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Feeling movements my eyes opened seeing Mia quickly remove my arms from around her and run inside the bathroom. I rubbed my eyes slowly sitting up on the bed trying to catch my vision hearing her vomiting.

"Baby you okay?" I asked getting up from the bed. I walked inside the bathroom holding her hair up. She coughed getting everything out. Finishing up she sighed rubbing her eyes. I let her hair down, and she got up going to sink rinsing her mouth out.

"I think I might've drank too much last night."'She said laughing a little leaning her arms on the counter.

"How much did you have?"

She shrugged. "Not that much, only three but it was in small glasses."

I walked up to her cupping her face into my hands. "Want me to call a doctor for you?"

She shook her head. "No I'm fine, probably just going to have a little headache." She walked back inside of the room and laid down onto the bed.

"It's still early in the morning, come on let's go back to sleep." She said making me chuckle. Joining her in bed she snuggled up against my chest closing her eyes.


"So..." I trailed while we were in bed playing uno strip tease with only our under clothes on now.

"So what?" She asked.

"Did you like the girls?"

She raised an eyebrow at me. "They were okay."

"Okay? Don't lie, tell the truth. I won't care."

She sighed taking in a deep breath. "They were all
bitches except Elisa. And that girl Martina your childhood friend? It took everything in my system to not strangle her. Kept going on and on about how you used to have a crush on her? Fucking hell. Then the others were talking about how many women you've been with and how they wanted to get with you? Elisa was the only one I liked."

My eyes went wide as I started laughing at everything she said. "You don't hold back. I never had a crush on Martina. She had one on me but I always just wanted to stay friends, and Sofia and Alessandra have always been bitches to me."

She laughed covering her mouth. "I don't know Martina just seemed like she hates on everyone for no reason. I get she's your childhood friend but seriously, I couldn't take it anymore."

"I told you to tell me if you wanted to leave or felt uncomfortable."

"I know... but you were finally seeing your friends after months If I just told you that I wanted to leave after only a few minutes of being there I would've felt bad. I wanted you to enjoy the time with your friends so yes, I put up with hell for hours." She shrugged.

"You could've stood by me then. We could've left if you wanted to I wouldn't have minded."

"I know but still, it's fine though." She assured. She added four cards to mine and didn't have any left meaning that she won making me gasp. "Take them off." She said cheering me on.

I rolled my eyes mentally getting up from the bed. "Take them off! Take them off! Take them off!" She cheered.

I grinned sliding down my underwear and taking them off fully as she cheered louder. "Now this is a game." She smirked biting her lip. Of course I'm hard right now.

"Come here, I don't bite." She joked making me laugh.

"We're going another round." I said crossing my arms.

"We already went through three rounds, and I've won all of them." She sighed.

"Well I want to go again." I defended.

"Fine. One more round and that's it. You can put your clothes back on... I guess." She pouted.

"I will win this round." I said putting my clothes back on making her squint eyes at me.


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