[xix] Ashamed

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Hoseok's POV

Hobi: Umm guys .. calm down and listen to me . Don't freak out . Tae's condition is complex . His mental state is too much disturbed .. it's all because he was too upset and kept worrying only about Y/n all the time and now.... he's forgotten Y/n's existance .

Everyone gasped at once when I told them about the main problem . They were all confused too .

Jk: b-but he keeps murmuring her name all the time . Then why do you tell he's forgotten her ?

Hobi: yes .. even I was puzzled by that . But the catch is , he thinks Y/n is only the name of his diary and there's no person existing . He started to forget his past too .. like our mafia times . I found out that he's mostly forgotten times in which Y/n's included . I tried to remind him about who Y/n actually is , but he got a strong unbearable headache when I took her topic . I've given him a sleeping pill now so he'll be alright when he wakes up .

Rm: shit .. this is not fine . How do we cure him now ?

Hobi: as far as I've examined , there's no medical cure for this . I can only give him medicine for headache . The only way he can become normal is he himself should be willing to recall his past and stop getting depressed .
If we just ignore this issue, he'll start forgetting other things too . We've to find a solution soon . A person who he feels the most comfortable and safe with , whom he can trust the most ,  can only cure him .

Jimin: uh..his parents ?

Hobi: maybe .. we have to give it a try . We've to contact his parents and let them know regarding his condition . They can try talking about it .

Jin: I'll go and explain them directly so that they won't freak out . But we all have to be careful now . Let's not talk about Y/n even by mistake .

Rm: yes ..

Namjoon's POV

Jin hyung went to talk to mom and dad and hobi hyung told he'll look after Tae so I went to office to take care of things there. There's a new project that had to be discussed with Mijee ( Ms. Jeong Mi Jee). We've also become very good friends now .. not only as business partners . Her new office is really near to ours so we keep meeting quite frequently . But from few days she isn't acting normal .. she seems worried about something and always zones out during our meetings or even casual conversations . I didn't ask her anything about it until now thinking it might be something personal , but I'm her friend right ? So I think it's ok . I've to help her in whatever she's going through .So I decided to ask what's bothering her today..

She had texted she'll be coming to my office in an hour so I went straight to office from Tae's home . I reached early as expected so I was doing some other work and checked on Jin hyung's work too because he'd gone to meet our parents . Not much work was left pending , our office has grown very well now , we have lot of employees so not a
much of tension . Our hard work has paid us well . I finished the little work I had and realised Mijee hasn't come yet .

Anyways I'm free now so maybe I'll  just go and meet her . I picked my coat and headed towards the her office . I went to her cabin .. but it seems she isn't here ? Where did she go ??

Rm: Mijee ?! Mijee?? MIJEE

As I kept calling her , one of the security gaurd told me she's in her private suite . I know it's kinda weird but she wanted a suite right in her office . Sometimes she feels homesick and she lives far away from her office so she just can't leave everything and head to home . Her idea of a private suite was actually cool ! She could anytime feel like home right in her office . And that's why I think she'd would be the one who spends almost 24 hours in office.

I'd seen her suite twice or thrice so I right away entered the empty floor. She wasn't in the hall nor the living room . I think she'd be in the balcony , taking some fresh air . And as I expected she was there . I could see her back figure but she was shivering badly . Omg it think it's too cold . I opened the glass door and immediately offered my coat to her . She doesn't seem to notice me yet .. what's she dreaming about ?

I tapped her shoulder and spoke .

Rm: hey Mijee . It's too cold here . Let's go inside ok?
Mijee .. Mijee ? You're fine ?

I could now hear her faint sobbing .. I couldn't look at her face as it was dark and the lights weren't turned on .

Rm: MIJEE!! Reply me what happened? Is everything fine ?

Mijee: J-Joo Joon .. umm

Rm: tell me Mijee . Don't hesitate . Whatever's bothering you spill it out. You trust me right ? I'm gonna help you come out of your trouble . I've been sensing that something's wrong but I just didn't ask . Now I think it's really serious .. come on tell me .
Oh sorry wait . It's literally freezing here . Let's get inside please .

We both went in and I turned on the room heater while she kept tightening her grip on my coat and controlled not to cry harder .

Rm: Mijee .. now tell me what's wrong . Slowly , take your time . You know I'm gonna wait right ?

Mijee: Joon .. the main reason I came back to SK isn't because I miss my home country or my parents and shit like that.

She paused leaving me with a curious mind but I didn't ask anything . I stayed patient until she continues .

Mijee: um.. it's because of this guy named Ai-

Before she even completes her sentence , she began crying loudly . I just couldn't see her crying anymore so I sat close to her and kept tapping her shoulder to calm her down . After a few seconds , she continued speaking ..

Mijee: Aidan .. his name is Aidan . We both were so in love with eachother .. I wish . It had been only few months since I met him in the university but I loved him so much . Felt  just like my type of a guy .  I thought he's the one. As our relationship got deeper and deeper , my trust towards him grew higher and higher . I didn't hesitate to give my whole self to him , my love , my whole time , my bo- body .
Shit I feel ashamed of myself ..
But I found out that- that he's just a playboy . He never had the intension of marrying me or something . When he suddenly bombed the truth , my heart was shattered into peices I could never count nor collect to fix again . I told him very softly that I'm not the type of girl meant for him . I made him understand my intentions of my life partner but he never bothered . I came to a conclusion , the best for both of us , break up . As soon as he listened to those two words , it felt like a new side of him has been awaken . He told 'Not yet babygirl ! I haven't got enough of you . I'll tell you when you can leave . Until then love me like you do' .
I-I still remember those words clearly . From then even though I tried to avoid or ignore him , he kept torturing . He'd be following me always . I kept running away and when he catches me , he'd tell ' I'm not the one who's to run behind right ? So stop making me run.  Don't hurt my little ego . Ok? Or else ' this and that . He turned into my worst nightmare . I didn't know what else to do . My only dream from my childhood was to go abroad , study there and settle . My parents always supported me so they even let me go to US forever .. but I called them and told I'm coming back to SK , I left as quick as possible , without informing anyone . But my company , which was brought to the top with mine and one of my uncle's effort who lives there was too famous . I was famous because of that . He could get to know every inch of information about me even though I tried to hide it so much . I changed my phone number , etc etc .. as much as possible . He didn't leave my back whatever I do . I keep receiving some or the other threat messages from him . And here's today's ..

She opened the message with her trembling hands and showed which left me shook .

~To be continued...


Hello amazing people ! Thank you for reading . Hope you're enjoying and have no trouble due to frequent change in POV's .. if there's anything for me to improve do drop a comment . Aaand yaa .. vote please !

Borahae 💜

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