Chapter 28 - A Deal is Made

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The UN and many other governments were not happy that Ragna had reached this agreement with the remainder of the Avengers and the rogues (as Steve and his unit were considered rebels against the Sokovia Accords). They said they had no right to decide anything with her. "With all due respect, Secretary Ross," Rhodey explained as they spoke to him over comms, "these young people have come prepared. Their weaponry might be not as advanced as ours, but their knowledge is. They know what they're dealing with and how to deal with it. Especially the girl."

"You said she said she's some kind of commander," Ross said, glancing at the President as he sat off to the side, listening to the call. 

"The Commander of the Wolves of Westeros, according to her," Tony answered. "Apparently, she's some big shot back home."

"Also, the daughter of the invader, Loki," Ross pointed out.

"Yes, sir," Rhodey answered.

"That's enough reason for us not to trust her. Her and her brother. We will of course be refusing their help," Ross responded. Tony was about to speak in favor of at least the trial Ragna suggested when the President cleared his throat. 

"Maybe, but she is offering to sacrifice the lives of her own people to prove a point to us. And what does she hope to gain from possibly losing men on our behalf?" the President said. 

"To fool us! Mr. President, you can't mean to accept this insane offer?! It's ridiculous!" Ross exclaimed.

"And what else are we supposed to do?" the President asked sharply. "We have no nuclear weapons. The enemy robbed us of them. It would take some time for our forces to mobilize with the proper arms to combat them. These Wolves of Westeros may be enough to buy us the time we and the other countries need. Consider them a distraction if it makes you feel any better, Secretary Ross," the President retorted. Ross became quiet at this and frowned.

"That is a good idea, but don't be surprised if the girl figures it out," Tony said. The President appeared on the screen and looked at Tony.

"Does she strike you as being that intelligent?" he asked. That was when Vision transmitted the file that Wanda had given him with the scans of Ragna. The President and Ross looked at them.

"What you are looking at, gentlemen, is accurate details of the physical enhancement that is Ragna Frostborn. These scans are to be trusted and show us that she is on the same physical level as Captain Steve Rogers, or Sergeant James Barnes. It also revealed that her internal temperature is lower than a normal human being; which fits with what Thor has said about Loki. He is what they call a 'Frost Giant' or Jotun; a species of beings that can survive in cold and dark environments. Also, the brain scan that was performed revealed that her neurons were firing at a superior rate to normal people. We don't think she's intelligent. We know she's intelligent," Vision said. 

"Would she suspect us of using her to deal with these Wight Walkers?" the President asked.

"She would not only suspect, but counter with a play of her own. She's Loki's daughter! And it shows," Tony answered. The President knew it was calculated risk to let a child of Loki get a position of power, but if she proved herself and her men capable of handling the enemy, he would have to accept her as the lesser of two evils. 

"Very well, inform the children of Loki that I accept her offer and she is allowed to bring a portion of her troops here to earth," the President said.

"The UN still has to agree to this," Ross reminded.

"She's already talking to them," Rhodey answered. Ross looked at him like he wanted to kill the colonel for not mentioning that sooner. 

"Why in hell did you let her do that?!" he snarled.

"Because she said she was going to do it and there was nothing we could do to stop her. I think she said I in particular, could shove a gauntlet up my ass," Tony retorted and Rhodey had to keep his snort to himself, but everyone still heard it. Even Vision cracked a slight smile. 

"They agreed," said a voice and Steve suddenly appeared, followed by Bucky. The two super soldiers nodded to Ross and the President. "The UN sanctioned Ragna Frostborn and are allowing her to have foreign troops on European soil." Ross looked like his entire world had been crushed and Steve had danced on the pieces. Bucky could not help the slightly malicious grin that crossed his own face. He schooled his emotions quickly and looked solemn in a matter of seconds.

"When did she say she was going to bring them over?" the President queried.

"She said she and her brother have to go back to the Swiss Alps. That's where the opening of the portal to Westeros is and her men will come through," Steve answered. 

"Very well. I guess Europe is in for an even bigger surprise," the President said. "As you were, gentlemen." The call ended before Ross could say anything else and Tony had to lean against Rhodey for support as he started laughing. 

Steve just watched his old friend crack up and said, "Did somebody say something funny?"

"The look on Ross' face! It was like he was forced to swallow his own shit!" Tony exclaimed before he dissolved into another fit of laughter. Steve just shook his head and walked out of the room. Upon stepping outside, he saw Ragna and Rhaenar standing on the steps of the UN building, talking to some officials. Rhaenar was surrounded by all the women and had a more relaxed pose. Ragna was talking to all the men and was standing in the center, her arms folded across her chest, her back rigid. 

"She's going to be the difficult one," Steve said and Bucky nodded.

"I agree. She's clearly a calculating killer, with manipulative tendencies. She's going to lead her men with ruthless efficiency," Bucky pointed out and Steve had to agree with him. The two super soldiers approached the group. 

"You mean to defeat these monsters with just a few men?" they overheard one of the ambassadors ask. 

"I took a whole castle and subdued the occupants with just forty men. You don't have to worry about me handling a few undead soldiers," Ragna responded.

"You overpowered an entire castle? That's impossible!" another man exclaimed.

"Impossible? No! My father took on a hall of at least a hundred enemies and came out victorious. It was a nuptial feast, so it was christened the Red Wedding," Ragna revealed with a mischievous grin. The men around her 'awed' while Bucky and Steve narrowed their eyes.

"Your sword is massive! Is that a wolf on the pommel?" a man asked and Ragna drew her blade, holding it with the flat of the blade in one hand and the hilt in the other.

"This is Frostskader, the Sword of Winter. It was forged by my father out of Valerian steel, a valuable metal in our world. It was shaped from the flames of Rhaegal, my father's dragon, and imbued with the natural magic that comes from dragon fire. He fashioned the hilt to take on the symbol of my mother's house, House Stark. Their sigil is a direwolf. Frostskader has taken many lives and it's career is far from over," Ragna said as she admired the sun's glare off the ash-black blade. She glanced up and found herself looking into Bucky Barne's ice blue eyes. She grinned at him and he frowned back.

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