Chapter 13 - Westeros Prepares

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Before Loki and Sansa returned to Kings Landing from Jotunheim, Rhaenar and Ragna had come back from their trek beyond the Wall. The sentries alerted the Red Keep that dragons were in coming and Imry and Erikar landed in the courtyard of the Red Keep. Sandor Clegane walked down the stairs with Bronn by his side. "Greetings, young lords," Bronn said without care. He knew Ragna would not mind that he called her a 'lord'. She might actually prefer it.

"Hello, Bronn! Clegane! It's good to be back where it's warm," Rhaenar said as he dismounted.

"One would think you had neither Jotun or Stark blood in your veins when you say something like that," Ragna commented as she walked up to Clegane, stripping her riding gloves off her hands. Before Rhaenar could retort, she started walking away with Sandor right behind her. "I assume my aunt has sent word out to the other houses about calling the banners?" she queried.

"Yes, your grace. The heads should be arriving soon, and your father and mother should also be back from Jotunheim," the Hound answered.

"Jotunheim? Am I right in guessing that my father suggested asking Uncle Helbindi for troops?"

"Yes, you are correct," Clegane responded. Ragna chuckled. She knew her father so well indeed.

"Good! Good, good, good," Ragna said in response as she continued walking. Clegane walked silently beside her until Ragna cut in, "You're thinking too loudly, Clegane. What has you troubled?"

"Your grace," the Hound began, drawing Ragna's attention, "This seems a little too soon. You are still preparing yourself and your men are not as ready as you might like them to be." Ragna chuckled before she reached out and placed her hand on Sandor's massive arm.

"You make it sound like I'm attempting a coup. It's nothing of the sort, Sandor. I simply want a grand theater, with a stage where I can prove myself to a large audience. I am a performer, after all. Father always does better and goes bigger when he has people watching," Ragna answered.

"But I want that for you. Everything that you have ever desired, I want that for you," Sandor Clegane admitted. Ragna smiled, knowing that Sandor Clegane had always had an affection for her mother, and now, he felt the same for her. He had always been closer to her than he had been with Dagmar, so her ambitions were his. He wanted her to be the greatest woman in Westerosi history, even greater than Daenerys.

"And I thank you for your loyalty and dedication. I mean to reward you handsomely when what I have worked for has been achieved, but I know what your heart truly wants," Ragna pointed out and Sandor Clegane looked away. Ragna's hand went out and turned his head towards her so that they were looking at each other. "I mean to give that to you as well."

"No one can give me that but her," Sandor answered. Ragna gave him a wry smile and pulled away.

"Then I recommend we start doing things that gets you to her," Ragna rejoined. With that, she kept walking until she and Sandor Clegane ran into an older and grayer Ser Jorah Mormont. The commander of the Queen's Guard bowed his head to her. "Ser Jorah, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Ragna queried as she continued walking and Ser Jorah flanked her on the opposite side.

"The queen requests that you summon the Wolves of Westeros and prepare to send them North to the Wall," Ser Jorah informed her. Ragna tilted her head from side to side as she contemplated her aunt's demand.

"Where are the queen and king?" she asked as she stripped out of her overcoat and held it out to Sandor. The Hound took it and placed it over his arm.

"They are in the throne room," Ser Jorah answered. Ragna nodded and made her way there.

The herald did not have time to announce her as she threw the doors open herself and the court turned to see her. Ragna saw Daenerys and Tyrion sitting on their thrones, with a chair set to the side for Draegon. Her cousin smiled when he saw it was her and Daenerys waved her forward. Ragna advanced with Clegane right behind her. The nobles of the court watched without saying a word. Ragna had always hated it when people whispered as she entered a room, and would give them a death glare until they got the message. Now, she approached her aunt and uncle and bowed before them. "We are grateful to the Seven that you have returned to us safe from your perilous mission," Daenerys told her.

"It was a bit cold, I'll grant you," Ragna rejoined as she climbed up the steps of the dais until she was standing before her aunt and uncle. She winked at Draegon and he stood up, coming right beside her.

"Were you the one to catch it? The Wight Walker?" he asked excitedly. Ragna shrugged her shoulders slightly.

"Eh, it was a joint effort between myself and Fenris. However, it is the fact that there are more of them out there that has me concerned. You want me to mobilize my forces?" Ragna directed the last part to Daenerys. The Queen of Westeros nodded her head and leaned forward in the Iron Throne.

"I also want you to appoint a second-in-command to make executive decisions for you should you otherwise be detained," she told her. Ragna's eyebrow went up a little bit and her lips twisted.

"A second-in-command? I have captains under me," she reminded.

"But none of them have the pull among your entire company to move them to action. Only you have that authority," Tyrion pointed out.

"For a reason," Ragna prompted through gritted teeth. Both Tyrion and Daenerys caught her tone and frowned slightly at her.

"You know why we are asking. If you want to seek counsel with your parents before you choose who it is to be, that is alright. They should be returning from Jotunheim today," Daenerys said.

"No need. I'll be riding South to the Kingswood to gather my men anyway. If my parents want to speak, they'll have to come to me," Ragna answered. With that, she gave her aunt and uncle a bow, shook her cousin's hand, and exited the throne room. When Tyrion and Daenerys looked back at each other, they simultaneously released a long sigh.

"She took that better than I thought she would," Tyrion commented.

"She took it better than you thought? How did you think she would take it?" Daenerys queried as she leaned back in the Iron Throne.

"I thought she would ask for the latest criminals to be put in the training arena for her to execute at her leisure," Tyrion stated. Daenerys frowned dourly.

"She only did that once," she pointed out.

"That's what Loki said."    

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