[x] The world has stopped

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Taehyung's POV

I feel like the world has stopped ... Actually it would be great if it stops here because my heart isn't able to beat anymore . The fear , grief , regret what not .. is killing me from inside . I really pray the world stops .. where's my Y/n? Is she even safe and healthy ?? It's already been a day ... I want the time to freeze to pause her sufferings .. let me find her . My only will right now is to find out where she is . Hug her tightly and tell nothing is important when compared to her .. she's the one who keeps my heart beating .

What am I now ? Worthless ... I feel too empty and hurt . Was I being that selfish ?? Did she think that small wish of mine would be greater than herself ? The only reason I'm alive ?? Did she really think she's of no worth if she can't give birth to my baby ? Damn it's just a little dream of mine to play with our kids , being called dad . But that's not what makes me feel alive . It's her and only her . I'm ready to accept her with all the scars and imperfections which she thinks she's borne with ... Because every part of her is perfect for me . Nothing is a flaw . I wanna scream it aloud so that she could hear how much she actually means to me . But .. I've already lost my energy screaming .. crying ... My whole body feels numb . I only need my Y/n right now ... or else my lungs would slowly give up breathing.

Yunha: Taehyung shi .. please calm down . Stop crying . We'll definitely find her . She's not gone anywhere ...

V: she left me ... This selfish idiot soul which is interwined with hers .

Yunha: why do you say that ?

I showed her the reports which were wet with my tears and crushed by my shivering hands

Yunha: .....What ?? Is this even true ?

I nodded slowly .

Yunha: this isn't the end . We'll find her . Wherever she is . I'm sure she's in the same condition of yours . She needs you . She wouldn't have gone too far away . Please listen to me ... Relax we'll get her back to you in no time .

Flashback (Last night)

iu: umm .. who's Y/n ? I didn't meet anyone with that name

What?? Every sentence from people is giving me a heart attack . Who's lying ?  Where's Y/n ????

V: doctor please recall . You've definitely met her .. the register tells she's visited this hospital .

I quickly switched on my phone and and showed her my lockscreen which was Y/n .

V: See this is Y/n . You've met her right ?

She gave a quick glance and answered with a stern expression .

iu : not at all . Please excuse me .. I have an urgent work right now .

??:  Dr. Jiuen!! Please wait ..

A lady who's name was displayed as Mina on her ID card , seems to be the nurse and came running towards the doctor .

Mina: thank god you didn't leave yet . You'd left your phone in-

iu- oh thank you so much . Gotta go . Byee

She left leaving me and Mina frozen .

Mina (whispering): what happened to her suddenly ..

V: can you please tell me if you've seen her?
I showed her the picture and she quickly responded .

Mina: yeahh .. she came for a check up today and met Dr. Jiuen

I knew something was fishy . I quickly turned around and ran to find that doctor . Almost reached the main entrance and I saw her entering her car . I rushed to prevent her from leaving. 

V: doctor don't you lie to me anymore . I got to know Y/n has consulted you . Please spill the truth . There's no other escape .. Mina has informed me .

She just jerked her hand away and held her head in frustration .

iu - ugh listen Mr . Kim ... Mrs. Kim Y/n has met me today afternoon telling she suspects to be pregnant.  So she took her pregnancy test and ...

V: And what ?

iu: and unfortunately we found out that there's no chance of her getting pregnant .

V: what do you mean ?!

iu: this condition is called infertility . She can't give birth to a baby . I've the reports with me
She handed the reports to me .

And she'd requested me not to inform it to anyone . Not even you . but .. sorry for both of you .

End of flashback

While Yunha was trying to console me , all my brothers came running towards me .

Jin: Taehyung-ahh what's wrong with you ?? Be strong .. we're gonna bring her back . You didn't lose her . Stop crying !!!!

Jk: Y/n really didn't visit the place she was supposed to ?
He asked facing me , but not expecting an answer from my mouth.

Yunha: hmm .. no she didn't come to my home .

All of them were continuously speaking and I wasn't in the state of understanding anything . All I could do was try to endure the intense pain I'm feeling in my heart ..

Time skip (3 days later)

V: Jin hyung .. please go back to Ara noona . I'm fine . Don't worry about me. It's the time when you've to be beside her and not me. 

It's almost the hundreadth time that I've told everyone to leave . They would come to me everyday , check if I'm alright . I wouldn't say I'm alright .. if I do I'm lying . All I'm doing right now is lying to hyungs but I can't pressurize them to stay along with me.  They have lot of work .. Namjoon hyung and Suga hyung would be so exhausted because Suga hyung is doing his own work plus helping Namjoon hyung as much as he can .. and nothing to talk about Namjoon hyung .. he's taken 70% load on himself .
How much ever tired they are at the end of the day,  everyone would still come to check on me ...  But I don't feel right.

I kept on requesting everyone to leave and I'd cope up by myself . At last they agreed to the fact that they've to leave me alone for sometime but also told atleast one of them would visit me everyday . I couldn't argue more .. I'd make them stop gradually .

~To be continued...

Heyy amaJin armies !! I'm here to blabber the same thing again .. please vote , share and comment your views . One more thing , let's cherish our birthday gift !! Permission to dance 🥰
Keep streaming and meet y'all next Saturday


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