Chapter 44 - The Last Frostborns

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SHIELD and the Avengers were not sure what to expect when the last two children of Loki and Sansa arrived on the hellicarrier. They expected either a cunning killer like Ragna or a cool cucumber like Rhaenar. They did not expect Dhaerin and Dagmar. When the last two showed up on the hellicarrier, no one was expecting, "Incredible! We're so high up! This is higher than any dragon as ever taken me!" Dhaerin exclaimed as he ran to the edge and looked down. 

"Dhaerin! Act your age!" Dagmar scolded.

"Funny coming from the youngest in the family," he commented sarcastically. The former SHIELD agents and other special forces eyed the two youngsters with confused expressions.

"You two done yet?" a voice asked and they turned to see their parents standing there. Loki's arms were folded across his chest and he was tapping his foot on the ground. Sansa was standing there with her hands behind her back and a smirk on her face. 

"Thank you for bringing us!" Dhaerin exclaimed as he ran to his parents and embraced them. Loki wrapped his arms around his son and smoothed his slightly curly, rusty red hair off his forehead. He lightly pressed his lips to Dhaerin's temple in a sign of affection. Dagmar went to her mother and Sansa kissed her on the cheek. 

"Don't get too excited," Loki informed both his children as they started to turn away. However, that was when a circle of sparks opened up in front of them. Both Loki and Sansa took defensive positions. Dhaerin conjured up what looked like a net of purple energy, and Dagmar held her hands out and seemed to be drawing water out of the air to form darts. The portal opened and out stepped a man with a red cloak, and an Asian sidekick. "Dr. Strange," Loki said, venom lacing his voice.

"Loki," the fellow sorcerer responded.

"I arrived back in this world, and you did nothing. What brought you here today?" Loki queried.

"I sensed a surge of elemental magic. It has been... ahem! Spoken of by previous Sorcerer Supremes. Your daughter?" he asked, looking at her. Dagmar raised her eyebrow and flicked one of her darts at him. The Asian man wacked it away with a strand of golden energy. She fired another one, this time at him. 

"Wong!" Dr. Strange said and the man lowered his shield. Dagmar also dropped her hands, the ice evaporating.

"What do you want with me?" she asked.

"Whatever they want with you, they can discuss with the family. You aren't doing anything out here," Sansa ordered and she signaled with a wave of her hand for them to follow her inside the hellicarrier.

"And I thought I was in command," Fury commented to Maria Hill.

"I think that's a pipe dream, sir," she responded. 

Inside the hellicarrier, Strange found himself sitting across from his magical rival. Loki was trying to kill him with his eyes. Maybe he still hasn't forgiven me for the part I played in almost catching him before, Strange thought before his eyes roved to where Sansa was sitting. She certainly exuded power and control; probably why they married. Then, he looked to their daughter. When he, and the rest of the public had been informed of the unholy alliance between the UN and Westeros, his reaction had been 'WTF?!' Now, he could understand why they needed them; more specifically, Loki and his offspring. "What elements do you control?" he asked her. 

"I have fully mastered air, water, fire, and earth. I am still learning to how to properly use sub-elements like lightning, steam, lava, metal, human blood-"

"Wait a minute! You can actually control human blood?! What is this? The Last Airbender?" Tony asked as he plopped down at the table beside them. Dagmar looked at Tony with a slightly raised eyebrow. They had not been introduced yet, but she could already tell he was an annoying person.

"Human blood has trace elements of iron, which is a metal. It also has a decent amount of water as part of its genetic makeup. The human body itself has a nice percentage of water in it. As long as I know how to make those elements do my bidding, I can control a person," Dagmar admitted.

"And lightning and lava and steam... I'm assuming those are sub-elements of fire, earth, and air?" Strange asked. 

"Steam is air and water combined, making it harder to recreate and control. I am learning though," Dagmar admitted.

"I see the youngins are here," said a voice and they all turned to see Ragna enter the room. Rhaenar appeared magically behind Loki's chair. He reached out and ruffled his younger brother's hair and Dhaerin glared at him. 

"Just because you're older than me by eight years," Dagmar commented, looking at her sister. 

"Makes you a youngin', sweetie," Ragna responded before she looked at Dr. Strange and Wong. "The Sorcerer Supreme and his henchman," she said.

"Wong's my librarian, actually," Stephen corrected and Ragna smiled. 

"Forgive my sister. Her methods of diplomacy work better with her blades than her words," Dagmar explained, earning her a bip in the back of the head from Ragna. 

"And yet how have I managed to finagle bargains with practically every major family and government in Westeros and the Known Realm?" Ragna asked.

"Because everyone remembers the Twins, the Short Rebellion, 321 AC," Dagmar reminded. Ragna's expression changed drastically, and Bucky was actually surprised that she was that shaken. Her face paled, her eyes narrowed, and her lips thinned. Loki was clearly upset by Dagmar's statement.

"Forskam, Dagmar! Jeg hadde trodd at du var den mildere av de to! Du skal ikkeberate søsteren din for å ha gjort sin plikt overfor familie og land! (For shame, Dagmar! I had thought you were the gentler of the two! You shouldn't berate your sister for doing her duty to family and country!)" he scolded in Norse, causing Sansa's mouth to crimp up at the less than friendly display. Both girls exchanged looks. Ragna looked like she wanted to lash out at her sister, but was restraining herself. Dagmar looked like she wanted to apologize, but was also restraining herself. Finally, Ragna mumbled something, spun on her heel, leaving the room. Bucky was quick to follow her out. Dagmar glanced at her father and saw his expression. He shook his head.

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