Chapter 40 - Westeros Comes to Midgard

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The UN and the rest of Midgard did not know how they felt about Loki returning; much less as the older half-brother to the ruler of another realm. The news teams flocked to the foot of the Swiss Alps, hoping to catch a glimpse of him when he and Rhaenar opened the portal to welcome them to earth. The active members of the Avengers were waiting along with King T'Challa and Okoye of Wakanda. The two children of Loki were waiting before the place where the portal would open. Bucky Barnes stood behind Ragna, while Wanda Maximoff was behind Rhaenar. Rhaenar's eyes were closed and he was muttering enchantments, preparing to open the door. Ragna just stood beside him, Frostskader drawn and stuck in the snow before her. Both brother and sister were wearing thick cloaks with wolf fur trim. Ragna's long hair was up in a high braid down her back with emeralds woven into the scarlet tresses. Bucky eyed them from his position and wondered how she had done it on her own. No one had helped her, and it seemed like delicate work. Rhaenar's black locks were in a simple ponytail with what looked like a wolf totem hanging from the leather band. Wanda Maximoff was watching him and listening to the words he was saying. She was picking up trace elements of many languages: Russian, Polish, Norwegian, Swedish. Wanda also heard some other type of language in there, but she could not link to any language from earth. 

Suddenly, the fiery crack appeared and Rhaenar stepped forward, placing his hands in between. He began to pull and separate them like he was opening a door. Finally, Rhaenar said out loud, "Valar Morghulis, Åpne denne døren i navnet Fates and the Seven Vanir! (In the name of the Fates, and the Seven Vanir, open this door)." That was when the crack was opened wide and scream was heard from the other side. All the former Avengers got into defensive positions, but they were not prepared for what was to come out. A dragon flew out and circled around them before landing and snarling at them. Then, another dragon came out after it, followed by three more dragons.

"What is the meaning of this?" Steve asked as he slowly lowered his fists. 

"You do know that House Targaryen's symbol is the dragon? And that our father is the son of a Targaryen? Our family has dragons," Ragna commented before she walked over to one of the dragons and petted his jaw. The dragon stopped baring his teeth and looked at her. "Hello, Erikar." Rhaenar also approached a dragon and embraced it.

"Greetings, my darling girl. My beautiful Imry," he whispered.

"And the other three dragons?" Tony asked as he cautiously eyed the other three. That was when the portal came to life again and a person stepped out. She was not very tall, but they could tell that she was imposing and clearly regal. Her hair was pale, almost ash blonde. Her eyes were like amethysts, standing out against her pale skin. She was wearing a black leather coat that was designed to look like dragon scales, with the shoulders slightly spiked out to the sides. Behind her, came a dwarf with a scar across his face and curly blonde hair. 

"Allow me to introduce their royal majesties: Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, and Protector of Westeros. Her husband, King Tyrion of House Lannister, the High Council, Lord of Casterly Rock, and the Tallest of Men," Ragna said before she bowed before them. "Aunt. Uncle," she greeted.

"Niece," Tyrion said with a half-smile. Daenerys just leaned over and kissed her cheek. That was when two more people appeared from the portal and the Avengers froze. They recognized one of them. 

"And this is Ser Loki Frostborn; the Hand of the Queen, God of Mischief, Prince of Two Realms, Overlord of the Vale, and Warden of the West," Ragna said, grinning and looking exactly like Loki. The Avengers beheld their enemy for the first time in years. His black hair was slightly greying at the temples and braided over his shoulder. He had a golden, horned circlet around his head and a trench coat that was fashioned similarly to Daenerys', except it was green. There was a hint of fur around the collar, but otherwise, he seemed like he was dressed lightly for the snow. As he walked forward, one of the three unclaimed dragons came to him. Its scales were green in color with a hint of gold. His hand went out and he touched its snout. The dragon turned and glared at the Avengers and everyone else, its eyes an odd color: one red and one blue. A hand suddenly crawled over his shoulder and a red-haired woman came into view.

"This is our mother; Lady Sansa of House Frostborn, formerly of House Stark. The Woman of a Thousand Faces, Mistress of Cats, the Mockingbird Slayer," Rhaenar introduced. Her hair was the exact same shade of red as Ragna's, but her eyes were blue. She was tall for a woman, and wearing boots that only accentuated her height more. An over coat that laced down the front like a corset was a similar green to Loki's and she also had a golden circlet in her hair. A black cat was sitting on her shoulder, with emerald eyes that looked too human to belong to an animal. 

"Hello, Avengers," the God of Mischief said.

"Hello, Loki. Don't be mad when I say I hoped I would never see you again," Tony told him. Loki grinned and turned to look at his children. 

"All is well thus far?" he asked.

"Some humans need more cajoling than others. Oh, Father, Mother. I want you to meet my minder. This is James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier of Midgard," Ragna introduced, turning to Bucky. Bucky found himself staring at the would-be-conqueror of earth. He had been in cryo when Loki attacked, but he had heard what Steve and others had told him about Loki. And now, he was here before him. 

"We have come here as guests and aids against the curse that is the Wight Walkers. You humans are without your nuclear weapons. Your armies need time to mobilize and you do not possess the magic that is needed to fight magic. Their magic is black like the pits of Hell itself and only our dragon glass can destroy them," Daenerys said.

"Yeah, about that... why is that the case?" Sam Wilson asked.

"Your world lost their dragons a long time ago.  Hunted into extinction by the Knights of the Round Table," Loki said as he petted Rhaegal. That was when the black dragon and the largest one came to Daenerys side and she smiled.

"Drogon," she announced.

"I'm coming through," said a voice and a young man with black curly hair emmerged from the door. "Sorry, didn't know when my cue was," he said with a smile and Loki nudged him with a fist.

"This is Jon Stark-Targaryen, son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, the White Wolf and Warden of the East. Essentially, he's my nephew," Loki explained. The third and final dragon came to him.

"Hello, Viserion. You couldn't wait to see the new world, didn't you?" Jon asked. 

"And mine is Rhaegal," Loki said. "Dragons are creatures of magic, hence their fire contains properties that you cannot recreate with nature. We help you deal with this, and the Queen and King of Westeros hope to negotiate a peace and alliance with you."

"A peace with people who harbor you?" Rhodey asked.

"He comes with the alliance. As my elder, half-brother, he is part of it. Myself and all of Westeros owe him much. It is because of him that I attained my throne and got to keep it," Daenerys explained.

"If you can accept that he can be somebody you can agree with every once in a while, I think we'll survive," Tyrion commented.  

"We are hoping for this to be a collaboration, not a takeover. We give you advice and you can tell us what you think, since this is your world. However, we will not allow you to speak ill of a royal of my house. I understand that your past with my brother is... not favorable; to say the least. But, his blood is royal and he is a warrior of great renown. Some respect is expected," Daenerys warned. That was when the woman called Sansa reached up and pulled Loki's ear close to her mouth. She whispered something and he grinned. Bucky found himself glancing between Sansa and Ragna. Mother and daughter were so alike and yet he could see more characteristics that were shared between father and daughter.

We're in for it, he thought.

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