[xxxiv] New Life

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Hana died in a major road accident . Around 6 people lost their lives that day and Hana was one of them .

Yoongi wasn't able to take the news .. slowly he became depressed . He began to see her at times he missed her too much . After few months on everyone's compulsion he decided to finally let go of her thoughts but any tiny thing would remind him of her again and again . The greif was too much for him to take . His brothers(rest of BTS) told him to move on , there was also another girl who was crushing over him and they suggested him to talk to her , atleast if he doesn't want to date he could just talk and distract himself.
But he denied , he didn't wanted to hurt that girl too . He never even spoke to her once , it was just a glance that he took and even she gave up understanding the situation told by Namjoon.

It was after a long time they met again , the same girl who had a crush over him , Mi Chin Sana . She didn't try to approach him knowing about his past yet destiny made them meet. She was the one who started to speak first , Yoongi would just reply . They became friends , close friends . Sana didn't have other intention than friends right now . She didn't wanted to make him sad by pulling him to love her . His past might uspet him all over again .

But as the time passed , Yoongi started to feel very comfortable around her. He used to share every single detail about his day and she used to listen all of it . Yoongi sensed it wasn't just friendship , she was special to him . He never felt any other person that homely except Hana . He started to see Hana in Sana . He thought this is the girl for him , she's the one who made him feel like Hana is around him . But also he slowly started to think that it's wrong to see Hana in someone else.. it wasn't right to like her only due to similar behaviour as Hana . That's not true feelings towards Sana.. it's just unforgettable memories of his past .

He was so confused as to what to do ...he felt his feelings were wrong and decided to suppress them .. But more days passed by , Yoongi stopped talking much and Sana started speaking more . It was just her listening to him and comforting before , but now she was revealing herself too . Thoughts of Hana slowly started fading since she wasn't like her anymore but still Yoongi liked her true self . Sana was a very good person at heart and always cared for him . She would do anything he liked even before he asked for it . He did the same too . It wasn't intentional . It was how well they knew eachother , how much compatible they were .

They hadn't confessed their feelings yet because they were shy yet nervous , but deep down they both loved eachother .


It was the day Yoongi finally decided to propose her by piling up all his confidence . He invited her to Jin's marriage and she left all her work and came just to spend time with Yoongi . Her favourite time . But she had to leave in between due to some important meeting only after she promised him that she'll be back in two hours and he told he'll wait for her .

Jk: hyunggg why didn't you introduce her to us ?

He didn't reply as he was lost in his thoughts again , he was nervous that once she arrives he had to confess his feelings just as he decided . He was afraid that something might go wrong .

Jin: yah don't tell me you didn't confess her yet .

Yoongi: I'll do it today .

Jin: seriously?? I'm very disappointed in you . But it's ok . Today's lucky day , you'll succeed . You have all my blessings . Thank me later .

V : yess . We'll cheer for you . Yeahhh

Everyone was so excited to hear that Sana will be there in no time and Yoongi's gonna confess his feelings to her.

Aaand she finally arrived.

Everyone started hooting and made a mess since they all were partially drunk , except Yoongi who was wide awake . Nothing could make him drunk right now. He quickly introduced everyone and took her away from them since he felt she might feel uncomfortable with almost drink people .

Hobi: bye hyung!!! All the best . Come back quickly!!!

Sana : what happened ? Why did we come out ?

Yoongi : ah they all are so noisy. They'll bug you for no reason and make you uncomfortable. Let's go in after sometime . They'll be asleep in no time .

Sana : hey it's ok . Let's go in . Have fun with them . You're with me so I have no problem ..

Yoongi: you were so quite . I understand you weren't that comfortable yet , let's go in after sometime .

Sana thought he was insisting to stay out only because she wasn't comfortable but Yoongi had different plans . He wanted to tell her that he loves her today no matter what happens .

They both were staring at the road from the balcony . There were very few vehicles and the view was beautiful . Almost full moon and slight breeze which then became quite powerful when it started to drizzle .

Talks were very limited , they both were just staring at the view .

Yoongi : Sanah ...

Sana : hmm

Yoongi : I wanted to tell you this today at any cost .. I ... love you...
He told the last two words in a very low voice but the silence allowed it to echo in Sana's ears

Sana : love you too

She replied still immersed in the beauty of the scenery .

Yoongi: huh ?
He asked confused that she replied so casually without even thinking a bit .

Sana: ah hmm what did you say ? What did I say ? What happened ? Lol did I curse since you're so surprised

She started talking nonsense since she didn't believe what he just said and what she replied . She thought it's her just assuming things like she always does . We'll she badly wanted her assumption to be real.

Yoongi: hahaha stop it . You said nothing wrong. You're so much more nervous than I am. I said .... I love you and you said-

Sana : ahhh I- love you too

And she was all red and embarassed . They both were shy but at this moment Sana was a lot more nervous and shy .

Yoongi hugged her to cut the awkwardness and he mumbled

Yoongi : thank you for everything you've done . You've created a whole new life for me . You came in when i had no hope , I never thought I'll love someone again and didn't think anyone could actually understand me and my past so well . You are the unexpected soul who healed mine and the one for whom my heart developed the unexpected love . Thank you ...
And love you..

~To be continued...

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Borahae 💜

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