Chapter 32 - Public Opinion

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The news crews were alerted that they were to witness a real, life medieval battle that would take place in the farthest southern part of France. They were to bring helicopters and cameras to record the combat. Ragna then informed Colonel Schneider that she needed horses for her mounted troops. "Who's mounted?" Natasha asked as she followed behind Bucky, who was behind Ragna as she inspected her soldiers.

"My knights from the Vale are mounted. They operate as my heavy cavalry. As well as my Dothraki. They are the people of the horse. I'll have Rhaenar get into contact with Father and arrange for some of our Valerian steel to be transferred over to be made into weapons for Barnes to use. He'll be the test subject for that," Ragna explained as she walked up to some of her men in fur and carrying heavy weapons. "Now, how are my Wildlings?" she asked. 

"Raring to kill some Wight Walkers, your highness. Whenever you want us, just let us loose," the man said.

"All in good time, Bjaern, all in good time," Ragna assured him. She thumped him on the shoulder before turning around and walking towards another group of men, who were wearing fur trimmed cloaks. 

"Cousin Ned!" she called and Bucky's eyebrow went up. He appraised the young man she called 'cousin'. He had short, curly dark hair and blue eyes, but his skin had an olive tone to it.

"Cousin Ragna! I was wondering when you would acknowledge me," the young man said and Ragna grinned. She embraced him before turning to Bucky and Natasha. 

"This is my cousin, Eddard II, of House Stark, son of Robb Stark and Talisa Maegyr of Volentene. The heir to the title of Warden of the North," Ragna introduced.

"Quite a moniker," Bucky commented and Ned chuckled, glancing at Ragna.

"Are all humans like you?" he queried. Ragna punched him in the shoulder and both humans watched as he was moved several inches. 

"Not all. You'll find most of them are as dull as Bronn's blade. And I'm not talking about his actual sword," Ragna fired back and Ned doubled over laughing, while Bucky and Natasha's eyes widened minutely. That was when Rhaenar appeared, tailed by Wanda, and several reporters. Ragna saw that Rhaenar looked mildly annoyed, so that meant his Frostborn charm was starting to fray. 

"Sister!" he called all too cheerily and all the reporters immediately swarmed around Ragna, giving him the perfect opportunity to disappear. Wanda growled and went off to find him.

"Princess Ragna! Princess Ragna!" one man practically screamed, shoving his microphone in her face. 

"Is it true that your family is responsible for the Wight Walkers invading earth?"

"What gave you that idea?" Ragna asked as she folded her arms across her chest. Ned took up a position behind her to avoid getting harassed. Natasha and Bucky could see that he was clearly unsure how to deal with the horde of reporters and that he probably rather be fighting the Wight Walkers. 

"Princess Ragna! What are your thoughts on these beings stopping global warming?" another asked.

"I'm thinking that you need adjust your priorities," Ragna retorted.

"Do you support your father's attempt to subjugate humanity?" another asked as he started to get close. Ragna turned to him, her eyes blazing.

"I think you people have no idea what actually happened, and you are in no position to judge!" she stated as she started to press forward to get out of the cloud of human beings. That was when a boom mike came way to close to her face for comfort. A large hand went out and crushed it. All the reporters gasped as Clegane used the pole to create a space around Ragna.

"Stand away from the princess," he commanded. Ragna grinned, reaching up and patting his burned cheek.

"Good dog," she complimented before she cut a swath through the reporters with the Hound behind her. Natasha nudged Bucky forward and tilted her head in Ragna's direction. 

"You are supposed to be watching her," she said.

"Don't remind me," Bucky complained as he followed her. 

When he caught up, he heard her saying to Clegane, "Insipid insects. Looking at the cover of a book without bothering to open it up."

"The lord would not want you to say anything anyway, princess. His orders on that are explicit," Sandor reminded. Ragna glanced back at Bucky.

"All dark secrets are revealed. Everything eventually comes into the light whether we want them to or not," she said slyly. Bucky frowned at her but decided against saying anything. Certain aspects of his previous personality were coming back, but there were traits of the Winter Soldier that still remained; like his ability of knowing when to speak and when to stay silent. Ragna faced forward again and that was when Bucky realized that her cousin had followed them as well. "I am going to have Rhaenar get in contact with Father. I want a small supply of Valerian steel made into bullets for a semi-automatic, a M4A1 Assault Rifle to be exact. Also, hand grenades, and a few choice blades. I'll send the blueprints and schematics so our craftsmen know what they're doing," Ragna explained.

"All this for me? You shouldn't have." The words were out of Bucky's mouth before he could stop them. Dammit! he thought.

"Oh, it's not for you, Barnes. Everything I do is for me and my house. Remember that," Ragna informed him.

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