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"So you don't miss me?" I said dramatically on the phone with Mia.

"It's only been three days since you've seen me, in plus you needed this time to spend with your parents." She insisted

I sighed. "I know, i'm coming over today just so you know. My parents are going to be very busy today planning everything and they won't let me help because it's supposed to be a surprise. I'm a grown man and my parents are planning my birthday. It's very embarrassing." I stated as I heard her laugh.

"I don't mind you coming over, I've just been helping cleaning out some of Gretas stuff with her daughter."

"How are you feeling about Greta? Feeling any better?" I asked.

"A little... basically just had a crying meltdown when I was packing up things and saw some of her pictures. Like when she was a teenager and stuff, but it made me happy as well to know that she had a good life." She sighed.

I smiled. "I'm glad your okay."

"Oh hush." She teased "I have to go, tell me when you get close."

"Of course I will." I said as she laughed hanging up.

Sooner or later my father came inside the room "Come on, we're taking you to pick up your sister with us."

"Thought she wouldn't have gotten by here until tonight." I said getting up.

"Well since your birthday is tomorrow she wanted to come early". He assured.

Looks like Violetta Rucci is in town.

In a car for an hour with my parents and brother. Time to get ready for thousands of questions and Mattheo spilling his big mouth.

"Where's mother?" I asked.

"She's already in the car."

Walking outside and getting inside of the car my mother was fixing her nails and smiled seeing me get inside as the driver closed the door. "My Luci boy" She cooed.

"Mama." I greeted bending down a little as she kissed my cheek. "How have you been?" I asked.

"I've been delightful of course. The ball is almost ready for your party, are you excited?" She asked smiling.

That's the thing about my mother, you can never say no to her. I know how excited she is about planning my birthday since she hasn't had the time to come out and visit lately.

And I always like to see her happy so I just let her have this.

"I'm very excited, thank you Mama." I told her giving her cheek a kiss as she smiled.

Arriving at the stop Violetta came off the Jet and saw us as Mother rushed towards her giving her a big hug. My mother loved to hug people, she's a very cheerful women. "Ciao madre." Violetta greeted giving her a warm hug. (Hi mother)

"Violetta, mia preziosa figlia." Mother greeted
(My precious daughter).

"Welcome home Angel." My dad greeted giving her a hug and a forehead kiss. While she greeted our parents they walked back to the car as she came up to me and punched me in the arm.

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