[xxxii] Tear apart

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Author's POV

All the past events flashed in Jungkook's brain . He couldn't control anymore and burst out into tears.
Yunha hugged him again , caressing his back , trying to cool him down but nothing worked .
The tears , anger , frustration he bottled up for years finally bursted out .
He now hugged back Yunha , unlike the earlier hug .

No one spoke , no words of comfort .
Yunha let him cry as much as he wanted , until he gradually calmed down . His eyes were still tearing , she could still hear his soft sobs . She never knew when her own eyes started tearing , she never saw and couldn't see Jungkook crying so much . She broke the hug and wiped his tears. After a good 5 minutes , he spoke .

Jk: I'm sorry , I shouldn't have hugged you . I was out of my mind , i just needed someone to hold onto-

Yunha : seriously ? Why are you still hiding Jungkook ? You think you can continue fooling me ? I know you still love me and you know I can never give up on you , I can never move on just like you . We both are stuck in this meaningless love maze , with unknown obstacle . I don't know what's the reason but I can never forget you .

Jungkook didn't know what to reply . He finally gave up on his stubborn self and hugged her again . He was upset . He finally knew who killed his parents , but he can't do anything now , Seon's already dead , and his brother too . His sole purpose of being in the mafia was fulfilled ? When everyone left the mafia , he continued to stay just for this reason and now it's done .
At the same moment , there was another thought bothering him .
Yunha , he couldn't push her back again . He thought he has finally moved on after an year of not seeing her but here she was , his hidden love has not faded , it was just masked . He didn't forget , but tried to forget .

Yunha held Jungkook's hand and said .

Yunha: please don't push me away again . Will you ? Please throw away the mask you've been wearing .

Jungkook himself couldn't hold it in anymore . He had been convincing himself that he could forget but he didn't . He knows how much he has suffered , and he also knew Yunha would have suffered 10 times compared to him , literally begging him not to push her away.

He held her hand with his other hand which was free and spoke .

Jk: even if i wanted to , I can never push you away from my heart . But...
She impatiently looked for the sentence which would follow

Jk: But ..if we've to be together , there's only one way .

Yunha : and what's that ?

Jk: ask your dad , if he'll allow us to be together , If he'll offer his daughter to me .

Yunha: Dad ?? What did he do ?

Jk: I'm sorry to hide and also tell you this . Actually your dad told me to go away from your life .. and never speak to you again .

Yunha : whatt? but why ? Why would he tell that ?

Jk: better ask your dad ..

Yunha: come along with me . Let's go talk to him .

Jk: no I'm not coming .. he told me not to-

Yunha: I don't wanna hear anything from you . Let's go . I'm gonna ask dad . I can't take this mystery anymore .

Yunha pulled Jungkook along with her, to her father's office . He was a pretty busy man most of the time but luckily he was free for 2 hours now .

At Yunha's dad's (Mr. Choi) office

The security let them in without asking any questions because it was their boss' daughter . They went straight to Mr. Choi's office .

Mr Choi: ohh my angel what are you doing her- Jungkook ?

Yunha : dad let me come straight to the point . Why did you tell Jungkook to leave ? Why you wanted us to break up ?

He glared at Jungkook .

Yunha: dad I need answers . Were you happy looking at me suffer without him . Didn't you know how much i loved him , how much i needed him?

There were no answers , it was just Jungkook looking down and her dad continuously staring at him .


Mr. Choi : was I ever happy ? Since your mom left us ? The only reason i found distraction from my sorrow was you . I distracted myself from your mom's thoughts and memories just by seeing you . And you grew up completely like your mom . I can never forget her . She left us when you were a mere 12 year old child .. due to Melanoma ( a serious, cancerous disease related to skin ) and I see her in you. But no one can ever replace her .. 25 years of life I spent with her can never be erased from my mind . I'll forever be grieving .
And I don't want you to experience the same pain as I do .......

Yunha: w-what to you mean dad ?

Mr. Choi: I'm sorry .. I always want you to be happy .. I know you're gonna suffer a lot if something happens to Jungkook , I can sense the love .. but I don't want you to end up like me . It's better you both tear apart right now , before it becomes worse .

Yunha was totally blank at her dad's words . What has happened to Jungkook ? Why is dad telling that I can't take it if anything happens to him ?

Yunha: what wrong has happened J-jungkook?

Mr. Choi: he has leukemia(blood cancer) ..

Yunha: w..whattt ?

Jungkook finally spoke breaking the long time of silence .

Jk: I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier ..

Yunha kept sobbing , she was extremely horrified by the truth she heard . She had no idea from how long he had this cancer and how serious it is .

Jk looked at Mr.Choi , asking for permission if he could comfort Yunha .
Choi nodded hesitantly, tears forming in his eyes looking at his daughter's breakdown .

Jungkook hugged her and kept tapping on her back . The same way she did to confort him.

Yunha: i-its not cr-critical right . It can be cured right . Please t-tell me it is .

Jk: I have no idea .

Yunha: you didn't go to the doctor ?

Jk: I have no will to live .

She broke the hug suddenly , scaring Jungkook.

Yunha: what the hell do you mean ? What's wrong with you ??
She shouted on top of her voice , in her miserable breaking voice ..

Jk: i thought it's better to leave early , instead of spending more and more time with you , falling deeper in love , giving you loads of memories and
.. eventually leaving you to suffer in the end , leaving you heart broken . I really don't want that . You're dad is right .

~To be continued...

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See you again next week!

Borahae 💜

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