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I always say yes to them.

Here I am at a loud club with my best friends Isabella and Alex and Theo. I loved to go clubbing once and a while when I'm not working.

In my entire life its the first time i've felt happy for the past 5 years. After running away from my abusive father and alcoholic mother I felt alive.

Even if I still have some healing scars I'm not ashamed of them. They just prove that I'm strong. I've created confidence for myself over the past 4 years and I'm proud of myself for it.

"One more shot Mia!" Alex said while they all held up their drinks. 

"How many have we had already?" Theo asked

"Like three." I shrugged

"Hope you bitches can hold your liquor." Isabella said laughing.

With Theo counting down we all took the shot together making the same exact face then laughing at each other. "I hope I get laid tonight." Theo sighed

"When was the last time you even got laid?" I asked

"Yesterday." He said as I laughed trying to cover my mouth.

"Okay when was the last time you got laid?" He questioned

"I don't know, Alex you know I'm not focused on that." I told him.

"Yea we got to get you laid."

"Well I hope we all get laid tonight." Isabella replied sticking her tongue out. She went on grabbing our hands dragging us to the floor.

I laughed seeing Isabella dance on Theo while Alex already found her a guy. Pushing my hair from my face I felt hands onto my waist making me look back seeing a guy.

He wasn't bad looking but that approach was not acceptable. "You know it's rude to grope on girls."

"It's a club, people dance with anyone." He defended

"Still could've asked or something instead of just grabbing me like a fucking rag doll." I scoffed

"Feisty huh?" He said grabbing my waist again.

I rolled my eyes as I felt him being pushed off of me. "I know you heard what she said." The guys voice was deep with a thick Italian accent. He was wearing a suit but I couldn't really see judging from all the flashing lights.

The guy was about to say something until he looked up seeing the man when he stammered onto his words and ran off. "Thank you... but you didn't have to do that." I said

"I know, but I wanted to." He sternly said. I looked up at him more and he was indeed handsome. His beard was freshly shaved around his face with his buttons a little unbuttoned as well. He had black hair with a perfect structured jawline.

I was too distracted from his looks and was trying to find my words. "Thank you."

I felt his hand onto my chin lifting it up making me face him. "Eye contact is very important when speaking to others." His eyes were piercing into mine as he caught me in trance. "Think you might owe me a dance, if you want to of course." I laughed a little and nodded.

"Words bellissima." He said in his deep accent making me feel a waterfall in between my legs. (Beautiful)

"I wouldn't mind." I said as he smirked taking my hand in his twirling me around at first and brought me back into his hold. I looked over seeing Theo and Isabella grinning at me making me roll my eyes.

He turned me around with my back facing him and put his hands onto my waist with his other hand onto my chin lifting it up. His touch was so warm.

With my hips moving onto his I felt his hand slowly touch the inside of my thigh under my dress. Now it's a complete waterfall in my underwear.

"How do you move your body like this, Hm?" He whispered into my ear.

I laughed softly. "Don't tell me you can't keep up."

He chuckled. "Trust me, I can handle it."

Music was blasting through our ears, with lights flashing everywhere as he lifted my neck up a little more by my chin and slowly kissed my neck. He was taller than me so he bent his head down when I felt his warm lips onto my skin.

I pulled away from him turning around to face him seeing a smirk onto his face. "Follow me." I whispered grabbing his hand leading him through the crowd.

It was a hotel up the stairs from under the club. Now I see why Isabella chose this place.


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