Chapter 26 - Pleased to Meet You

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It was Ragna's idea for Rhaenar to teleport them into the UN building in Vienna, Austria. Her reason for choosing this location was based purely on a cruel sense of irony. When the portal dropped them into the giant meeting room, all the politicians inside gasped and security pointed their weapons at them. Rhaenar put the guards to sleep with his magic and sealed the doors. Ragna walked down the aisles, looking every man and woman in the face. They were visibly quaking under her emerald gaze. "Do you have a live camera to transmit a message?" she asked.

"They're... they're... ahem! There are news crews outside," a secretary's stammering answer.

"Bring the one from the largest network in. I have something to say," Ragna informed her. 

Tony was sitting at the kitchen counter with Pepper, enjoying a nice breakfast when FRIDAY said, "X'cuse me, boss, but there's something you should see on the telly." She turned it on without waiting for his permission, and Tony and Pepper found themselves staring at a young women with flaming red hair, in medieval dress, with a large sword.

"That's the girl! She's the one we ran into at the internet hub in Europe!" Tony exclaimed.

"Well, she's got something to say," Pepper retorted as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Greetings citizens of Midgard! I am High Princess Ragna of House Frostborn, and Commander of the Wolves of Westeros. I have come to your realm with my brother, High Prince Rhaenar of House Frostborn, because your world is in dire straits. You all saw the attack on Paris yesterday. Know that it will be the first of many, and that your enemy is undead. They are called Wight Walkers, a disease as old as time in Westeros. We had them blocked beyond the Wall that separated the harsh far North from the rest of our land. However, they broke through the barrier that was the Wall and made their way to your world. And that was when the Queen of Westeros, Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen; the Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons, decided that you would not face them alone. We were sent here to gather intelligence and prepare the way for a force from Westeros to intercede on your behalf. And let me say this, any other information you want is only going to be given to the Avengers.  The old Avengers."

Shuri glanced over her shoulder at Steve Rogers as he stood behind her with T'Challa, Bucky, Okoye, Sam Wilson, and Natasha. "So, she'll only give the information to us?" Steve asked.

"You know that Stark will be there, right?" Sam reminded and Steve nodded.

"I know. And I can't run from him forever. I was going to have to face him again at some point. Might as well be today. Let's get in the jet," Steve ordered and his team followed him. 

Pepper turned to Tony and watched as he put special bracelets on his wrists. "You're going," she stated, knowing that she did not need to ask. 

"FRIDAY already contacted Rhodey and Vision and we're pulling out now. Sorry, Pepper, but if this kid's got any information on what the hell we're dealing with, it's a chance I'll have to take," Tony told her.

"I saw what she did to your armor. She's not normal," Pepper reminded.

"I know, but I'll be ready for her this time. I love you," Tony said as he kissed her and Pepper smiled as he left.

"I love you too." 

Ragna released the politicians, but made them leave the critical documents as hostages until the Avengers arrived and she insisted that they enter the building at the same time. "You're just being mean. Even I know what the 'Civil War' was between Anthony Stark and Steven Rogers a couple of years ago. It will be painful for them to see each other," Rhaenar commented as he stared out the window at all the police and paramedics who were outside the building. Ragna was sitting on the desk at the head of the room in front of the window. She was admiring the sheen off a ring on her finger. It was made of gold with an emerald stone that had a wolf etched into it. 

"They'll have to get over their petty emotions if they want to battle the Wight Walkers. I won't allow them to wallow in any self-pity or fixate on paltry feelings of revenge and imagined slights," Ragna rejoined as she polished her ring before looking over her shoulder out the window. "They're here," she said and Rhaenar glanced as well, seeing the approaching teams and the legions of media who were following them. 

"You've put them in an awkward position. They'll be rattled when they walk in here," Rhaenar stated as he walked away from the window to stand closer to the door.

"I'm not going to meet them when they're calm and collected. After we've established ourselves among them, then we can do that. Until that moment, we are enemies," Ragna answered as the doors opened. She grinned when she recognized the famous Tony Stark in his Iron Suit, just lacking his helmet. He was alternating looking at her and glancing at the bearded Captain Steve Rogers. Captain America was also blinking between Tony and Ragna. "Welcome! Thank you for coming to my meeting. I've been so looking forward to meeting you all," Ragna said.

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