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Three days later.


"You ready?" Luciano asked. I took in a deep breath and nodded getting up off the stool. I was now about to see my parents after four years. He locked them down in a basement in one of his hideouts.

I never really been to one of his hideouts before or anything.

I might have lots of mixed emotions considering my period just started yesterday and my cramps were hurting today but not as bad as yesterday.

Walking down the stairs with Luciano holding my hand, and Mattheo on the other side we stepped in front of a door that was green with a few bullets in it.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked turning to face me cupping my face into his hands.

"I want to do this."

He nodded as Mattheo unlocked the door. We stepped inside as I looked around seeing the room dark. The lights came on as I met the faces of my parents.

They were muffling things under the gags that were in their mouth. They were facing in each other in the chairs with their hands and legs tied. Walking closer to them they both turned to me as I froze feeling myself about to cry.

Don't back out Mia.

Seeing my moms face she looked terrible. Her hair was even worse than before with her eyes completely red. That's what alcohol and drugs will do to you.

My father looked the same. The same huge men with the beer belly. Same hair as well.

When they saw me my mothers eyes soften and my father was furious as he tried breaking through the chair making me flinch stepping back.

Luciano stood behind me wrapping his arms around me. "It's okay, they can't hurt you anymore." He whispered.

I nodded taking in a deep breath. "I want to do this alone, I need to do this alone."

"No." He maintained.

"Luciano... please." I sighed.

"I can't leave you in here with them."

"If I don't do this alone I won't be able to get everything out. You can just stand behind the door, I'll come out if I can't handle it. Please." I begged.

He looked at me then rubbed his face. "Fine, only for a minute. If you're still in here after one minute I'm coming in okay?"

He took one of his guns from his back pocket handing it to me. "I don't need that..." I trailed.

"Take it. It's for your safety." He assured.

I took in a deep breath taking it and put it in the back of my pants. He gave me a kiss onto the forehead as him and Mattheo walked out.

I walked up to my mom taking the gag out of her mouth. "Mia... honey? Is that you?" She asked.

Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I faced her. "It's me."

"Oh my god honey, I've missed you so much." She said. I knew she was lying but somehow I didn't care It was just good to hear those kind of words come out of her mouth.

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