Chapter 35 - Welcome to the Warfront

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The Wight Walkers were not the type of foe that scheduled battles, but thanks to the intelligence of Interpol, they were able to pinpoint the advance of their first army. And it was on a field in southern France where the test force of the Wolves of Westeros and the Wight Walker forces met. On that day, the Wight Walker had shielded the sun with dark clouds and snow was falling where it normally did not. The temperature had dropped and a chilly breeze was blowing through.

Ragna rode on Fenris' back before the lines of her men. Her helmet was tucked under her arm and Frostskader was attached to her back. Sandor was walking his horse beside her, while Bucky marched on her other side, his M4A1 Assault Rifle, 9MM Glock, knives, and Valerian Steel grenades at his side. He looked out over the half grassy, half snowy plain and sighed. He had hoped he would never see a field of battle like this again. It reminded him too much of World War II. Bucky glanced up at Ragna. Her fiery red hair was in what she called her 'war braid.' Her high cheekbones with just a hint of freckles dancing across them seemed to catch the light of the sun. Knives were sticking out of her boots, and her two berserker axes were strapped to Fenris' sides. The great wolf cast his own green eyes over the field of battle and growled. He turned his head to look at his sister. "Jeg vet, bror. Se på alle de som er utøde, som kommer inn i vår søsters rike. Hva sier vi sende dem gave innpakket? (I know, brother. Look at all those who are undead, who are about to enter our sister's realm. What say we send them gift wrapped?)" Ragna said. If Fenris could have snickered, he would have. Ragna tightened her grip on his fur and she turned him to face her troops. Bucky had to step aside to avoid being in the wolf's way. Fenris spared him a half glare before looking at the Westerosi. "Today, we fight our first battle in this cold war! Today, we show Midgard what Westerosi can do on the stage of war! Today, we howl!"

"AWOO!" all the men howled in unison. Bucky felt his ears ring and had to resist covering them when Fenris raised his head to the sky and joined in, drowning out the mortals. Ragna wield him around and put her helmet on. Drawing her sword, she pointed it in the direction of the Wight Walkers. That was when the Unsullied among the forces began to drum their spears into the ground. The Dothraki began to scream like demons, and the soldiers from the Westerosi houses smashed their swords against their shields. That was when they began to chant.

Vi ser stormskyene nærmer seg.

We see the storm clouds approaching.

Det er på tide å danse krigsdansen.

It is time to dance the dance of war.

Vi slo våre skjold og la våre stemmer stige opp.

We beat our shields and let our voices rise.

Våre fiender vil vite at vi har kommet av våre gråt.

Our enemies will know we have come by our cries.

De vil føle Bite of Frost og de vil frykte isbarnet.

They will feel the Bite of Frost and they will fear the one born of ice.

Fra slangenes grop og ulvets hule rider hun sin demonhund.

From the pit of snakes and the den of wolves, she rides her demon hound.

Fra det umulige gjorde hun det så.

From the impossible, she made it so.

Hennes ønske er vår kommando, og hun ønsker din død.

Her wish is our command, and she wishes your death.

Flee mens du kan, for vi lar ingen være i live.

Flee while you can, for we leave none alive.

I dag planter vi beinene i bakken og vanner dem med blodet ditt.

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