Chapter 53 - Wakandan Science & Westerosi Magic

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Dhaerin looked down over the vast, advanced metropolis of Wakanda and smiled. He could hear the constant whirring of machinery and the happy bustle of people. He was sitting on the balcony that was a part of his chambers, his legs dangling over the edge and the wind catching his rusty locks. He was holding his dream catcher totem, his thumb massaging the leather band that usually kept it tied around his neck. There was a beep at the door and Dhaerin glanced over his shoulder. The doors slid open, and Shuri entered the room. Dhaerin hopped off the balcony railing and bowed to her with a sweeping arm. "Your highess," he greeted.

"Just Shuri is fine. I don't like all those fancy titles and honorifics," Shuri said as she walked over to him. She suddenly held up a 'gun' and waved it over his body.

"And what are you doing?" he asked her curiously.

"I'm scanning your body. I'm getting an accurate diagram of your entire frame," Shuri stated in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. Dhaerin smiled at her bluntness and just waited for her to lower her science gun. "Done!" she finally said before she studied the display screen. She hummed as she read them. "Your body's temperature is... actually rather balanced. Normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and 37 degrees Celsius. Yours is 88.5 degrees Fahrenheit, and 31 degrees Celsius. Obviously odd for us, but..."

"Jotuns have lower internal temperatures, but the reason why mine is not any lower is due to my Westerosi blood," Prince Dhaerin explained. "Jotun genes do tend to be stronger. That is the reason that my father has always strongly favored his Jotun heritage."

"I guess in this case the Jotun genes act rather like dark genes: dark hair, dark skin, and dark eyes. It's stronger," Shuri said.

"Cold usually prevails. Our dragon blood is there, and we can summon it, it is just a little weaker. However, dragons have a sense keener than any human. They can smell a Targaryen whether they be pure blood like the royal family, or half-breeds like myself and my siblings," Dhaerin explained. 

"How can the dragons do that? What is it about the Targaryen's that makes them so special?" Shuri asked as she sat walked around Dhaerin and tapped on the screen with her finger. Dhaerin shrugged and walked over to his bed, jumping into air, hovering, crossing his legs, and slowly resting down on the mattress. Shuri just looked at him with a slightly raised eyebrow. 

"A dragon's brain has all the usual compartments of an animal's brain, but they have certain higher functions that other animals do not possess. Actually, the only other animals in Westeros that showed such intelligent aptitude were the dire wolves of the North. However, my father believes, since he has studied the emblems of the historic houses, that these breeds were 'invested' with certain powers," Dhaerin explained and Shuri chortled in disbelief. Dhaerin made a face. "You don't believe me?"

"I believe that you believe what you just said. I just don't believe that anything like that can be based in fact or science," Shuri pointed out and Dhaerin nodded.

"Then let me ask you this... do you believe you're happy?" he asked. Shuri paused at this question. She had honestly not expected it at all and it seemed so random and out of place. 

"That question is irrelevant," she said and Dhaerin shook his head, waggling his finger.

"Human happiness is relevant. Personal happiness is something that every human being should seek. Isn't that a phrase from the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America? 'Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'? Shouldn't we all pursue happiness? Isn't that our first priority?" Dhaerin asked, his hands out. Shuri paused. No one had ever asked her that. When her father had been murdered by Helmut Zemo in the guise of James Barnes, she had been sad. When her brother had taken his place as King of Wakanda and as the Black Panther, she had been proud. When he had temporarily dethroned by Erik Killmonger, she had been frightened. But, when or where was she happy? 

"I'm happy doing my research. I'm happy in my lab inventing things," she answered, but Dhaerin merely gave her a sad smile. 

"That is not you being happy. That is something making you happy; an external force influencing your emotions. That is not you being happy," Dhaerin enlightened.

"And what makes you happy, Mr. Expert?" she asked. She did not sound snide or anything like that, just mildly taunting. Dhaerin laughed.

"I'm happy now! I'm in a new world! I'm on my first mission and I'm a diplomat between the great kingdom of Westeros and the nation of Wakanda! What more could make me happy!" he declared enthusiastically. Shuri raised her eyebrow. "What? Not scientific enough for you?" Dhaerin challenged.

"You will have to explain how you Westerosi do certain things and how your people are educated. You're still a medieval world, and I'm wondering how yours differs from what ours used to be," she said and Dhaerin nodded.

"Anytime you want an education, I'll be happy to give it to you," he answered and Shuri rolled her eyes. She rose, gave him a mock bow and left his room. Dhaerin grinned before turning around and looking towards where Obara had just appeared from a dark corner. 

"I don't know what you intend to achieve. She is an educated woman. Too good for the likes of you," Obara stated and Dhaerin shrugged his shoulders. 

"Father said, 'a serpent chooses its victims and gets its fangs in deep.' In this case, the victim is an intelligent lady of high rank. Father wants all of us to make connections in this world. To plant bugs in the ears of persons who have clout and pull. How do you think my father got his position and secured it? He spoke with all the people who attained posts in high places. My aunt, Daenerys; Uncle Tyrion; Uncle Robb; Uncle Oberyn; and Olenna Tyrell. Well, she always had that position of power till the day she died. May the Seven rest her soul," Dhaerin said and Obara scowled. Ever since the sad passing of Olenna Tyrell from the living world, House Tyrell had been ruled by Margaery Greyjoy, formerly Tyrell. She was grooming hers and Theon's second son, Ellery Greyjoy, to be the next head of the house. His name would be changed to Tyrell to ensure the continuation of that line. Westeros was doing all it could to keep the old houses alive. 

"The game of thrones has always been a game played best by cunning snakes," Obara reminded and Dhaerin snickered.

"Yes, the long game was never your style, Obara. Yours was always more straightforward and vicious. Like a true Sand Snake," he reminded.

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