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"Mia if you eat another one of my brownies I'm going to stick my finger inside of that bullet hole." Mattheo said as she sat on the couch eating popcorn.

"You said I could have one."

"Yeah. One. Not two. Not three. One!" He said.

"Just make more." She sighed.

"I will. In another oven far away from you." He said walking out of the living room.

I sat next to her on the couch putting her thigh onto my leg stroking it gently. "Want to take one of my cars on a test drive?"

She turned to looked at me. "One of your suicide mobiles? No thank you."

"Come on baby, just one test drive. You'll love it and want to keep going after." I smirked.

She side eyed me biting the inside of her cheek. "Okay... I have to change this bandage first and clean the wound though."

"I'll do it for you." I told her as she nodded.

2 hours later

"Just lift your foot from the pedal slowly." I repeated for the 3rd time.

"But I-" Mia stammered.

"Baby... I have lots of patience when it comes to you but we've been in this driveway for 20 minutes. Just slowly lift your foot and watch it roll, you'll love it after." I assured.

"Okay." She sighed taking in a deep breath. She lifted her foot up as the pedal as the car started to just roll slowly. The fact that we were in the Maserati and she was still afraid.

"Okay, I might like this." She said as the car started to go a little fast. She rolled the window, and lifted her foot up more and started to drive. The car was going fast as I held onto the seat making sure my seat belt was on.

God she's crazy.

I haven't seen her like this in days. She's been smiling a lot but truly having fun? No. Not in days.

When I first met her she was so energetic. And she still is.

It's been almost a year since we've met.

Fuck she has me whipped.

The car was going faster and faster by the second. I'm glad no one else was on the road. "Mia." I tried to call out but she was too busy enjoying the moment.

She looked completely happy like she was in her own world with the wind blowing through her hair. "I love this." She squealed going even faster.

The car started to slow down as she parked it in a empty parking lot "I see you had fun."

"I see why everyone buys these." She breathed out.

She took off her seatbelt and climbed over to my side sitting into my lap straddling me. I put my hands onto her waist as she smirked giving me a kiss onto the lips.

"We never had full sex in a car before." She whispered as I slid my tongue across her bottom lip. I grabbed her neck kissing her deeply while plunging my tongue into her mouth feeling her grind onto me.

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