Chapter 19 - Advance Scouts

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Ragna had not said a word to anyone when the decision had been made and simply said she would need to retrieve some of her weapons before she departed. She also had to give the official order to her Wolves to arm themselves. Sandor Clegane rode back with her to the camp, which was bustling and alive, as a raven had been sent ahead to her captains. Ragna dismounted Fenris and entered her tent at a fast click. When several of the captains made a move to enter right behind her, Sandor shook his head and followed her inside instead. When Clegane entered the tent, he found Ragna hanging up her trench coat and merely taking a leather jerkin and putting that over her shoulders. After that, came a special brace that could hold both her battle axes, and her sword. Ragna slung that around her body, buckling it into place before putting her weapons on. She checked her boots to make sure that her knives were in order before tucking some bladed disks under her jacket. "Whatever you want to say, Sandor, I recommend you say it before I depart," Ragna's voice cut into his thoughts.

"I want to come with you, your grace. I am your bodyguard, and you're asking me to leave you before you enter a strange new world?" Sandor said and Ragna turned to look at him. She was concealing a mask in a pocket. She gave him a hint of a smile and approached him.

"You will follow me, Sandor, like you always do. Once Rhaenar and I have assessed what is going on and established contact with the Midgardians, we'll be able to bring everyone over. Don't worry, Clegane, you'll get to show your prowess in battle soon enough," Ragna assuaged as she adjusted her braid.

"I do not speak of proving myself, but of protecting you! It is my duty and you're telling me I have to stay behind and leave your back open to attack?" Clegane exclaimed and Ragna gave him a rather sorrowful look before she approached him and placed her hand on his burned cheek.

"I know what fuels you. What has driven you all these years. Do you really think I would leave you behind during the most important moments of my triumph? You will be present when it matters most, I promise you that. And I also promise that you will see her again," Ragna told him.

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, child," Sandor warned and Ragna just tutted.

"Don't be silly. When I have I ever been wrong?" Ragna challenged before she pulled away. Ragna did not pack a bag, as she knew clothes were inconsequential. She simply needed her weapons to sustain her. Ragna walked outside her tent and found her family waiting for her. Rhaenar had covered himself in a long trench coat, the hood pulled up, and a collar buttoned over his chin. He had no visible weapons on him, but his gloves had magical, runic symbols etched into them. "Are we ready to depart?" Ragna queried.

"We were waiting on you," Rhaenar responded and Ragna made a 'cute' face at him before she stood beside him, looking at Loki and Sansa.

"When you go through and begin your investigations, Rhaenar is going to act as the connection between us, and you'll give me the report. I expect your military background to help you make them concise and quick. And, expect to eventually be found and hunted by what's left of the Avengers," Loki warned and Ragna grinned, her hands resting on her hips. 

"As if we should be concerned by what's left of the Avengers," Ragna said and Loki waved his hand dismissively.

"Just reminding you," he rejoined before he put his arms around Ragna and kissed her cheek. Ragna's arms encircled him and she returned the loving embrace. When Loki pulled away and went to Rhaenar, Sansa took his place. She brushed a loose strand of Ragna's hair out of her face and held her cheeks in her hands.

"Be careful, my daughter. Midgard is not like Westeros," she whispered to her.

"I know. When have I ever gone to a place and not been prepared?" Ragna posed. Sansa rolled her eyes as she stepped back and allowed Dhaerin and Dagmar to say their farewells. Dhaerin and Dagmar gave her a bit of a look, and Ragna waved them away with a playful smile. Sansa and Loki noticed it, frowned, but said nothing. Rhaenar at least gave Dhaerin a hand shake and hugged Dagmar. 

This is something we're going to have to discuss in detail later, he telepathically communicated to Sansa. 

I already know this, she responded. 

"Step back everyone," Loki commanded and Rhaenar and Ragna stood back to back. Fenris tried to approach, but both Dhaerin and Dagmar stopped him, pulling him back gently. Fenris howled plaintively at being separated from Ragna, who just smiled at him.

"Vær i fred, storebror. Jeg skal innkalle deg snart (Be at peace, big brother. I'll be summoning you soon)," Ragna informed him. Fenris seemed to calm down with this assurance and allowed Dhaerin and Dagmar to stroke his fur and behind his ears. Loki began to mutter something in Nordic, raising his hands and his eyes began to glow green. A whirlwind of dirt swirled around his two eldest children and enveloped them before bursting into emerald flames and disintegrating. Rhaenar and Ragna had disappeared. 

Rhaenar opened his eyes and found himself standing in a valley of snow. He looked beneath his feet and found the runic transport symbols carved into the thick ice below his feet. He glanced about and saw that Ragna had already started walking away. Her feet left very little imprint in the snow and her skin had shifted to its Jotun color. Of all the siblings, she had the least amount of control over her Jotun abilities. Rhaenar believed it was because she lacked magic to keep it in check. "Where are we?" Ragna asked when Rhaenar caught up to her.

"I don't have a map of Midgard, and I think Father was simply transporting us to a location that was 'close' to where the Wight Walkers emerged," Rhaenar responded. 

"We can't go out in plain sight without disguises. You can use your magic, but I have to actually get clothes. We have to figure out where we are, and approximately how far away the Wight Walkers are. This is to gather intelligence. We are not to confront them... yet," Ragna told her brother. 

"What of our father's other enemies? The Avengers?" Rhaenar reminded and Ragna simply chuckled. 

"The Avengers do not frighten me. They are disorganized and unstable. If they were what they were when New York happened, I might have cause for concern. But, they are not. Do not worry, brother. We'll deal with the Avengers," Ragna said with a smirk. 

"Excuse me, boss, but I've noticed a second energy spike in Switzerland in the last hour," Friday informed her creator. Tony Stark looked up from his gauntlet as a holographic map of Europe appeared before him. A red dot appeared indicating where the unusual energy was coming from.

"Friendly or unfriendly?" Tony asked as he studied it in comparison from the first ping.

"Unsure, boss. Tracing the signature and comparing it to previous signatures of magical energies," Friday told him.

"You sure it's magical?" Tony queried.

"Positive, boss. Running trace... similar signature found," Friday said and Tony looked at the screen. "Signature in Switzerland is 95% match with the signature of Loki of Asgard from Stuttgart and New York in 2012 and the SHIELD holding facility in 2015."

"Shit! He's back!"    

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