Chapter 47 - Divide the Continents

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Loki put on a coat that looked like it was made of dragon scales. His hair was up in its traditional braid and he had an emerald talisman hanging from the leather strap. He wore it now to ward off the Sorcerer Supreme and his minions. The magic was old Westerosi, mixed with his mother's Vanirian roots. His spear was in its portable form and attached to his hip. Loki turned around and saw Bronn standing behind him, waiting for him to be ready. "Where do you want me to go, your grace?" Bronn asked. Loki knew what he was really asking, and he snickered.

"You can keep an eye on Ragna for me," he answered.

"She'll know why I'm there," Bronn said as he followed his prince out of his chamber and toward the bridge. 

"I don't care," Loki responded. That was before little Yros came around the corner and almost collided with him.

"Beg pardon, your grace!" he said quickly, bowing repeatedly. Loki smiled at the young lad. He was still terrified of the royal family and especially his mistress.

"Nothing to be afraid of, little one. Are you running an errand for your lady?" Loki asked. The young boy bowed and nodded his head.

"She wanted me to inform you that she has built her own small unit of Midgardian killers. She has hired a man called the Punisher, and a creature called Venom to work for her," Yros explained. 

"Very good. It never takes her long to establish a squad of her own in enemy territories. Be on your way, Yros. Attend to your lady," he commanded and Yros scurried off. Loki grinned a little. He remembered asking Ragna why she had spared the boy's life. Ragna had admitted that she had seen the fear of death in the boy's eyes; and so, had given him life. Loki walked down the hall, followed by Bronn.  

The doors opened and the Queen's Guard stepped aside to let their high prince enter. Daenerys smiled at her brother before her eyes drifted to her husband. Ragna was already sitting in her chair, Bucky and Sandor standing behind her. Frank Castle was with her, along with Venom. To protect Eddie's identity, Ragna had insisted that he remain as his counterpart while in the presence of SHIELD and its henchmen. Fury glanced up as Loki entered and sat down. Now that they were all assembled, he cleared his throat and said, "The Westerosi have decided to divide their forces as follows: Loki and his wife will lend their aid to Asia; Rhaenar will be stationed in North America; Ragna in Europe; Dhaerin in Africa; and Dagmar in South America. Since the second High Prince of Westeros will be in Africa, he will be stationed in Wakanda, and shall be considered an ambassador to the line of the Black Panther." Dhaerin turned to T'Challa and Okoye, bowing to both of them. They returned the obeisance and Loki smiled.

"I have offered to mentor and counsel Dagmar as she helps us bring South America under control again," Stephen Strange said and Loki could not help the growl that escaped his throat. The Sorcerer Supreme looked at him hard and Loki just frowned back. Sansa cleared her throat and the atmosphere vanished.

"My thanks to the Sorcerer Supreme of Midgard for taking my youngest child under his wing," Sansa said and Strange gave her a small smile.

"I will make my rounds to the aristocracy of Europe (or what's left of them) whenever I see fit. War is first, and pleasantries will be second. Please inform them I will come when I am able," Ragna stated firmly, not willing to budge on this matter. Clegane nodded to her and they glanced at Fury.

"Very well. I'm sure they will be so disappointed since they can't wait to meet you," Fury commented and Ragna grinned, detecting his sarcasm instantly. She stood up and bowed to everyone present.

"By your leave," she said, turning and walking out of the room, followed by her captains and subordinates.

"She's just leaving the meeting," Fury said as she disappeared.

"Yeah... she does that," Bronn stated before he followed her. Loki and he exchanged one more look before he too vanished from the room. That was when Loki cleared his throat and stood up.

"There is nothing else to be said. Your militaries will be repositioned according to the movements of the Wight Walker armies and our suggestions," Loki said.

"I will remain in this flying vessel to act as the messenger between your Midgardian commanders and the generals of House Frostborn. My husband will be returning to Westeros presently, and I will communicate with him if we need more soldiers," Daenerys explained.

"I want to stay," said a voice and they saw Eddard II stand up. Loki turned to his nephew and shook his head.

"I'm sure your parents would prefer you also return to Westeros. Draegon is not remaining here either. The next generation of nobility must be preserved," Loki informed his nephew. 

"And yet your children are going to be leading their armies," Ned pointed out.

"Speak with your father on this subject, not me. I am merely your uncle," Loki reminded. Ned looked upset that the Hand of the Queen was not giving him explicit permission to join the fray. Loki turned to Sansa and held out his hand. She took it and rose up beside him. "We'll set out base up on the island country of Japan. We'll leave immediately," Loki stated.

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