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I reached over to Luciano's side feeling how cold the spot was making me frown while opening my eyes. He wasn't there...

I tried not to pout from the empty cold spot because I really hated waking up alone. I lifted my head up seeing a note on the dresser that was by me as I picked it up.

Sorry baby, had some things to do in the morning no matter how much I wanted to stay in bed with your warm body snuggling against mine. I'll be back before you know it, help yourself to anything in the house. I'll make it up to you so don't make the bed.

- Luciano

I smiled from the note putting it back down onto the dresser. I guess that'll do. Alex and Theo said they wanted to spend the day with me so I couldn't really spend the day with Luciano in bed on my off day since I didn't have work today.

Isabella still isn't talking. Well to me because I know she's talking to Theo and Alex even if they won't tell me.

I haven't seen them in a while so I guess it was for the best anyway, we needed to spend some time with each other again.

I flung the covers off of my naked body feeling a breeze as I headed in the shower rinsing my mouth out with mouth wash and washing my face.

I had to stop by my home as well to feed Bella. I should really get an assistant.

Getting out of the shower I wrapped the towel around my body walking out of the bathroom. I hummed to myself looking for something comfortable in Luciano's drawer as I smirked getting one of his white button shirts and some shorts. I didn't wear a bra with the dress yesterday so I basically didn't have a bra at all to wear right now or underwear considering that my underwear might still be in his car.

I peeked out of the door walking downstairs seeing one of his chefs in the kitchen with his housekeeper sweeping the floor making me flinch a little. "Sorry, I didn't know anyone was down here."

"It's fine, Mr.Rucci told me to make something for you." His chef said.

I walked over to the kitchen counter sitting down "T-Thank you, I could've made it myself... don't want to put any pressure on you."

"Nonsense Mrs.Summers, I love to cook, I have no problem with doing it." He assured

"You can call me Mia." I shrugged "Um, what are your names?" I asked

"I'm Sebastian, and that's Carla." He greeted as I waved at her when she sent me a warm smile. "This is the new dish that I've been trying out, care to take it for a test run?" He asked as I nodded

He slid the plate over to me as I cut a piece off tasting it. I felt like my taste buds were touched by an angel as I tried my hardest not to moan from the taste. "It's amazing, what is this?" I asked

"Eggs baked in tomato's." He said in his accent. Guessing he was German.

"Yeah, this is amazing. Have you made red velvet pancakes?" I asked

"Yes I have."

"Skillet blueberry cornbread?"

"Made it all girl." He said making me laugh.

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