Chapter 31 - Attachés Decided

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Bucky thought it was one of the most awkward moments of his life; to be walking behind Steve, who was walking beside Tony Stark. The two men in front of him were not saying a word to each other, and were not looking at each other. He could not resist the smirk that fluttered across his lips. They were walking towards the main barracks of the Swiss Army base to meet with Rhaenar and Ragna to discuss attachés to accompany them and keep them in check. As they walked in that direction, they saw the Westerosi men as they hung about in groups. They appeared to be very rough and coarse men, talking in loud, boisterous voices. They slapped each other on the backs and talked about what they would do to the Wight Walkers. "These Midgardians don't know what to expect," one of the men stated.

"Don't worry. The commander, the Hell Hound of House Frostborn will teach 'em all they need to know," another man piped up.

"They really seem to think she's got it made," Tony finally commented.

"They're followers. They're following her. They're soldiers," Steve responded coolly. Bucky could not tell if it was because he did not like talking to Tony, or that he was unsure what to say.

"Yeah, and they kiss her ass," Tony said as they walked through the door into Colonel Schneider's office. Tony realized that he had said it basically to her face when she turned to look at him. She had changed her previous ninja style clothes to more formal Westerosi attire. She was wearing trousers shoved into knee high boots, a sleeveless, fur-trimmed trench coat over a green, long-sleeved deep cut blouse. Her red hair was loose, flowing down her back and her green eyes were narrowed in Tony's direction. Her brother was standing on the other side of the desk, grinning at her apparent disapproval. He was wearing a dark green vest with belts cinching it in the front that fell to his knees. Black leather pants made him look very much like his father, at least in fashion sense. His hair was swept back in a pony-tail, and his hands were clasped behind his back. Colonel Schneider was also giving Tony a look. 

"Ich würde Zivilisten beinahe empfehlen, sich da rauszuhalten. Nur militärisches Personal. (I would almost recommend civilians stay out of this. Military personnel only," Ragna said in German to Schneider.

"Ich würde dir fast zustimmen. (I would almost agree with you)," the Swiss army man responded in the same language.

"You speak German?" Steve queried.

"Among many languages," she countered. She turned back to Schneider. "Your military have access to satellite imaging to track the Wight Walker army?"

"We have been in communication with other security agencies including MI6, the CIA, and Interpol, to work together track their movements," Schneider said. He held out an iPad that Ragna took. "So far, the one force we are tracking is heading toward the Pyrenees."

"That is the one we have to face first. My men and I can deal with them as part of the test run. Also, I want you to contact news teams and have us monitored by them," Ragna explained. Everyone present (with the exception of Rhaenar) made a face.

"You want news crews to be watching you?" Steve asked. Ragna nodded as she started to circle them like a hawk. 

"Of course! That way your people can see what we do and how well we do it. I already know that rumors are being spread about us and I want to put them to rest. But first, I know that 'guardians' must be selected for us," Ragna said. 

"Our father said that we would select our minders," Rhaenar said.

"Hey! That doesn't sound right!" Tony exclaimed. 

"We don't want any members of the Avengers. Our father stated he did not want people he's fought against guarding our backs. We can choose people who are affiliated, but were not involved in the New York Incident," Rhaenar continued as if Tony had not spoken. That was when Ragna stepped forward and stood directly behind Bucky. Nobody could see her over his shoulder she was that much smaller than him, but when he caught her hand as she attempted to punch him, he could feel the power behind her tiny fist. She moved him about an inch before he dug in and stopped her. Ragna grinned before she brought her leg up and it caught on his shoulder. Bucky was not sure what she was going to do, but in hindsight, he should have suspected she would jump up, wrap her other leg around his neck, and bring them both spinning down to the ground. 

"Bucky!" Steve exclaimed as he attempted to cut in, but Rhaenar intercepted him. Ragna sprang up, followed by Bucky, who had a knife in his hand. 

"Spokoyno, soldat. Eto bylo prosto ispytaniye, i vy proshli (Rest easy, soldier. That was just a test, and you passed)," Ragna told him.

"You seem to speak Russian fluently as well," Bucky pointed out as he kept the knife aimed in her direction. Ragna chuckled.

"As I said, I have many languages in my arsenal," Ragna countered before she turned back to Captain America. "The Winter Soldier will be my guard."

"His name's James Buchanan Barnes. He's not the Winter Soldier," Steve insisted. Ragna tutted and tapped the side of her nose before he glanced at Rhaenar. Her brother's eyes were closed as he seemed to be thinking who would be his guard. "Any century now, brother," Ragna finally told him with a slight yawn.

"The one they call 'Scarlet Witch'," the High Prince of Westeros declared.

"Uh, I don't recommend either one of those," Tony said and he got looks from both Rhaenar and Ragna.

"Who were you going to suggest? War Machine or the Vision? I would not want that parasite anywhere near me," Ragna said dismissively. She looked back to Bucky and grinned. "Well, I think the post is yours whether you like it or not. Since you're going to be walking on my left, you might as well meet the man who is going to be walking on my right," Ragna said, and that was when the giant man from before entered the room. He walked right up to Barnes and looked down his nose at him. 

My suspicious were correct. Those are burn scars, Bucky thought to himself.

"Clegane, this is James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier. Barnes, this is Ser Sandor Clegane, my Hound," Ragna introduced. Bucky sheathed his knife and held his hand out for Clegane to take. The Hound just glared him down. "He's not into all that cordial stuff," Ragna informed him.

"Good to know," Bucky commented dourly as the door opened and Wanda Maximoff entered the room, along with Vision. Ragna took one look at Vision and left the room, brushing by him.

"Did I do something to offend her?" the A.I. asked. All Rhaenar did was tap his forehead lightly before he looked at Wanda.

"So, you're the Midgardian witch," he stated.

"You called for me,remember?" she reminded. Rhaenar shrugged his shoulder before he studied her closely.

"Your magic stems from the Mind Stone, an evil that is considered a curse to our family. Our father... ahem! Is not fond of speaking of that period of his life. The Mind Stone is a touchy subject," Rhaenar explained.

"Of course he's not 'fond' of talking about the period of his life where we kicked his ass," Tony pointed out. Rhaenar glared at him and suddenly, Tony found himself encased in ice up to his neck. Rhaenar's eyes were glowing bright green and the only indication he had done anything was a slight twitch of his finger. Wanda's own hand went out to melt it, but her red magic seemed to only bounce off of Rhaenar's green magic. 

"Have a care what you say about my father. You do not know the whole story and you have no right to judge or question what went on, and be respectful in our presence. The only thing keeping this one," Rhaenar said, pointing at Vision, "alive is the fact that we know we need him. Otherwise, Ragna would have turned him into a filet."

"You'll find killing me not as easy as you might think," Vision said. Rhaenar chuckled.

"You haven't had my sister try to kill you. You haven't died until she's killed you," Rhaenar responded.

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