Chapter 10 - The Three-Eyed Raven

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Ragna had Erikar hover in the air while she waited for Rhaenar. Her dragon growled and she patted his neck. "Be calm, Erikar. They'll be here," Ragna told him. As if on cue, Rhaenar appeared with Imry, glaring at her.

"Now what?" he asked.

"Do you remember the stories Father told us about a mystical guide that took on the form of a raven?" Ragna queried.

"The Three-Eyed Raven? Yes, Father found a few myths chronicled that mentioned a Three-Eyed Raven; but, you don't strike me as the type of person to believe them," he answered.

"I don't believe them because I want to; I believe them because once you take away the obvious, what remains must be true," Ragna retorted before she sent Erikar flying forward. Rhaenar rolled his eyes and followed her. "I want you to reach out for that being. See if you can sense him and connect. I want to know what the f-k is going on," Ragna said.

"I need to be on the ground and allowed to meditate in order to do that," Rhaenar informed her.

"I'll cover you," Ragna answered as she began her descent. Rhaenar joined her on the ground in an open area. There was a rock in the middle of the frozen meadow and he went to that.

Sitting down Indian style, Rhaenar rested his hands on his knees and said, "Give me five minutes."

"I'll give you ten," Ragna teased lightly as she positioned Imry and Erikar around him to act as a shield. She then drew Brann and Is and started to patrol around them. Rhaenar closed his eyes, slowed his breathing, and listened to his heart. The thump-thump of his life giving organ always had a calming effect on him and helped when he was trying to enter the Spirit Realm. The first time Rhaenar had succeeded in doing it, he was thirteen and he was stuck there until Loki pulled him out. He was scolded for attempting something so dangerous without aid or proper training. His corporal form had been found by Ragna and when a few sharp slaps failed to rouse him, she got their parents. Now, he was older and more experienced, capable of making the journey to and fro without help. He inhaled and exhaled, once, twice; on the third attempt, Rhaenar opened his eyes and found himself sitting just outside a circle of stones that surrounded a weirwood tree. Strange people were standing outside it and looking at him. They appeared to be women and also seemed to be made of bark. Rhaenar stood up and started his approach, palms up.

"I am Rhaenar Frostborn, son of Loki and Sansa; the Archmage. Take me to the Three-Eyed Raven," he commanded.

"You make demands of us?" one of the wood women asked. Rhaenar shrugged his shoulders and approached, creating a green flame in the palm of his hand.

"Take me to him or be incinerated. Those are your options," he offered. The wood woman made a move to advance, before they all heard the caw of a raven. They looked and saw one observing them from one of the branches of the weirwood tree. It cawed once more before flying into its cavernous depths through a dark opening in the wood. The wood woman looked back at Rhaenar and nodded.

"It would appear he wants to see you too. Follow us," she said and they all started to walk inside the tree. Rhaenar nodded and proceeded to follow them into the great tree. He found his path become a tangle of great roots reaching out like fingers to snag his clothing and hair. Rhaenar blew out and the roots parted more for him. The wood women turned to look at him and he just waved his hand. They proceeded until they reached the center or main trunk or the weirwood tree. Rhaenar looked around, studying the dark and slightly damp interior. Finally, he saw him: an old man sitting trapped by the numerous roots. He was gripping one in each hand and his eyes were white.

"He's warging, isn't he?" Rhaenar queried.

"Yes, he should be with us in a moment," the lead wood woman said. Rhaenar turned to look at them, studying them with sharp eyes. They were wearing leaf life garments and had flowers or buds adorning their heads like hair. Their eyes were golden in hue and seemed to be analyzing him in turn.

"What are you?" he asked.

"We are the Children of the Forest. We have been here before the First Men, but have been forgotten by your people," the leader answered.

"I wonder why? Did you even want to be remembered?" Rhaenar challenged and the leader frowned.

"Leaf!" said a voice and they all looked over at the old man. He was moving now and his eyes blue. The Three-Eyed Raven had returned. "Do not antagonize a Frostborn. They bite."

"You know me then?" Rhaenar asked as he approached the old man.

"Yes, I know of you, I know of your father, mother, brother, sisters. I know of you all. I've been watching you for years now," the Three-Eyed Raven admitted.

"Why, if I may ask," Rhaenar said as he stood before the old man, his arms folded across his chest.

"Because your existence on this earth was preordained," the old man answered. Rhaenar blinked once, twice and shook his head.

"Excuse me, preordained?"

"When the Seven Vanir saw the threat of the Wight Walkers, they knew that the barriers Bor of Asgard placed on Westeros would not be enough. That was when they helped the First Men to create the Wall and they used their magic to make this tree and they created the Three-Eyed Raven," the old man explained.

"Are you the only Three-Eyed Raven that has ever been?" Rhaenar asked.

"Nay, there have been a few others before me. There must never be a vacancy in this position. There must always be a Raven, just as this tree must remain, and the Wall must stand. If the Wall was ever breached and this tree destroyed with me here, the barricade between the worlds would vanish," the old man said.

"I thought that already happened when my father had Daenerys crowned Queen of Westeros with a legitimate husband?"

"No. It merely made it possible for the Bifrost to become active within this realm again, and for us to leave via the same route. Without the Wall, this tree and myself, anybody could travel anywhere at any time without it being controlled," the old man answered.

"No control over the traffic means some unscrupulous characters could leave and go wherever they wanted. Is that what the Wight Walkers want? To leave Westeros and go somewhere else?" Rhaenar queried as he started to pace.

"Westeros is no longer a soft target. It has your father and your dragons. It has you and your sister. If you think we haven't heard of the Wolf of Westeros this far North, you are sadly mistaken. That is why the Wight Walkers want to leave. They will go to another place where people think they're safe, but in reality, they are simply sheep, waiting for the wild dogs to enter their pasture. They think their saviors will protect them; they cannot. They are disjointed and squabbling amongst themselves. They are soft and are not ready for the long dark of winter. Your mother's family always predicted it would come, and it has; just not for Westeros," the Three-Eyed Raven said.

"Good gods! Midgard! Their target is Midgard?!" Rhaenar exclaimed. That was when they noticed that they could see their breath in the now frosty air. Rhaenar turned around, conjuring his flame just as the Children of the Forest drew short daggers.

"They've come for you!" Leaf said, looking to the old man.

"I knew they would. My successor must take up my mantle, but he does not know it. It will be difficult for him," the Three-Eyed Raven predicted. He looked to Rhaenar. "Return to your body. Your sister awaits you. Go with the knowledge that you've always known the Three-Eyed Raven. He is your uncle after all." Rhaenar gaped, but that was when the old man used his own magic to banish Rhaenar from the weirwood tree and send him back to the clearing. Rhaenar landed flat on his back and stared up at the cloudy sky for a minute before his ears registered the dragons roaring.

"I said I would give you ten minutes! Get your ass up now!" Ragna shouted as her head appeared in his line of sight. Rhaenar sprang up and saw what the immediate danger was. Wight Walkers were starting to approach, and the Imry and Erikar were starting to breath fire upon them. He chanted something real quick and suddenly an intense fog surrounded them. The Wight Walkers came in and found the space empty.

Rhaenar glared at Ragna as they began to fly back South. "Don't talk to me as if I was one of your foot soldiers. I'm not your subordinate," he informed her darkly. Ragna also gave him a look.

"I have more field experience than you. I've seen what happens when people don't pay attention. They get themselves and their comrades killed. You might be my brother, but out here, you're my comrade too. Just do as I damn well say!" With that, they flew South, towards Kings Landing.

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