Chapter 43 - Military Strategies

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When Sansa, Rhaenar, and Wanda arrived at the hellicarrier bridge, Loki, Ragna, and other members of the Westerosi court, were already present. They were sitting around a large table, occupying one side, while the Midgardians were occupying another. Sansa went to sit next to her husband, and could not help but notice that he and Fury were exchanging withering looks. Something must have happened between them. Wonder what the one-eyed man had to say? Sansa pondered as she made herself comfortable. Rhaenar sat down beside her, while Ragna had a seat on Loki's right. Bucky was standing inconspicuously behind her. Wanda glanced at Steve, Vision, and Natasha and gave them a small smile before she stood behind Rhaenar.

"Glad everybody could make it to this military meeting," Fury said, right as the doors flew open and another man entered at a brisk pace.

"So, you thought you could have this meeting without me?" he asked.

"Ross! Who sent you an invite?" Tony commented dryly. The former Hulk hunter glared at Stark, before his gaze shifted to Steve Rogers, and then Bucky Barnes. Finally, his eyes rested on Loki. The God of Mischief looked back at him. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Ross queried angrily.

"Saving the world, one conference at a time," Tony responded.

"With traitors and war criminals?!" Ross exclaimed, pointing to Steve, Bucky, and Loki.

"I would have a care how you speak about the 'war criminal'," Daenerys said firmly and Ross looked at her. "That war criminal is my older brother, Ser Loki of House Frostborn, Hand of the Queen, Prince of Two Realms, God of Mischief. He is the son of Rhaella Targaryen, Queen of Westeros; my mother; and King Laufey of Jotunheim. You raise a finger against him, you'll be dealing with the combined strength of Westeros and Jotunheim."

"You think we would be afraid of a medieval world with archaic battle weapons?" Ross said.

"You really think you're anything without your nuclear missiles?" Ragna posed, making everyone glance at her. She was playing with a strand of her hair and grinning like the cat that ate the canary. "Your soldiers would be no match against higher beings?"

"You're a higher being?" Ross challenged. Ragna allowed her skin to shift into a blue color and her eyes became red. Loki, and Rhaenar reacted accordingly and did the same thing. 

"What do you think, former General Thaddeus Ross? I'm a Targaryen, Stark, Jotun hybrid.  Fire and ice flow through my veins.  You, are a fanatic, not a patriot. A true patriot is somebody like Steve Rogers, or James Barnes, or Sam Wilson. You just hate the possibility of others being more powerful, and more prepared than you. We're here to help; but if you get in our way or threaten to harm us, the consequences will be fatal," Ragna warned before her skin shifted back. Loki and Rhaenar's skin also faded back to pale. Sansa's hand went out and touched Loki's hand and they clasped their fingers together. 

"Some big promises for such a little girl," Ross said. Ragna smirked.

"I speak softly, but I carry a big stick," she responded and that was before Ross had a sword across his throat. Clegane was glaring at the politician, and only lowered his sword after Ragna snapped her fingers. Tony chuckled at Ragna quoting Theodore Roosevelt. Steve was just surprised that she knew that reference.

"You would let them make threats like this?" Ross asked Fury. 

"You were never my favorite secretary anyway," Fury commented dryly. 

"And right now, we have what you need to kill these things," Tyrion reminded. "Now that we're off that tangent, shall we actually begin?" he suggested. Ross looked like there was more be wanted to say, but a death glare from Fury made him close his mouth. He did sit down, and that made several people immediately feel uneasy. "The Wight Walkers are spreading themselves out, covering the different continents with elacrity. We need to match that speed. In order to do so, we have to divide our forces. How do we want to do that?" Tyrion asked.

"Helbindi offered to cover the colder climates with a portion of his army, along with any Wildlings and North men who are available," Loki said. 

"Which Frostborn wants that territory?" Daahrio asked, grinning in Loki's direction. Loki frowned. He looked to his children.

"Ragna? Where do you want to go?" he posed. Ragna leaned back in her chair and smirked, her finger gently tapping her lips.

"I want the old battlegrounds of Europe. Give me the fields of Verdun, the slopes of Waterloo, and the shores of Normandy. I want to traverse territory that is familiar to my mutt," she answered. Bucky growled from behind her and Steve glared in her direction. 

"Ragna takes Europe. Rhaenar, where do you want to go?" Loki asked. His eldest son looked at him and contemplated for a brief second. 

"Let the United States praise the name of Frostborn," he responded. 

"I shall take Asia with your mother. If we need Dhaerin and Dagmar, we will inform them," Loki explained and Daenerys nodded.

"Rhaenar and Ragna and Dhaerin and Dagmar. How cute," Tony commented. 

"If you could have children, you and your girlfriend would probably do the same," Loki countered, going for where he knew it hurt. Tony looked livid, but was smart enough not to refute him in public. He would wait and do it in private.

"It is a tradition of our line. Since we are such differing cultures, we wanted to incorporate both into our family. The boys are Westerosi in name, and we gave the girls Nordic identities. Ragna means powerful. Dagmar means maiden," Sansa explained peacefully. She smiled demurely at Tony before turning back to everyone else. "I only want my other two children involved if it's absolutely necessary," she said. 

"It probably will be necessary," Daenerys said and Sansa frowned at her sister-in-law. "I will be staying with Director Fury and all the other men of import for Midgard. Tyrion will remain with me, of course. We still have the continents of 'South America' and 'Africa' to cover," Daenerys said, reading off of a map. 

"Then use one of your own children for those two," Sansa said, her tone low and dangerous. Daenerys made a face, but Loki gave them both a look.

"We will summon Dhaerin and Dagmar. They will choose their perspective continents, but we will begin regardless. Our forces will be too small once divided. I expect your armies to mobilize as fast as they can. We'll provide the necessary Valerian steel," Loki said. He leaned back in his chair. "Make no mistake, gentlemen, these undead will slaughter all those in their path and make them one of their horde. We cannot hope to win this war by slaughtering their minions. The only way to win this is to kill the Wight Walkers themselves. We draw them out and we kill them. Hence the need for a Frostborn to be with every army," Loki explained, glancing at his wife briefly. "If these things are to die, it will be at the hand of a Frostborn."

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