Chapter 36 - An Ice Princess Against a Wight Walker

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Ragna watched briefly as Sandor got Barnes out of the way. She could not afford for him to be damaged in a fight between her and the Wight Walker. Captain Rogers would be most peeved and would become a nuisance. The kind of nuisance that Ragna would want to kill. As long as he stayed out of her way, she could deal with the Wight Walker as she saw fit. Ragna swung Frostskader and the Wight Walker brought his own weapon up to block hers. She felt the power reverberate down Frostskader, but her blade had been forged special. This was nothing it could not handle. Snowflakes came off their swords as opposed to sparks. The Wight Walker spun his long spear and flipped it, reversing the grip in an attempt to confuse Ragna. The High Princess of Westeros saw the move and twisted herself out of the way. Ragna ducked herself even lower as she felt a breath of wind pass her from above. Ragna balanced on her one arm and her legs went out, her ankles trapping his spear between them. He used his strength to throw her off, but her sword came out and caught him across the cheek. 

"She landed an attack!" the news reporter practically screamed from the helicopter. Ragna landed on her feet and drew Frostskader up. The Wight Walker actually seemed confused by the blow and the fact that it had injured him.

"Oh, come on. You had to know that the members of House Frostborn would come at you with the weapons to defeat you. Yes, this is Valerian steel," Ragna said as she held the sword aloft. The dark of the blade seemed to catch the sun as it started to shine through the clouds. The snow began to let up and the Wight Walker glanced around, seeing that most of his soldiers had been slain by the Wolves of Westeros. He turned back to face Ragna and threw his spear. Clegane made to strike it down with his claymore, but a bullet hit the two-foot spear head and shattered it. Everyone turned to see Bucky Barnes standing there with his gun drawn. The Wight Walker tilted his head from one side to the other. Suddenly, he had to pivot around and draw his sword to block another attack from Ragna. "Pay attention to me alone," she warned. The Wight Walker's deep lines around his mouth seemed to get deeper. Another gunshot rang out and the Wight Walker had to cast a shield of ice to protect himself. The Valerian steel bullet pierced it and broke it into a thousand pieces. He was penned in, stuck between the High Princess of Westeros and the Winter Soldier. Clegane was also cutting off one of his ways of escape. The helicopter circled overhead and it caught the Wight Walker's attention. Another spear of ice was formed between his hands. Sandor thought it would try to throw it at Ragna again, so he placed himself between her and him. Bucky was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, ready to dodge it. However, the Wight Walker released it and it was aimed at the helicopter. 

"Turn! Turn!" the reporter screamed, but the pilot was not fast enough. The ice spear went through the tail and immediately broke/froze the propeller, sending them spinning round and round. Ragna cursed seeing the Wight Walker disappear in a flash of snowflakes once everyone was distracted.

"F*ck! Fenris!" she commanded, and her brother came running from the side. She swung herself onto his back.

"What do you think you can do?!" Bucky shouted as he ran after her. Fenris was obviously faster than the mortal, but Bucky was not about to be left behind. 

"Hopp, Fenris. Knag halen i tennene (Jump, Fenris. Snag its tail in your teeth)," she whispered. The wolf nodded and sprang up, using his hind leg strength to lift himself a good twenty feet in the air. Fenris caught the tail and snapped his neck down. Ragna slid over his head, down the tail, under the wings, and into the open door of the helicopter. "Four people. Easy," Ragna said as she slid her one arm around the camera man and her other around the sound guy. She rolled over and out the side of the helicopter, leaving a trail of ice behind her. Fenris let go of the tail of the helicopter and clawed his way into the body of it. The reporter and the pilot both screamed, but he ignored them. Instead, he opened his jaws.

Ragna landed on her feet and deposited the two men on the ground just as Fenris landed beside her. He dropped the two other people, and they were covered in drool. "The safest place was in your mouth?" Bucky asked as he saw them laying there, dripping with saliva.

"I only have two hands. Fenris was readily available," Ragna rejoined as the helicopter landed behind them and exploded. A wall of ice separated them to shield them and Ragna glanced over her shoulder. Rhaenar floated down to the ground, his eyes glowing green. "Where did it go?"

"It must have sensed that this was a particular fight it could not win. An old form of magic was used to transport him elsewhere. I tried to trace it but was unable. The only person who probably could would be Father," Rhaenar admitted. Ragna nodded and walked away, her hands behind her back.

"Then I guess we should summon him. Rhaenar, I am going to speak to the UN and arrange an official meeting between them and Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen," Ragna said.

"Of course, sister sweetest," Rhaenar rejoined with a tone of false amiability. Bucky watched as the siblings parted and went their separate ways. Barnes followed Ragna and so did Clegane and Fenris. Rhaenar went to the reporter and pulled her to her feet. 

"What do you intend to do now?" she asked all out of breath.

"As my sister said, we will arrange a diplomatic meeting between emissaries of the United Nations and the Court of Westeros. If we are to continue lending our aid, we will need the sanction of our queen and aunt, Daenerys of House Targaryen. However, this also means that we will need our father, Loki of House Frostborn, Hand of the Queen," Rhaenar answered.

"The would-be-conqueror?" she queried. Rhaenar shook his head.

"The God of Mischief."

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