Chapter 17 - Let Them Pass

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Loki watched as the Wight Walkers approached the portal that separated Westeros from Midgard. That was their ultimate goal, and they would kill anyone standing in their way. And that included his family. Loki closed his eyes as he felt something pulling his mind from his body. Rhaegal sensed it too and growled at him. 

Loki opened his eyes and found himself in the Spirit Realm. Standing before him were his mothers. "You know how I feel about you two dragging me away from reality. Especially when something important is going on," Loki informed them.

"You cannot stop the Wight Walkers. Not here and not alone," Rhaella told him.

"And why not? I'm here, Sansa is here, as are our children. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with!" Loki exclaimed.

"Your fate is not to settle this here. You've been in Westeros for too long. You came here to reunite the realms, but now, you must go forth into them. The Wight Walkers have to go into Midgard," Frigga explained.

"Why? Why do we have to drag Midgard into this? Why do their people have to suffer more turmoil than they already endure on a daily basis?" Loki challenged.

"Why, Loki? Didn't know you cared," Rhaella said and Loki snorted, rolling his eyes. "Midgard has to see you again, Loki. They will find out the truth about what actually happened with the New York invasion. And, they have to know that you're coming from a position of strength. Your children are your strength. Show the worlds what the God of Mischief can do."

"So, you want me to go to Midgard to what? Flex my muscles? I'm quite happy here," Loki countered.

"But you've always known you were going to go back to Midgard. Your visions always put your children there, but do you think you would send them alone?" Frigga asked. 

"I trust them," Loki responded.

"But you don't trust anybody with your children. So, naturally, you would accompany them. Like a good parent," Rhaella said.

"Sometimes, I hate how well you both know me," Loki said, and both Rhaella and Frigga laughed. They embraced him and each bestowed a kiss upon his cheek.

"Let them pass, Loki. Though it will hurt the pride of some in your party, but it is a necessary evil now for good to come later," Frigga told him. Loki heaved a sigh and massaged his temples. Both his mothers smiled at his exasperated expression and both placed hands on his cheeks. "Now go back to the physical world and set the plan in motion." Both Frigga and Rhaella gave Loki a push and that was when he came back. 

Loki stiffened and inhaled loudly as he gripped Rhaegal's spines. The dragon had already sensed his master's distracted state and glanced over his shoulder at him. "Jeg har det bra, Rhaegal. Hodet mitt var (dessverre) andre steder (I'm alright, Rhaegal. My mind was (unfortunately) elsewhere)," Loki informed his dragon. Rhaegal snorted. He knew his master well enough to know that he had been wandering. That was when Loki remembered what his mothers had said. Pull back! Do not engage! Let them through! Loki commanded.

What the hell are you doing?! Ragna asked, clearly enraged that her father wanted to withdraw, instead of facing the enemy. 

We cannot stop them here. Just let them pass. Once they're in Midgard, we can deal with them, but we cannot hope to stop them here. They have to go Midgard, Loki said.

They have to? You said resist, not surrender, Ragna countered.

Only you would question this decision, Ragna. Just accept that this is what I want and return to Kings Landing for the war council with Daenerys. We'll have to inform her of the new plans, Loki said in response. Ragna growled something, but did not argue further. Fenris darted away from the approaching Wight Walker commanders. Dagmar and Rhaenar also pulled back, but Dhaerin remained on the Wall. He tilted his head and closed his eyes, casting out his purple aura and simply feeling. Dhaerin! Withdraw now! Loki commanded.

I'm sending a message to the first person who is receptive to my voice. If the Midgardians don't have any warning whatsoever, their casualties will be catastrophic, Dhaerin responded and he kept on searching. A willing mind is all I want. A willing mind, not all for naught. Come to me, the mind of one, chosen soldier, but warrior of none. Dhaerin reached out, his purple tendrils leaching into Midgard and searching for one mind that was open and willing. 

He found it, in a cryogenic unit in Wakanda. Frosty blue eyes snapped open and the lungs inhaled, sending the machines beeping.

Ragna blinked once, twice, and her grip tightened on Fenris' fur as she watched the undead marching through the portal. Ragna felt an inexplicable chill come over her and she felt her skin ripple between Westerosi pale and Jotun cerulean. Her eyes flashed as well before she stopped shivering and glanced down at Fenris. Her wolf brother was looking at her over his shoulder and he was making at face. "Se ikke på meg slik, Fenris. Det er ingenting å se uansett (Don't look at me like that, Fenris. There's nothing to see anyway)," Ragna told him as she squeezed his sides with her thighs to turn him away from the advancing Wight Walkers. 

 The Night King watched as the Frostborns retreated and he let them go. He could sense the residual magic from Frigga's and Rhaella's communication, and it did make him pause for a few seconds. It was a risk he had to take. He thought this as he marched through the portal and towards a new land to conquer.

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