Chapter 56 - Siege of Paris, 2018

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Ragna sat atop Fenris as she looked out over the land and grinned as she watched the snow descend upon Paris. Paris was the center of the Wight Walkers in Europe, as it had usually been the center of trouble for years and years. "Oh, Paris! What a sad state I find you in; but do not fear. I shall truly liberate you from the icy shackles that bind you," she said as she gripped Fenris' sides with her thighs and turned him around. Sandor Clegane joined her on his horse, and Barnes did the same on his. He always felt out of place on the back of such a noble beast, but had been informed that going on foot was out of the question. "Men! Today we begin our siege of Paris! Like the Northmen of old, we shall block it off, and burn it out! Make camp!" Ragna said.

"You heard the princess! Make camp!" one of her captains commanded.

"Select our strongest and hardiest warriors to begin digging a pit around the city and fill it with Valerian steel pikes and burning oil," Ragna ordered as she continued to ride Fenris around the city. Bucky and Clegane followed behind her, watching her as she observed the shell that she had to crack. It had advanced beyond its original medieval state and as far as Ragna was concerned, was indefensible. Typical modern metropolitan center of depravity, fornication, and destitution. "Of all the Seven Circles of Hell, cities are the worst," Ragna commented.

"Don't you live in a city where you come from?" Bucky asked and Ragna glanced over her shoulder at him.

"My family own many castles in Westeros. My father and mother tend to reside in the refurbished castle at Harrenhall. It was once destroyed by dragon fire and was left a blackened husk. Now, it shimmers in the sunlight. I have a castle of my own as well. After I successfully vanquished the Short Rebellion with minimal fatalities, I was given the castle of the Twins. It gives me a vantage point over the center of Westeros. I have easy access to my family in the South as well as the North. Uncle Robb always appreciated my visits. Aunt Talisa would share her healing wisdom with me, and he would tell me tales of the War of Five Kings and the Targaryen Restoration. Your world also has a history of restorations. One such restoration happened here in France. After the first defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Bourbon Kings returned to their seat at Versailles. However, their restoration was not like the restoration of Charles II to the English throne. He destroyed his enemies and even exhumed the body of Oliver Cromwell, to be posthumously executed for his treason. Charles II was not forgiving, and neither were my father and aunt. Traitors were decapitated and their lands given to the crown. Such is the punishment for turncoats," Ragna said as she stopped walking Fenris and dismounted. Both Bucky and Sandor also got off their horses and followed her. Ragna's eyes were focused on the city as if she could assess its weakness with her eyes. As if she could undress its houses, roads, and rivers and find her access point. "Paris is an old city that has been expanded upon for centuries. The French government has made a few upgrades and structural changes, but the sewers have remained the same. And the Wight Walkers used that to their advantage. I also intend to use it to my advantage," Ragna explained as she turned back to Sandor Clegane. "Please summon our young maester, Crispian of the House of Red Hands. He not only learned in the ways of healing, but also in the incendiary arts. I want him to have access to a blueprint of the city's sewer system. Last time Rhaenar and I were here, I swiped one," Ragna said, producing it from inside her vest and handing it to Clegane. The Hound bowed to her and left to find the maester. Bucky glanced at her as she returned her gaze to the city.

"You want to blow up one of the oldest cities in Europe?" Bucky asked with a slight tone in his voice. Ragna smirked, as if the idea of seeing Paris in flames was a good idea.

"I would see this world freed from the curse of the Wight Walkers. One less city is a small price to pay for that end," Ragna admitted as she began to walk back towards where her soldiers were setting up camp.

"You do remember that I said it was 'Paris' right?" Bucky tried to reaffirm, and Ragna graced him with a half glance over her shoulder.

"Paris, London, Berlin, Rome... I would blow it all up if it would aid in eradicating these demons and sending them to the Seven Circles of Hell," Ragna responded.

"Nine," Bucky countered and Ragna raised her eyebrow at him. "According to 'Dante's Inferno', there are nine circles of Hell."

"In your Christian religion maybe. In Westerosi religion, there are Seven Heavens, and Seven Hells. It is the main religion of Westeros. Aunt Daenerys allows other religions to be practiced in the lands across the Narrow Sea that are under our dominion, but in Westeros, only the Faith of the Seven is allowed," Ragna explained.

"Not big on 'freedom of religion' I take it?" Bucky queried.

"Studies of such a belief allow dissent into the culture. Diversity of opinion... maybe... Diversity of belief... inconceivable," Ragna said.

"Sounds not good," Bucky responded very ineloquently.

"Diversity of belief led to some of your worlds greatest disasters. Humanitarian crisis. The Protestant Reformation was a difference of belief. Naught wrong with your Christian faith... merely the practitioners and bishops, who abused power. How many thousands of people died: Catholic and Protestant? The French Revolution was a prelude to modern Marxism. And it kills people," Ragna stated simply.

"Historical scholar?" Bucky asked.

"I find there is much to be learned from the mistakes of others. The history of Westeros and Midgard can teach us much if we bother to look. I learned from my father's and aunt's mistakes. My aunt let Tywin Lannister live till after the War of Fire and Ice, and he was found dead in the crypts below the Red Keep. My father let Petyr Baelish, the Mockingbird, live after the War of Five Kings and the Targaryen Restoration. As a result, my brother was almost killed by him and I," Ragna said as she turned and lifted up her clothes to reveal a scar across her ribcage. It went from her hip to just under her breast. Bucky also caught a glimpse of something that looked like a tattoo going across her hips and waist and navel, but the scar was what kept his gaze. "Petyr Baelish did this to me when I was six-years-old. I survived and after that event, I realized that mercy has no place in war. Only in peace." Ragna lowered her tunic and chainmail. Bucky watched as she came up to him and looked into his blue eyes with her emerald ones. "When I want to be merciful, I will summon the Captain of America. I picked you for a reason. This world needs a killer right now."

"I'm a soldier, not a killer," Bucky retorted.

"Same difference to us Westerosi. Remember that you fight by our rules in this conflict," Ragna reminded as she turned her back on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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