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I felt a bright light flashing into my face making me groan opening my eyes slowly. With my eyes fully opening now, I looked around seeing I was still in the hotel from yesterday.

"Shit." I muttered to myself lifting up while rubbing my head. I looked to the side seeing my phone on the dresser seeing so many missed calls from Theo, Isabella, and Alex.

I heard commotion from the back making me jump when I saw a tall man walking through the door as I tried to find my taser in my purse. The guy walked inside the room as I saw that it was the same guy from yesterday.

"What the hell is wrong with you." I sighed putting my taser up. I looked under the sheets seeing I was completely naked making me remember that I did have sex with him last night.

And how completely amazing it was.

"I left out to get you breakfast if that's such a crime." He snarled as my eyes went wide. He slowly set the tray down onto the dresser that was next to me.


I sighed mentally rubbing my face and texting everyone back. I looked around onto the floor for my underwear as I saw it all the way across from the room making me groan.

I got up from under the covers getting it and putting it on hearing a laugh from him. "What's so funny?"'I teased

"You, and how panicked you look. I went to get you something because I knew how exhausted you would've been today from yesterday." He smirked

I rolled my eyes. "And what are you trying to say?" I finally found my dress and put it on as he watched me scanning my body slowly.

"That you were basically dying yesterday." He shrugged fixing his shirt.

I laughed. "Not really, i've had better."

I was lying. That was the best sex I've ever had. This man knows what he's doing.

He laughed turning back to face me "You've had better?"

I shrugged. "Isn't that what I said." He slowly came over to me grabbing my waist and backed me up against the wall with his body pressing onto mine.

He leaned his face towards mine and trailed his breath onto my neck while giving my ear a light kiss. I felt his hand travel to the back of my thigh stroking it gently and continued to lead his hand up my dress gripping my ass firmly.

I breathed out a moan as he slowly started to leave kisses and hickeys onto my neck with his hand going to the inside of my thighs stroking in between them.

His breath trailed all over my skin with his touch being so warm I felt so safe and relaxed from it. His two fingers rubbed my pussy from the outside of my underwear when I felt him move my underwear to the side.

He grabbed my chin with his free hand making me face him when I felt his finger go inside of me deeply making me gasp gripping onto his arm.

His eyes pierced into mine and watching me moan intensely from his finger being inside of me as he slid another one inside. "Oh." I moaned with my leg rubbing against his and my other one trying to hold its balance.

His fingers felt amazing inside of me. He circled his fingers around and curled them up while kissing onto my neck. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Why is he so good at it.

"Want to repeat that?" He whispered while his fingers thrusted inside of me. I felt so over the edge my body started to heat up as I released hardly onto his fingers.

"Fuck." I breathed out holding my head back. I saw him smirk taking his hands out of my underwear and licked his fingers while making eye contact with me.

God damn it.

"Don't ever let those words come from your pretty little mouth. Understand?" He questioned deeply glaring into my eyes.

"I understand." I found myself saying as he pulled away.

How did he just...

"I never caught your name." I said trying to find my shoes.

"Luciano." He grinned taking his phone out.

I nodded picking my heals up getting my things. If I spend one more second with him we might end up fucking again. "Mia." I greeted as he nodded.

"I um... I have to go now," I mentioned being completely flustered while getting my phone making him laugh.

He just hummed putting his hands into his pocket.

God he's hot.

"Food?" He asked.

"I-I really have to go."

"I know you're starving."

I sighed giving in as he gave me the food. I shyly and quickly walked out the door taking in a deep breath. A guy has never made me nervous like that. I'm a 21 year old women, and I'm acting like a nervous teenager talking to her crush for the first time.

Making it to my condo I stammered while opening the door seeing Theo, Alex, and Isabella standing there with their arms crossed. "I am so sorry." I said as they all rolled their eyes at me in sync.

"Where the hell did you go? We saw you leave with that hot Italian men and never came back." Isabella said

"Well... I got laid." I breathed out as they all looked at me and cheered.

"That's amazing." Theo cheered going on. "But you aren't off the hook." He declared while crossing his arms going back to a serious face.

"I know okay I'm sorry, I fell asleep after. You guys know that I would never try to make you worry on purpose." I said

"Okay fine, now tell us. How was it?" Alex asked

I let out a deep breath dropping my heals. "Too much to tell."


Thank you for reading <3

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