaching him and felt him fuming in anger , the way he hit the keys of the keyboard . But Taehyung wasn't scared , more like curious to find out who it was .

The now mafia boss on the other side , not able to control his anger upon the person who entered at the wrong time , that too without his permission turned to shoot his glare at the trespasser .

The moment their eyes met , they both were shook

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The moment their eyes met , they both were shook . Taehyung being more like startled with his death glare until he widened his eyes realising who it was .

V : J-Jung-kookie ??

Jk: hyung ....
Why are you here ?

V: I'd come here for help .. for finding   Y/n . I spoke to Daniel , thinking he'd search where's Y/n with the help of Mafia . B-but ... You ? Why are you here . Why are the people here not calling Daniel their boss ?

Jk: actually hyung , Daniel isn't the leader    I... I never left the mafia . So like I'm practically their boss after the others left .

Taehyung couldn't process what he just heard . So Jungkook is the boss . The leader of this most powerful mafia .. so it's him from a long time and not Daniel according to what his hyungs told him .
Jungkook made his extremely confused hyung sit and gave him a clarity .

None of the other members knew that Jungkook never left the mafia like them but just pretended to leave or rather disappear . But why did he do that was the very next question flashing in Taehyung's mind . Before he could ask , Jungkook spoke about the main issue right now .

Jk: hyung , I'm gonna find where Y/n is . We'll bring her back . You know she'll never be able to live without you .

V: jun-gkook there's not even a small clue until now ?

Jungkook lowered his head and signalling as a no . Taehyung's mind got filled with negativity once again , but more intensely this time . His mind kept screaming 'there's no way to find Y/n ... Not at all' . Tears rolled down his cheeks continuously , somewhat like he's giving up . Jungkook immediately hugged him tightly and spoke .

Jk: hyung please have trust in me , in   Y/n , in your love . We'll definitely find her . She will come back to your life . This isn't the end . Nothing tells it's impossible for you both to meet again right . Let's keep trying , I'll help you with all that I can do . I've been trying all possible ways until now .

His words somewhat gave him a last speck of hope . His last drop of patience willing to trust , believe .

V: Jungkook you're the only who could save me now . I'll live for the hope you've given me . Promise me you wouldn't end up telling me to move on . The one thing I could do is move out of this earth-

Jk: HYUNG !! Please don't talk like that . Leave it on me , I'll take this responsibility . Whatever it takes , how much ever time it would need , I'll not give up until I accomplish what you asked for . Just trust me .. trust me

Now there were tears in Jungkook's eyes too but he kept patting his hyung's back until his breathing came to a normal rate .
He knew he had taken a big responsibility .. but he'd do anything for his dear hyung , the one who became his family when he thought he'd be alone forever .


Time skip
1 year later ...,

Hoseok's POV

I came back to the hall , to probably be shot with countless questions from others about Taehyung .
Tae's mental health is no more normal .. he's acting all weird nowadays . We all were hella worried for him so I told the others that I'll examine his state of mind before it becomes worse . Others were scared by what I told .. they weren't ready to accept that he now even required a psychologist . We all came over to his house , making him feel like it's just an usual gathering but it was for an important purpose .

Jin: Hoba .. what happened? He's totally fine right?

Jimin: he just need to cheer up is it ? We'll have to put more efforts to make him happy and then he'll be fine right??

I was thinking how to answer their questions .. I knew they were trying to think as positive as they can .. but Tae's situation isn't that good .
I can't hide the truth anyways so I decided to explain slowly .. little by little so that they won't get too worried . But before I speak , another question from Jungkook drowned everyone else's mind to peak negative .

Jk: he isn't in depression right?

~To be continued...


Hey guys! What do you feel about my storyline ? If you have any suggestions to make it better , do comment and let me know . If you liked it don't forget to vote and suggest your friends too . Stay tuned until next week 😁

Borahae 💜

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