Chapter 29 - Ragna's Chosen Men

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Rhaenar, Ragna, Steve, Bucky, Tony, and Rhodey stood before the portal in the Swiss Alps, where Ragna's men were going to come through. A small unit of the Swiss Army was waiting at the bottom of the mountain to receive them when they arrived. Rhaenar was incanting and his hands were in a strange position in front of his chest. "What's he doing?" Tony asked.

"He's connecting with our father on the other side to let him know it's alright for him to open the door and let my men through," Ragna answered as she paced behind her brother. Tony nodded before he rolled his eyes. He had always hated magic. Suddenly, that was when a green line appeared in the air, almost like somebody had cut it down the middle with a sword. Rhaenar walked over to it, stuck his fingers in between the cracks and separated it. Once he had thrown it open, he stepped back and a few men began to walk through. The Avengers watched as men in armor and leather and animal hides entered their world with evil smiles on their faces. One man came through who was at least almost seven feet. He had a large claymore on his back and a fire scarred face. He went to Ragna immediately and bowed before her.

"Your highness," he greeted her solemnly. 

"Clegane. How many men did the captains give me?" she asked as she appraised her troops.

"Twenty men from each company," the Hound answered as they approached her forces.

"Twenty Starks, twenty Bear Men, twenty Dothraki, twenty Dornishmen, twenty Ironborn, twenty Golden Men, twenty Crows, twenty Wildlings... good! Just the right amount of ruthlessness," Ragna said as she raised her hand, drawing everyone's attention. "Men! You have been brought here to do battle against the Wight Walkers and their mindless hordes. This is a test run so the Midgardians can see what we are capable of. We go in, do our job, and come back. Because there is a greater risk, there will be greater reward," Ragna informed them. Her men cheered, a bellow that echoed in the Swiss Alps. "Know that if you are killed by one of those things, you become one of them. That means you fall, you become our enemy. So, no hard feelings when we kill you too."  

They laughed and then went, "Hoo!" Ragna walked between them and they parted for her. Clegane followed behind her, his hands balled into fists at his sides. Ragna approached the portal where Rhaenar was still standing. The Avengers saw that they started talking to somebody on the other side, and they caught an outline of horns in the blazing light. That was when the two Frostborns stepped back and the portal closed. 

"Father said the houses of Westeros are arming and once we prove we can be helpful, they will mobilize and we will bring them over," Ragna said to Tony and Steve as they walked towards the trucks that had been loaned them to get the men down the mountain. 

"You seem very confident that the powers that be will accept your help," Steve commented as they got her men into the trucks.

"I'm more than confident that they will. You see, they'll use us to distract the Wight Walkers while they prepare their armies, and then they think they'll just sweep in and save the day like a bunch of heroes. On the contrary, while they take the time to cut through political red tape of their own design (the Sokovia Accords), I and my men will be reaping all the glory and worming our way into the hearts of Midgardians everywhere. Won't they be in for a surprise when they've realized that they shot themselves in the foot?" Ragna suggested with an evil smile as she climbed into the truck. Steve opened his mouth to retort, but Sandor Clegane got in his way and glared down at him. He was taller than Captain America, taller than the Winter Soldier, and they guessed that he was even taller than Thor. His burn scars certainly made him look more intimidating than he already was. 

"Hound, heel," Rhaenar said with a grin as he walked between Clegane and Rogers.

"Only your sister can tell me that, my prince," Sandor rejoined as he climbed in behind him.

"Aw! No fair! She gets all the fun!" Rhaenar taunted as he sat next to her. However, the Avengers saw her swiftly place a knife against his throat.

"Want to complain?" she challenged and sister and brother looked at each other.

"Just making an observation," he responded. Ragna gave him a look before withdrawing her blade. 

"Take us to the army base. We must gather intelligence before we strike out against the enemy," Ragna said and the doors were closed. 

It was a Swiss Army Base where the trucks took the Westerosi, and upon arrival, a Swiss general was waiting for them. "Welcome to Alpha One Base. I'm Colonel Schneider, I'll be your liaison," the older man said in greeting to Ragna and Rhaenar as they climbed out of the truck.

"High Princess Ragna of House Frostborn."

"High Prince Rhaenar of House Frostborn."

"So, you want to us to use your official titles?" the colonel asked as they started walking towards the barracks.

"Just 'your highness' is fine. I know you mortals abandoned such honorifics years ago," Ragna responded before she turned to her soldiers. She put her fingers in her mouth a whistled loudly, making every man turn his head to pay attention to her. "You are to obey the rules of this base within reason!" she ordered. Everyone raised their eyebrows at this. "Meaning, you do not speak out of line to a member of the Swiss army brass, but if a lowly soldier gives you shit, just don't kill him," Ragna explained. Her men all chuckled darkly at her command while everyone else was clearly nervous.

"My men were told to respect yours. I would hope that there are no issues on either side," Colonel Schneider said to Ragna and she nodded her head to him.

"I would think not. However, my men are proud Westerosi and could easily take offense to a slight against their own realm. They will not speak ill of your men or your world as long as you respect ours. I'm sure that we will not have any problems. My men know the punishment should they step out of line. Discipline is an important quality, especially in a large force of men. Don't you agree, Captain Rogers?" Ragna challenged, glancing at Steve. Captain America ground his teeth together. He felt like she was really targeting him and earth in general with her passive-aggressive attacks.

"Discipline is an excellent virtue for anybody. Not just men," he shot back. Ragna's lips pulled up slightly.

"Wonderfully put," was all she said in response.

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