[xvii] My light

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The next day..

Jimin's POV

I was clicking the pen continuously , tapping my feet in nervousness until my watch marks 3 . The results are gonna be out . I had a dream last night , of me being selected and getting successful in my music career . It could just be a dream , but still there's nothing which is impossible in it .

It's 2:57 right now . Hyungs are in a meeting with Ms. Jeong . Even though Jin hyung came back and took over all of his usual responsibilities of the company , he let Namjoon hyung continue to take care of the Jeong partnership because he was impressed by his sincerity , he knew joon hyung would learn many things being the head of the partnership . Yet he didn't leave him alone , he was by his side , helping whenever needed .

Everything came back to normal , no more abnormal amount of stress for us , jin hyung has settled everything .. he really knows how to handle things in a proper way ,or rather cool way . Taehyung has started coming to office too , either most of time getting lost in his own thoughts or filling pages of his diary , but our aim was to cheer him up and keep him distracted which was not an easy task , but we never stopped trying .

Now I hope everything goes well with me too . I could almost hear the ticking of my watch which is negligible .. the room was that quite . I kept my mail box open , waiting for the mail I'm longing to pop up . And...
It finally did . I just scrolled all the way to the bold letters without reading anything which isn't important.

Congratulations Mr. Park Jimin , you're selected ! Looking forward to meet you at our company for further proceedings.

Oh my goddd... Am I still dreaming? This is what exactly the dreamt was about . I pinched myself knowing it's just a silly thing to do . I'm not dreaming .. it's true !!!
I realised I had scrolled through most of the content , so I started reading it from the beginning after I calm down . My smile never faded , it was all about how good I'd performed. I picked my phone for contacting Mrs. Anne . She'd be waiting for our results too . But before I close the mail box , I recieved another mail .. it was .. Chim's secret admirer ? Was that the mail Id ? Lol this person has even created a mail Id to just text me ?!

Congratulations Chim ! I knew you'd succeed . All your efforts has paid off .
I'm so happy for you . And I hope my efforts will be paid too . I wanted to speak to you , like directly . I was waiting for the correct time and I think that time has come . I have something more to tell you .. I'll be waiting for you in café .. the one where you recieved my first message .

Wow .. did I like hit a jackpot today or something? I've been waiting for these two things ..the results and her next message . But I never thought they'd hop at the same time .

I ran towards the parking lot with just my coat and phone . I let the driver stay back as I wanted to drive by my own . I drove as soon as possible thinking my secret admirer is waiting for me .

Around 15 minutes later , I reached the café . The Beanery . I laughed at myself realising the way she fooled me by writing as if it was from the café at the beginning . I took tiny steps towards the door .. the nervousness I felt before was back again. All of a sudden I feel like something's holding me back .. I needed a lot of strength to move further .

I finally opened the door , my eyes searching for the person I'm looking for . I don't even know who it is , but I feel I'm gonna recognise her . I walked further into the café and ended up at the usual table I sit . Sh- she was here .
I couldn't see her properly because she wasn't facing me but she seems familiar . I sat down and tried to look at her face which caught her attention . She immediately tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled warmly .
It was ... Cha- Cha Ae Yeong?? My employee . I sensed that she had a crush over me from the time she joined our company but I didn't know it was serious. I had a great impression on her as she's always perfect with her work , punctual and speaks politely . And now I'm surprised to know that she's the one .. the one who kept encouraging me , the one who became the reason for me to not give up ..... My Light .

While I was lost in my own thoughts , she finally broke the silence .

Ae yeong: Hi Chim- Jimi- Mr. Park . I- I'm sorry .  

She kept biting her lip which clearly showed she was ten times nervous than I am .

Jimin: Umm.. It doesn't matter what you'd call me . But I'm gonna call you mine .

She chuckled at my lame pickup line . I was somewhat embarrassed now . After a while of silence again, she spoke .

Ae yeong : so you mean .. you .. you accept my proposal .

Jimin: ye-  wait when did you even propose me ? I didn't hear anything of such sort . You proposed me in your mind is it ?

Ae yeong: oh .. yeah you're right . Just a minute .

I was just trying to have some fun but she took it seriously . Now I don't know what she's upto . She opened her purse and took a peice of paper and a pen out of it . She began to write something while covering so that I wouldn't be able to peep. I patiently waited until she handed the paper to me .

"I love you ...more than anything else in this world .
Will you complete me? "
She drew an incomplete heart next to it, leaving the other half for me to complete and at the end she'd written "~yours"

Oh my god .. this is the cutest proposal I could imagine . I smiled at the note , picked the pen and covered the same way as her while I was writing .

I drew the other half of the heart , turned the paper and wrote a big YES !  and at the end , "~your chim".

I stood up and stretched my hand towards her . She came to me and took the paper . In a few seconds her lips formed a bright smile which made me smile back unintentionally . Abundance of love and happiness in her eyes ... I opened my arms , welcoming her to my embrace . She quickly hugged me tight and I hugged her back .

Jimin: thank you and I love you too my Unexpected Love !

~To be continued...
(Please continue reading)

Hey lovely readers ! How's this chapter ? I hope it made you smile too . Jimin's dream has finally come true . Life has gifted him the best just as Ae yeong said . And along with that life has gifted him Ae yeong too . He earned all of this happiness with his enormous efforts . Aren't we all happy for him?

And by the way , Taehyung is missing.. where's could he probably go?

Let's find out in the next chapter .. until then ba-bye .. stay tuned !


The Unexpected Love - Book 2 [A BTS OT7 Fanfiction] (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now