Chapter 11 - Winter Is Coming

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Daenerys hated to think that there would be another war in her lifetime, but sadly, that appeared to be the case. Seeing that Wight Walker and knowing that its fate would be the fate of all living beings, she could not stand idly by and let this menace advance unchecked. Of course, even if she wanted to, her brother and nephew and husband would not. They would rally all the houses on by themselves. Besides, her niece had a force of her own that would answer the call to arms.

"Has word been sent to the Wolves of Westeros to mobilize?" Daenerys queried as she sat on the Iron Throne, surrounded by select members of her court. Her eyes went to Loki instantly and he shook his head.

"Unfortunately, the Wolves of Westeros only respond when my daughter calls or when an obvious threat has landed in Westeros," Loki answered. This made many people in the room growl and/or roll their eyes.

"Sometimes I think your daughter has too much power," Theon commented.

"She might say the same about you and your ships," Loki countered, but Sansa had snapped her fingers and Jon cleared his throat.

"There will be no fighting about who has more power. You each control what you were meant to control; you inherited the Iron Fleet after Yara sadly... passed on. My daughter has built up the Wolves of Westeros herself by her own will. No judging or I will push you out of this room myself," Sansa said darkly. Theon gave her a slight bow, knowing better than to challenge the woman who had been like a sister to him during his sojourn in Winterfell.

"However, he does speak some truth," Tyrion cut in and they all looked at him. "Your daughter should remain in command of the Wolves of Westeros as is her prerogative as its creator; but... she should have a designated second-in-command in case she is out of reach. Kind of like right now. Her second should be able to give the command to mobilize her units."

"She'll be loathe to agree to that idea," Dhaerin pointed out with a grin.

"Well, she'll be the one to choose her second, so it won't be so bad," Sansa said calmly and she sat down at the table, tapping her fingers on the surface.

"That aside, once the heads of the other families arrive, we have to get started. We can't have the Wight Walkers take us by surprise. I want the castles on the Wall to be re-provisioned. Send more men as well," Daenerys said.

"Forgive me, aunt," Jon cut in, "but southern troops are not going to last long on the Wall. Only men of the North will be able to stand against the cold."

"I could reach out to Helbindi?" Loki suggested. "He could spare us some Jotuns for the wall and we all know the giants are probably worth three men from the North."

"An excellent idea. Are we in agreement to request some aid from the Frost Giants of Jotunheim?" Daenerys asked. Everyone else agreed, recalling how valuable the Jotuns were against the Muspels of Surtur during the Battle of Blazing Ash. "Very well. Please, dear brother, reach out to King Helbindi of Jotunheim and request his aid."

"Thank you, sister," Loki answered with a hint of a smirk.

"When do you leave for Jotunheim?" Sansa asked as she watched Loki throw on a long overcoat with a wolf fur trim in their chambers. He cast a look over his shoulder and she grinned.

"I'm leaving now, why?" he posed in return and Sansa punched him in the shoulder as she reached for her own cloak.

"Because I haven't been to Jotunheim in ages, and I'm dying to see Opal. Also, isn't Helbindi's son, your nephew just come of age in Jotun terms?" Sansa queried, hinting to the Crown Prince Halden of Jotunheim.

"He has, yes. What's going on here? Why do you want to go to Jotunheim so bad?" Loki queried.

"Oh, no reason," Sansa responded with a smirk of her own. Loki shook his head, knowing she was lying, but not bothering to figure out why. Sansa just grabbed her own coat and followed him out of the chamber.

They were deposited within the palace of Jotunheim and the guards did not even bat an eyebrow. They were used to Loki and his family just magically appearing like that out of no where for a visit, so they took it in stride. "Greetings, your highness," the one giant said with a slight bow of his head.

"Greetings, and a fine day it is to visit the King of Jotunheim," Loki responded and the guards nodded their heads. They also bowed to Sansa and she smiled back.

"Aunt Sansa! Uncle Loki!" cried voices and they both turned around and saw two little children running for them.

"Come here!" Loki said with a smile as he knelt down on the icy ground to gather the youngsters into his arms. Sansa smiled as Loki coddled his brother's children. Prince Sergei (12) and Princess Ebele (8) were beautiful children, who had inherited strong Light Elf traits. They had the pointy ears and fair hair to compliment their light blue skin. Their red eyes looked up at Loki with love. When they saw Sansa, they wiggled out of Loki's arms and into hers.

"We've missed you, Aunt Sansa!" Ebele declared as Sansa pressed a kiss to her cool cheek.

"Are the cousins coming?" Sergei posed as he played with a loose strand of her red hair.

"No, sweet Sergei, they're not coming. I'm sure you'll see them soon, though," Sansa answered.

"Well, either way, we're glad to see you," said a voice and Loki and Sansa looked up and saw Helbindi and Opal a few yards away from them. Crown Prince Halden was behind them and smiling. Loki walked to Helbindi and embraced his younger brother then his sister-in-law. Sansa joined them a second later, leading the children.

"Brother, I have another request to make," Loki told Helbindi as he started to lead him away. The ladies watched as they departed before turning to face each other. Opal took Sergei's hand and Sansa kept holding Ebele as they started to walk in the opposite direction.

"How fares Westeros since our last visit?" Queen Opal queried.

"It still stands and Daenerys is still queen," Sansa answered. Opal smiled and let Sergei go running off and his sister joined him. "And you? Jotunheim agrees with you?"

"I don't think Jotunheim will ever agree with me; but the love I bear my husband, I would sit with him in the fiery circle of Muspelheim," Opal said in response and Sansa nodded. "And our love is bearing more fruit," Opal continued as she laid a hand over her stomach. Sansa felt her lips quiver slightly before she broke out in a smile.

"Congratulations! What do you wish for this time?" Sansa queried.

"I would be alright with either one, although, Helbindi is more partial towards a princess to even the odds. Similar to yourself and Loki, I imagine," Opal answered. Sansa nodded and did her best to ignore the tightening in her throat and the sting in her eyes.    

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