Chapter 5 - Lady's Time

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Ragna did not know why her mother felt the need to do this whenever she was visiting Kings Landing. "This is what the Midgardian women would call a 'spa day'," Ragna pointed out dryly as she and her mother climbed into the crystal waters of a lagoon that was privately owned by the royal family. The water was partially heated from pipes from the Red Keep, but it was not too hot. Sansa wrapped her red hair up in a cloth to keep it out of the water and she glanced at her daughter

"And you know this how?" Sansa queried.

"One of my instructors that Father fetched from Midgard. The one who was a master in the art of MMA. He asked me once if we had spa days and he had to explain it to me. Clearly, I don't have spa days; except these enforced respites with my mother," Ragna stated and Sansa splashed her.

"You just say that. But, our love for each other should be enough for you to over come your dislike for these 'spa days'," Sansa rejoined. Ragna grinned a little as she crossed her legs beneath the surface of the water. Her own hair was loose and wet already from the water. Her green eyes seem to reflect the little rays of light that bounced off the surface of the water. A shroud of sheer curtains concealed them from the outside world and incense burners were smoking all around them. A few maids were not too far away, but certainly not close enough to hear what the two highborn ladies were speaking of.

"I could most certainly be spending my time doing something else more productive," Ragna commented.

"You and your father are the worst when it comes to 'productivity'. It's always for this family and for the kingdom; and in your case, for your private army. Can't something be for yourself?" Sansa suggested and Ragna shrugged, admiring her nails for a moment. "Like starting your own family?" Ragna's eyes snapped up at this.

"So, we're back to beating that dead horse now, are we? Finding me a husband? What about Dagmar? Doesn't she need a husband?" Ragna threw back.

"She's only eighteen! You're twenty-six! I was married before that."

"Yes, if I recall, it was on the sly for obvious reasons," Ragna commented, waving at herself. Sansa frowned.

"Low blows do not become you. They're very ugly in fact," Sansa said, anger creeping into her voice. Ragna just nodded and leaned back against the stone. Sansa relaxed a little after that, but her mind still went to their topic of conversation. "Is there no man in all the Known Realm that could be worthy of you?" Ragna's eyebrow went up and she gave her mother a look.

"Is there a man out there who is like me?" she queried. Sansa made a face.

"You want to marry a man who is like you? Why don't you marry yourself then?" her mother countered.

"If I could, I probably would. Life would be so much easier. However, that's not what I meant," Ragna answered and Sansa waved her hand, indicating she wanted a response. "Mother, nobody has the same ideas that I have about war, about conflict. I have seen things in my time away from home-"

"Things I wish you didn't have to see, but things you saw none the less," Sansa interrupted before Ragna continued.

"And those things have only confirmed who I am as a person and what I believe. I'm not above killing somebody for thinking of crossing me, Mother. You know that. I've done it before," Ragna said and Sansa paused. She was thinking of all the times Ragna had found out somebody was going to harm her interests, or those of her family or the crown. Their existence had been snuffed out quickly and quietly and their assets seized.

"Yes, Ragna, I know that. You are like your father in that regard; cruelly efficient in handling business," Sansa answered and Ragna looked at her mother, her expression softening for half a second.

"And that's why I'm the perfect candidate," Ragna stated. Sansa's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to figure out what Ragna could be talking about, but it only took her a second to realize what it was. Her lips pursed together.

"Many advancements and rights have been granted women since your aunt became queen. Women can choose to leave their husbands if they find out they've been unfaithful; a privilege that had once only been granted to men. Women can inherit the property of their husbands instead of it passing directly to their heirs. And you are the first female general in the army of Westeros. But! I think that is where the line will be drawn. There has never been a female Hand of the King or Queen ever in the history of Westeros," Lady Frostborn said. Ragna rolled her eyes and leaned back in the water, luxuriating for a moment.

"Rules were made to be broken; and I'm the one to do it. Mother! Do you honestly think that Rhaenar is capable of handling the pressure and nuances of the position? If he's gifted enough to do it, then I'm the Mad Stag," Ragna pointed out.

"You judge your brother too harshly," Sansa said in defense of her eldest.

"Mother, Rhaenar only takes his own pleasure seriously. The country's affairs do not concern him. I don't know how he became so lax, but he did. I, on the other hand, have trained my mind and my body for the strain of ruling," Ragna answered.

"The Hands don't rule; they counsel the ruler. Your father and aunt and uncle collaborate with the other members of the small council to guide this country," Sansa cut in. Ragna just grinned, submerging herself in the water. Obviously, Sansa had not seen the type of relationship she had with her cousin. Tyria had flat out said she would not become Queen of Westeros after her mother, so that meant that Draegon was officially the Crown Prince. Ragna and he had become close over the years, but she had kind of conditioned him to come to her for most difficult decisions. He was six years younger than her and believed that she had more world experience than him. He was basically correct in that she had more knowledge than him, but Ragna's control of her cousin, if found out, would leave her loyalties open for questioning. And she would never turn on her family. Ever.

"Then I'm going to be the best counselor the king has ever had," Ragna rejoined.    

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