Chapter 4 - A Daughter's Homecoming

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Ragna looked towards the port in Kings Landing, searching for someone in particular. "They better have taken good care of him in my absence," she commented to herself more than anyone else. However, Sandor Clegane was right next to her and heard her words.

"Would your brother allow anyone but you to clean his fur or feed him?" Clegane asked. Ragna gave him a bit of a look as she brushed a strand of her red hair away from her face.

"He would let Father do it. And he's become quite fond of Mother; he and Alfheim will fight for her affection," Ragna stated.

"And yet it is you who truly keep him," the Hound affirmed. Ragna grinned before her eyes caught sight of who she was looking for. The great black wolf that was her eldest brother waited eagerly on the docks. The people of Kings Landing were used to seeing the great wolf. When he first appeared twenty years ago, they thought he was a reincarnation of the first man of House Stark. However, when Loki told them how he was his first-born son and was called the Hell Hound of Niffleheim, they had no choice but to believe him. He was adopted into the family and became Ragna's steed. Instead of riding a horse, she rode him. Now, he waited for her to return. The wolf darted up and down the docks and the sailors and merchants parted and went about their business. They were used to Fenris doing this whenever Ragna was due to come home. The people knew her ship was coming into port so that was why the wolf was acting up. Fenris finally stopped moving as the boat came in and the anchor was weighed. A body came flying over the side of the ship, swinging on a rope and landed on the dock.

"Your highness," every man who greeted her said. Ragna nodded her head in response before arriving before Fenris.

"My brother! I have missed you," Ragna told him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The black wolf growled happily, nuzzling her with his snout. "Relax, Fenris! I am here and all is well," Ragna whispered before she swung up onto his back. She had no need for a saddle or bridle on her brother. The only time she did use a harness of some kind was when she had extra weapons to carry, and that was only for a battle. Ragna paused until she saw Sandor Clegane disembark the ship and snag a horse. Once she was sure he was going to follow her, Ragna took off towards the Red Keep. She had not been in Kings Landing for close to four months. She had been dealing with marauders in the furthest reaches of her aunt's kingdom that entire time, and she was happy to be back. Fenris ran along the streets of Kings Landing and the people parted, calling their princess' name and wishing seven blessings on her head. Ragna smiled at them and kept up the pace. Even though she did not have magic, Ragna could sense them; her family. She grinned as she urged Fenris to go faster.

Rhaenar turned to his father and smiled. "Ragna's returned. She and Fenris are on their way here."

"Good. I shall tell her the mission once she's arrived and rested. She won't appreciate being sent out again the split second she gets back," Loki said.

Dagmar made a face and said, "Are we talking about the same Ragna? She lives for the thrill of the mission. She hates to be sitting still for longer than a minute."

"Ragna sleeps like other people. I'm sure she enjoys a little peace and quiet," Sansa commented. The Family Frostborn was sitting around a table in their chambers, food set out before them as they waited for Ragna to arrive. Loki swirled his wine in his goblet and smiled as he admired the purple liquid. Rhaenar was generously drinking from his own cup and Sansa quietly appraised everyone. There was a knock on the chamber door half a minute later.

"Her highness, the High Princess Ragna of House Frostborn," Sandor Clegane announced before he stepped aside, allowing her to enter. Ragna was wearing the same leather pants and boots, but had changed her top. It was a black, peasant style blouse, with an emerald green corset with golden wolf designs on it. Her red hair was flowing loose down her back, not something she did very often. She smiled when she saw everybody there and approached the table like a panther stalking its prey.

"Evening, everyone. Glad to see the family's all here," Ragna commented as she took up a seat. Fenris snuffed at everyone before sitting down on the floor next to Ragna and laying his head in her lap. She immediately began to stroke his fur.

"You shouldn't be surprised. We all come around whenever you get back from being away," Sansa said, standing up and giving Ragna a kiss on the forehead. She then affectionately petted Fenris' head and he licked her hand. Loki smiled at his son before raising his eyes to his daughter. He produced a scroll from an inside breast pocket and held it out. Ragna's perfect eyebrow went up as she took it from him and saw the sigil on it.

"The Night's Watch?" she queried.

"Eddison Tollett sent that a few days ago. Only the queen, king, and members of the small council have seen it. Daenerys does not wish for there to be a panic," Loki responded.

"A panic? More like she doesn't want mass outbreak of laughter," Ragna retorted and many people raised their eyebrows. "Nobody believes in the Wight Walkers. If you asked any random person on the street what they thought of Wight Walkers, they would say they believed them to be myth. They would not give the tales credence."

"Are you saying neither should we?" Dagmar posed and Ragna gave her sister a mildly irritated look.

"And why would I say that we should be ignorant like the masses? What I am saying is that our aunt's concern is misplaced. She should be more troubled about whether or not the Night's Watch are prepared for an attack from such a foe as the undead," Ragna countered. She opened the scroll and read the report. "Nobody's heard from Crastor's Keep in almost two years and... Benjen Stark has not returned from his private mission." Ragna raised her eyes before they slid over to Sansa. Sansa's lips were pursed and her own eyes were downcast. "What have Uncle Robb and Uncle Jon to say about this?"

"They are concerned. Benjen Stark went alone into the wilds after stopping for provisions at Crastor's Keep. That was around the same time it went quiet. The Wildlings all said that they fled south more than twenty years ago because they were running away from something. And even then, they were not very specific. I might have to have Jon speak to Tormund Giantsbane about it again," Loki answered.

"Only a very few castles are defensible, otherwise, the Night's Watch depends on the sheer might of the Wall itself," Ragna said. "And I speak from experience. I've been to all the castles along the Wall, including the ruined ones. That was when I ordered the gates that led to the wild on the other side to be blocked. We collapsed them from the inside. Now, the only weak points are the tunnels used by the other gates in the inhabited castles. Castle Black, of course, being the most noteworthy," Ragna reminded, leaning back in her chair, carefully adjusting Fenris' head in her lap. "So what would you have us do?"

"I would have you investigate. See if there's any truth to the claims Tollett is making. I'm not saying he's a liar; I'm just saying that when you live that far north all this time, you might go a bit daft," Loki commented. Ragna grinned, glancing at her brother. Rhaenar just raised his eyebrow. Of all Loki's children, Ragna was the one who traveled the most. Rhaenar had gone a few places, but not as many as Ragna.

"When would you have us leave?" she questioned.

"Give it some time, darling," Sansa admonished, looking genuinely angry. "You just got back from a quest across the Narrow Sea. We have not seen you in months, and I would like to spend some time with my eldest daughter." Ragna bowed her head in deference to her mother. Loki heard the tone in his wife's voice and made a face, but Sansa shook her head. Ragna of course saw the little private intercourse between her parents, and grinned.

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