Chapter 23 - Ragna's Report

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When Rhaenar opened the portal again, Ragna stepped out swiftly, a half smirk tugging on her lips. Rhaenar closed the portal behind them and turned to look at his sister. "You know who they were? At least one of them," Rhaenar said and Ragna nodded.

"Of course I know who they were. The man in the obnoxious armor of red and gold was none other than Tony Stark, the former co-head member of the Avengers. The other two I know of from reports Father has given me. Army Colonel James Rhodes, also called War Machine. The second was what these humans call artificial intelligence. However, it happens to be the vessel for the Infinity Stone that tormented Father," Ragna explained.

"That's why you attacked him so viciously. I know Father gave you most of the details for this mission, but if you could share them with me every once in a while, I would be appreciative," Rhaenar commented dourly. Ragna grinned as she sat down on the ground in front of her brother, in a meditative state. 

"Initiate contact with Westeros. I want to give Father our report thus far," Ragna instead responded. Rhaenar frowned at her, but sat down in front of her in the same position. His hands came together in front of his face and he lowered them until they were in the center of his chest. Suddenly, his hands opened up and green light enveloped him and a mirror appeared between him and Ragna.

"Hello, Ragna," said a voice and Loki appeared in the mirror. "What is your report?"

"The Wight Walkers are moving swiftly, taking out power plants and destroying an internet hub for information. Rhaenar will go through it and find out what they were looking for. However, we did meet some interesting people. The remnants of the Avengers," Ragna explained.

"Fascinating. Which ones?" Loki queried.

"Tony Stark, Col. James Rhodes, and the artificial intelligence that carries the Infinity Stone that is the curse upon our family," Ragna explained. 

"So... they are not as stupid as I thought after their little civil war. I wonder how long it will take for the Captain Steven Rogers to appear on the scene?" Loki suggested. Ragna shrugged. "How did you and your brother handle them?"

"I handled them mostly, Rhaenar just 'worked' his magic. I did leave a calling card though," Ragna said and Loki raised his eyebrow. "I left one of my daggers. You now it has our house symbol on it."

"So, you want them to start putting the pieces together and to remind them I'm alive," Loki stated.

"You said we're going to have to work with them, and I know the best diplomatic method is to give them a little taste of what we can do. They probably were informed by Thor after the war with Surtur that you had children. They probably just think that we're still young," Ragna responded.

"Westeros has been separated from Yggdrasil for so long; it'll take a while before our timelines synchronize again. As such, our time moves a little faster. It will slow down eventually," Loki said.

"And Rhaenar and I will have to explain that to everyone over and over again until they get it. Anyway, the Wight Walkers we're following seem to be moving north, and we're keeping our distance. They seemed to have divided their forces. I'm anticipating the five Wight Walkers taking their separate armies and taking over the continents of Midgard. One will stay in Europe, another will go to Asia, the third to Africa, and the fourth and fifth moving the North and South America. We're going to have a difficult time corralling them if they're spread out. We'll have to split up the houses for certain continents. I suggest we give South America to Dorne, and Africa to the Unsullied and the Second Sons," Ragna explained.

"Sounds like you're thinking of everything. I'll be sure to say something to them. And, where will the Wolves of Westeros go?" Loki queried.

"The Wolves will go wherever I feel I'm most needed. I will decide that once we've actually made contact and have active combat in play. The dragons will have to play a major role. Erikar and Fenris will of course be with me. We'll be able to go over the finer points of the plan once you and the council cross over," Ragna enlightened and Loki nodded.

"Good work, Ragna. Tell Rhaenar that I am pleased with your progress so far. The houses are arming as we speak, and Helbindi is preparing his troops as well. We'll be ready when the time comes," Loki responded. Ragna nodded before she placed her hand over her heart.

"Your grace," she said in farewell.

"Your highness," Loki answered with a grin of his own. Rhaenar severed the connection and the twins looked at each other. Ragna was smirking and Rhaenar was just staring. 

"So, you have it all worked out," Rhaenar said.

"You know me, brother. I've always got a plan."

"Just not always the details. The minutia, as it were," Rhaenar retorted.

"Just because I haven't told you, doesn't mean I don't have the details," Ragna rejoined darkly. 

"Why would you tell me anything? Or our mother, or Dhaerin, or Dagmar? Everything is between you and Father," Rhaenar remarked petulantly. Ragna's eyebrow went up and a smirk played across her face. 

"Why, Rhaenar... you sound jealous. Should I be concerned?" Ragna questioned. Rhaenar leaned forward, glaring at his sister.

"You know that Father warned us about sibling rivalry; but he couldn't avoid it. We're not enemies, Ragna, but we're certainly not friends," Rhaenar informed her. Ragna just waved her hand and stood up, dusting her pants off.  They had places to go and things to do.

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