Chapter 27 - Dissecting the Avengers

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"You didn't really give us a choice. Said you wouldn't give the information to anyone but us," Steve pointed out and Ragna chuckled.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious. I'll be sure to put that in my report," she countered.

"What? The report to your psychopathic father? We know who you are," Tony fired back and Ragna fixed him with her emerald gaze. That was when Rhaenar used his magic to cut off their escape and encase the building in a forcefield. Wanda Maximoff looked at him in awe as he hovered above them, his eyes and hands glowing.

"Psychopathic? No! Sociopathic... yes. Although, most people use that word to describe me," Ragna said. She stood up on the desk, sheathing Frostskader on her back. She hopped down and signaled with her hand for Steve and Tony to approach. The former Captain America and Iron Man walked towards her, while the rest of their company eyed Rhaenar.

"He doesn't do the talking?" War Machine asked.

"I've learned to save my breath," Rhaenar responded and Rhodey glanced over his shoulder at him. Meanwhile, Ragna looked between Tony and Steve, shaking her head.

"Where did the friendship go?" she asked. Both men visibly stiffened before their eyes hardened.

"He chose another over me. Saved his sorry ass, even though he's a murdering psycho like your old man," Tony all but snarled.

"Nothing he did he knew he was doing! He was just obeying orders. He had no control," Steve countered and Ragna closed her eyes, tilting her head back. She finally started chuckling. Her chuckle grew in volume until it was a full-blown laugh. The princess certainly had everyone's attention now.

"You fools! You act all high and mighty and sit upon a moral horse and look down upon others! You're one to talk... Merchant of Death," Ragna said, focusing on Tony. Iron Man frowned. "Your bombs killed more people than the Winter Soldier did in his entire career. And you, Captain Rogers... how many Germans fell before you during the war?" she challenged.

"I did my duty to protect my country and the oppressed peoples of Europe," Steve responded.

"Oh? The oppressed peoples of Europe? Did you liberate Jews from concentration camps? Did you lead the soldiers who landed on the beaches of Normandy? Compared to those heroes, you went after an isolated group of Nazis because you saw them as a greater threat," Ragna enlightened.

"Schmidt was the greater threat! You have no idea what I went through! The sacrifices I made!" Steve shouted. It was Bucky's hand on his shoulder that calmed him down.

"Hitler's Final Solution was a great threat. He murdered millions; how many did you save by diverting those bombs? A fraction of that," Ragna said coldly. She stepped between Tony and Steve, looking up at Barnes as he stood behind Rogers. "Privetstvuyu, soldat (Greetings, soldier)," she said. Bucky stiffened at her apparent familiarity with the Russian language and Steve pushed him back.

"Leave him alone!" he hissed. Ragna smirked.

"It doesn't suit my goals to use him," Ragna informed the captain. For now, she thought to herself as she admired the metal arm. She turned away from Bucky, not finding him interesting enough to air his dirty laundry. It had already been hung out to dry. She looked to Natasha and the smirk returned. "The Black Widow... the product of a vicious training program called the 'Red Room'. You are like me; raised to be the ultimate female killing machine."

"The ultimate female killing machine? Sounds like you've been hearing things from your father. Did he ever tell you how I turned his own words against him? I'm sure that was a blow to his pride," Natasha reminded and Ragna nodded.

"Oh, his mind wasn't entirely his own, so I can't really fault him for losing that argument. And also, I have more information about you that even Clinton Barton doesn't know about," Ragna countered.

"Oh, yeah? A newbie like you? What do you know?" Natasha challenged as she gently shifted her arm in its sling.

"Does the name Yelena Belova mean anything to you?" Ragna queried and Natasha visibly paled. Ragna's lips quirked up. "A sister-in-arms and you were the first to use and stab her in the back."

"I was following orders," Natasha explained.

"I'm sure that's what the Gestapo said when they were arrested, tried, and executed for war crimes," Ragna retorted. She walked away from Natasha and grinned when she caught Sam Wilson glaring at her. "And what does the other resident bird have to say to me?"

"Just that you say we're high and mighty and here you are looking down your nose at us," Sam said darkly and Ragna smiled.

"Oh, I had my faults. I used to be too impetuous and would take on people who were bigger than myself when I was a child. My father always said I had to wait, measure their abilities and discover the shortcomings I could use to my advantage. I became more calculating as a result. But, I had to fall on my face first," Ragna responded. She eyed his pack and smiled. "How many of those do you have on standby?" she queried.

"Oh, plenty! Don't you worry!" Sam rejoined and Ragna laughed. She glanced to Wanda and saw her eyes burn red briefly before she cried out and clutched her temples.

"Wanda!" Vision exclaimed as he supported her, making Tony's eyebrow go up.

"Why can't I... see... inside your mind? It's as if a wall is there to repel everything back upon me," Wanda said.

"Just another one of my many talents. Anyway, now that I've seen each of you and sized you up, I can give you the intelligence I said I would. However, there is a caveat: myself and any other Westerosi generals are to be given positions of power in battles against these monsters. We know more about them than you do. You may still maintain your captains and lieutenants, but they must follow our commands when given," Ragna stated.

"You're asking us to turn over military command to you? Sorry, ain't happening," Sam cut in before either Steve or Tony could answer. Ragna's lips fluttered as she tried to control a smirk that was appearing on her face.

"Then how about we do a test run? I bring some of my men over and we have a skirmish with the Wight Walkers. You observe us and see if we're really worth a damn," Ragna offered. "That way the only loss of life is our own." The Avengers turned to look at each other. Even though they had been enemies for the last couple of years, Tony and Steve instinctively looked to one another. They took a step back from the other and tried to be casual about it; however, Ragna caught them and hid her grin.

Steve finally cleared his throat and said, "That is something Tony will have to discuss with the higher ups. I'm not privy to that status anymore." Tony opened his mouth to protest, but Steve just gave him a small smile before he turned back to Ragna. "Does that suit your highness?" Ragna nodded and held out her hand. Steve took it and they shook on it.

"We have an accord."

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