Chapter 34 - Arming for War

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Rhaenar came into Ragna's room at the Swiss Army base without preamble and said, "Father is about to send Fenris over with the supplies for testing." Ragna closed the book she had been reading (Sun Tzu's 'Art of War'), and walked passed her brother. Bucky was standing right outside the door and immediately followed her as she left. When Rhaenar went after her, Wanda was right behind him. 

"Did Father say anything about sending you Westerosi backup?" Ragna posed as they stepped into the center of the camp and waited for Loki to open the portal.

"He didn't say anything to me," Rhaenar responded before he performed the same magic he had done on the Swiss Alps to open it from his side. Members of the Swiss Army and the disbanded Avengers watched as the crack opened again and they all heard a growl from the other side. That was when a large, black wolf with green eyes emerged from beyond the light. Ragna walked right up to him and placed her hands on his face.

"Fenris! My brother and trusted steed," she said before she placed her forehead against his. The wolf closed his eyes and the Avengers could swear that he was smiling. Behind him, two other people appeared, carrying satchels. One was a stern looking woman, and the other, a rough looking man.

"Ah! Obara and Bronn! Father sent you to assist? You at least, Bronn, must have done something to tick him off," Rhaenar stated with a grin.

"He didn't want to send Dhaerin or Dagmar yet. Says he's saving them for later," Obara said as she placed her satchel on the ground.

"Yes, indeed! He said if the Archmage and Weapons Master couldn't handle this problem, what's the point of living?" Bronn teased as he handed Rhaenar his bag. Bronn then winked at Sandor Clegane, who just glared at him.

"I'm sorry! There's something I'm not understanding," Tony suddenly piped up and they all looked at him. "Did you say that was your brother?" he asked, pointing at Fenris. The wolf sneered at him, baring his sharp teeth. "He's a fricken wolf!"

"The Hell Hound of the Underworld, to be exact," Ragna declared as she scratched under his chin. "He is the first born of Loki Frostborn and his consort, Angriboda of Jotunheim. Yggdrasil cursed him in the form of a wolf and as such he remains."

"And you ride him?" Sam asked as he skirted around Fenris, eyeing him up and down.

"He has been my mount for years, carrying me across Westeros and into battle," Ragna explained. "I wouldn't dream of entering this war without him being there."

"How thoughtful of you," Natasha commented, fixing Obara and her spear with a suspicious glance.

"Avert your eyes if you find something that offends you," Obara told her.

"Get used to it here, Obara. Almost everything offends these people," Ragna told her mischievously as she swung up onto Fenris' back. It immediately gave her a height advantage and she grinned. "Open the bags. Let my guard see what he will be testing out on the battlefield," she commanded, and Bronn opened his bag, reaching in and pulling a dagger.

"My lord said these are military grade, serrated steel knives. Of course, since he made them, they're fashioned out of Valerian steel and capable of killing Wight Walkers and their minions," Bronn said, handing that one to Bucky. Barnes tossed the blade back and forth between his hands and twirled it between his fingers, feeling the weight and balance. "There are two more just like those. My lord said that two are for your boots, and one is for an armguard."

"He's telling me how to use this stuff? As if I don't know how to make myself a walking armory," Bucky stated dryly, and Bronn shrugged.

"Eh! Just relaying my lord's instructions," Bronn rejoined.

"And you're probably just great at doing that," Sam Wilson muttered to Steve Rogers. Steve smiled slightly, watching his friend as he admired the new blade. Bucky froze when he saw a red star on the hilt of the knife. His blue eyes snapped up to Ragna as she approached him on the back of Fenris. 

"Really?" he asked from between clenched teeth.

"It's who you are. You won't have peace until you embrace it," Ragna whispered back to him. 

"I don't have to embrace shit," Bucky informed her in a too polite tone-of-voice. Ragna just gave him another grin and watched as Bronn handed him grenades.

"Know what those do?" the family retainer asked, and Barnes could hear the hint of sarcasm in his voice. He just gave him a killing glare, but Bronn chose to ignore it. "My lord showed me how those work. They go boom!  And they spread a Valerian steel powder.  My lord broke it down and left it in that form for the grenades," he said, gesticulating with his hands.

"I know what they do, and I know they go boom," Bucky retorted. Ragna started chuckling at this. That was before Bucky was given a pouch and he saw it contained bullets.

"Specially made for your M4A1 Assault Rifle. I expect you to use these weapons well in the defense of your world," Ragna told him.

"I will. And I don't need you to tell me that," Bucky insolently informed her. Ragna chuckled as she squeezed her thighs and spun Fenris around. 

"We will continue to gather intelligence before we face the Wight Walkers on the field of battle. Gird your loins and prepare yourselves for soon we ride forth to glory!" she called. Her men cheered, raising their weapons and hooting loudly. The Avengers watched as Ragna seemed to instinctively know how to direct the wolf. Her brother appeared to know where she wanted to go. Her hands lightly stroked his fur, but she was clearly not using it to steer him. Bucky watched as she leaned down and whispered something in her brother's ear. The wolf snorted and reached over his shoulder to lick her face. She laughed lightly and for the first time, Bucky saw true affection in her eyes and expression.

So, I guess she does feel love for something, Bucky thought.

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